Mailing List:2003-08-01 02, talents, by Brenda Gallaher

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Mailing List Archives > 2003-08-01 02, talents, by Brenda Gallaher

From: "Gallaher, Brenda ." <BGallahe -at-> Subject: [WHITNEY-L] talents Date: Fri, 1 Aug 2003 08:05:10 -0600 Dear Allan, I'm not musical, but I do a lot of crafts. I sew, quilt, crochet, counted cross-stitch, make candles and I am teaching myself to knit. So my talent lies elsewhere. I wish I could play the violin. Brenda B. Gallaher Henry descendant Dear Lois (and WRG) Hooray. Glad to see musical Whitneys getting their proper recognition. Spent my entire working life as a college music teacher of Theory, Conducting and Strings. Sorry I can't add a Whitney name to the musical list, but like to think that my musical bent came from that side of the family. Both my mother (Doris Betzner Green) and my grandmother (Alice May Whitney Betzner) were very good pianists and the family orchestra back in the first third of the 20th C. played for years for hundreds of musical occasions in the southeast corner of Kent County, MI. Any more musical Whitneys out there?? Allan E. Green

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