Archive:Boston, Cemeteries

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Archives > Archive:Extracts > Boston, Cemeteries

Dunkle, Robert J., and Lainhart, Ann S., Inscriptions and Records of the Old Cemeteries of Boston (Boston, MA, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2000).

Central (Boston Common) Burial Ground

[p. 3] TOMB 3
Chaffee, Edward L., fam. Jonathan, July 19, 1845 ae 30 y. 2 m.; Marshall Whitney, owner
[p. 17] TOMB 22
Whitney, Ephraim, Apr. 12, 1846, ae 55 y.; Ephraim Whitney, co-owner.
[p. 29] TOMB 30 1/2
Whitney, Harriet F., fam. William D., Dec. 6, 1841, ae 1 y.
Whitney, William F., fam. William D., Sept. 15, 1840, ae 2 y. 6 m.
[p. 60] TOMB 74. "Wm. P. Matchett & Jonathan Whitney's Tomb"
Matchett, Joanna L., fam. William P., Feb. 20, 1818, ae 1 y. 10 m.
Whitney, Fanny, fam. Zacheus, ----- 1810, ae. 27 y.
[p. 91] TOMB 123.
Whitney, Lucy, June 14, 1815, ae 2 y.
Whitney, Lucy, Feb. 28, 1821, ae 38 y.
[p. 92] TOMB 123.
Whitney, Samuel, Mar. 8, 1811, ae 2 y.
Whitney, Sarah Jane, May 5, 1811, ae 3 m.
[p. 119] NO TOMB NUMBER.
Whitney, Horatio, fam. Simon, May 1, 1814, ae 2 m. Tomb of Osgood & Whitney.

Granary Burial Ground

[p. 414] No. 5.
Whitney, Joseph, b. Concord, Sept. 19, 1771, h. Sally Collins, s. Samuel and Abigail Cutler, June 24, 1812, ae 41 y. [ae. 42 y. Tomb 5].
[p. 427] No. 31
Whitney, Henry, fam. Otis C., Dec. 28, 1844.
[p. 470] No. 135
Whitney, Catherine F., from Weston, Aug. 20, 1819, ae 19 y.
Whitney, William P., Feb. 7, 1830, ae 30 y.
[p. 472] No. 137
Whitney, Hannah, Aug. 21, 1841, ae 27 y.
[p. 476] No. 145
Whitney, John, fam. John, Aug. 27, 1816, ae 47 y.
[p. 484] No. 156
Whitney, William D., fam. William,m Jan. 24, 1845 ae 2 y. 9 m.
[p. 515] No. 203
Whitney, Charles H., fam. George, Apr. 6, 1830, ae 5 y.
Whitney, George H., fam. John F., Nov. 10, 1845, ae 2 m.
Whitney, Nahum, Jr., fam. Nahum, Aug. 24, 1828, ae 10 m.
Whitney, Sarah Ann, fam. John F., June 7, 1844, ae 21 d.
[p. 539] G224:
"Here lies Buried the Body of Mrs. | Anna Bowes the Consort of | Mr. William Bowes & Youngest Daur. to | Mr. Benjamin & Mrs. Abigail Whitney | who Departed this Life the Second | day of June 1762 | in the twenty Sixth Year | of her Age." [verse follows].
[p. 693] Whitney, Abigail
G223: "Here lies Buried | the Body of Mrs. | Abigail Whitney, | who departed this Life | August 1st 1767 | aged 71 Years | & 4 months."
Whitney, Abigail
G222 [on stone with Joseph, Sally C., & Samuel]: "Abigal Whitney, | his Wife, | Daughter of David & Lydia Cutler, Born in Boston, March 24, 1735, | Died at Castine, Me. July 2, 1813 | Aged 78."
Whitney, Benjamin [no entry in card file] [no entry May copy]
[Essex]: "Whitney, Benjamin, h. Abigail, -----, 1737."
[Copeland]: "will, 19 Oct., prov. 9 Nov."
Whitney, Benjamin
G225: "Here Lies Buried | The Body Of | Benjamin Whitney | Son Of Mr. Benjamin | & Mrs. Abigail Whitney | Died March 22d | 1750 | Aged 18 Years | 10 Mo. and 14 Days."
Whitney, George
G226: "Here Lies Buried | The Body Of | George Whitney | Son to Mr. | Benjamin & Mrs. | Abigail Whitney, | Aged 18 Years | & 9 Mo. Died Decr. | 26th 1751."
[p. 694] Whitney, Joseph
G222 [on stone with Abigail, Sally C. & Samuel]: "In Memory | of | Joseph Whitney | and | Sarah Collins Whitney His Wife | He was the seventh son of | Samuel & Abigail Cutler Whitney, | Born in Concord, Sept 19, 1771 Died in Boston, June 24, 1812, | Aged 41 Years." [verse follows]
Whitney, Sally Collins
G222 [on stone with Abigail, Joseph & Samuel]: "Sally Collins Whitney | Born June 1773 | Died Newburyport, of Yellow fever, | Sept 22, 1799 | Aged 26 Years. This Stone is erected to the memory of | His Father and Mother | by their only child."
Whitney, Samuel
G222 [on stone with Abigail, Joseph & Sally C.]: "Samuel Whitney | Son of Benjamin & Abigail Whitney | Born in Marlborough Mass sept 5, 1734 | Died at Castine, Me. May 29, 1808 | Aged 74 Years."
Whitney, Timothy
G859 [part of right side gone]: "Timothy W----- | Son Of | Benjamin & | Sarah Whitne- | Aged 12 Years | Decd. Sept Ye 2- | 1737."

Hawes Street Cemetery

[p. 714] (on stone with Phillip J. Morris)
"Also | Abby F. | Infant child of | Peter L. & Mary Whitney, | died Aug. 24, 1850, | aged 7 months & 5 Days."

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