Mailing List:2003-04-25 01, Whitney blankets-again!, by Rose Zella Proctor

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Mailing List Archives > 2003-04-25 01, Whitney blankets-again!, by Rose Zella Proctor

From: Rose Zella Proctor <zella -at-> Subject: [WHITNEY-L] Whitney blankets-again! Date: Fri, 25 Apr 2003 21:48:20 -0600 I had a pleasant experience tonight that I'd like to share. Our small town has programs on the humanities and sponsored by the State of Wyoming. Tonight the program was on, "Mountainmen, Fur Trappers and Fur Traders" He (the man who put on the program) had a blanket coat from that era. And as he told about it he said, "The originals were made from Whitney Blankets" I told him I was so pleased to hear someone know something more than just 'Hudson Bay Blankets.' He said the reason he knew so much as being a historian and recreating from that era it was one of the things that came up. He said according to what he found that Whitney sold out to the NorthWest Company who later sold out to Hudson Bay. He also said that his opinion of the Hudson Bay company from that era was that they were a bunch of scoundrels. Interesting! There was a label in the coat, which he had made from an old blanket as authentic as he could make it. The label read- "Original Witney Point ' made by the Northwest Company. Oh yes he said the stripes in the blankets told the size of the blanket, which at that time were mostly 2 1/2 or 3's. He said there was seldom a 4 in those years. There was no h in the Whitney. Rose Zella

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