Mailing List:2002-08-17 03, Reunion, by Joan Reznowski

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Mailing List Archives > 2002-08-17 03, Reunion, by Joan Reznowski

From: Lorne Reznowski <lreznows -at- Ms.UManitoba.CA> Subject: [WHITNEY-L] Reunion Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2002 07:39:25 -0500 Sorry to have missed the reunion and seeing the Cambridge area again. I gained a new grandchild this week and one of my daughters came from Arizona to be tested to give her brother a kidney. She is a perfect match but with our medical system Canadian) she may have to wait until April 2002 for the operation. Our son has already waited for over 2 yrs. The lady in charge of the transplant program is named Starr and goes back to Comfort Starr (Starre) the first surgeon of Cambridge in the l600's and his home was the beginning of Harvard. His decendents married into the Henry and John Whitneys. Joan

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