Archive:Gardiner, Maine, Vital Records

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Archives > Archive:Vital Records > Archive:Maine, Vital Records > Gardiner, Maine, Vital Records

Henry Sewall Webster, ed., Vital Records of Gardiner, Maine to the Year 1892 (Gardiner, ME: The Reporter-Journal Press, 1914).


C.R.1. - Church record, Christ Church, Episcopal.
C.R.4. - Church record, Free Baptist Church.
G.R.3. - Gravestone record, Oak Grove,Cemetery


Part I, Page 183


Abel, Sept. 10, 1811. G.R.3.
Alice, [twin] d. Thomas R. and Emeline W., July 18, 1855, in Farmingdale. C.R.1.
Augustine, [twin] s. Thomas R. and Emeline W., July 18, 1855, in Farmingdale. C. R.1.
Bertha Gertrude, d. Thomas B. and Emily, Nov. 2, 1862.
Caroline P., d. Gorham, Mar. 11, 1832.
Charles Sumner, June 15, 1857. G.R.3.
Chester A., s. Gorham, Jan. 29, 1844.
Franklin Thomas, s. Thomas B. and Emily, Nov. 12, 1860.
Gorham M., s. Gorham, Feb. 6, 1840.
Hannah T., d. Gorham, Apr. 20, 1837.
Harriet O., d. Gorham, June 16, 1841.
Lydia [Smith], w. Abel, July 22, 1808. G.R.3.
Nellie Emily, d. Thomas B. and Emily, Sept. 3, 1864.
Phebe C., w. Orrington G. Andrews, [------], 1831. G.R.3.
Rebecca, w. Thomas W. Andrews, [-----], 1815. G.R.3.
Sarah H., w. Nathaniel Decker, [----], 1809. G.R.3.


Part II, Pages 512-513


Benj[amin] C., of Salem, Mass., and Carrie E. McCausland, July 29, 1890. *
Bethsheba, and David Hamlin, int. June 5, 1842. [m. June 22, Augusta Record]
Cha[rle]s S., and Nellie T. Lambard, Jan. 20, 1892.
Dunham, and Margarete D. Coombs, int. May 8, 1871.
Eliza, of Hallowell, and Jonathan Bangs, Jan. 25, 1848.*
Emily W., Mrs. and John Smith, Sept. 15, 1868.
Grace M., and James E. Drake, Dec. 18, 1889, in Albion.
Harriet A., and George L. Smith, Nov. 4, 1867.
Isaac S., and Mary E. Mitchell, int. Aug. 30, 1852.
Julia, of Hallowell, and Russell Phillips, int. Sept. 25, 1852. [m. Sept. 27, Hallowell Record].
Lucy NOTE, of Augusta, and Charles McDonald, May 31, 1873.*
Martha Cox NOTE, and Rev. Swanton Ranks, Apr. 28, 1858.
Olive [int. adds H.] NOTE, and Thomas Dana, July 18, 1829.
Perley M., of Bangor, and Lizzie L. Willey, Dec. 31, 1890.
Rebecca, of Augusta, and Robert Gould, int. Sept. 9, 1820.
Rebecca, Miss [Mrs., int.], and Thomas W. Andrews, Dec. 30, 1861.
Samuel Moray, of Topsham, and Georgianna Mary Robinson, Feb. 17, 1864, in Pittston.* C.R.1.
Sylvia B., and John F. Townsend, July 8, 1844.
Thankful, of Augusta, and John Kimball, Nov. 30, 1826.
Thomas B. [P., int.], and Emily Crockett, Feb. 18, 1860, in West Gardiner.
Tryphenia, of Hallowell, and Charles W. Bancroft, Jan. 12, 1853.*
Tryphina, and David Bangs, Nov. 20, 1831.
William, and Aphiah Church, int. Feb. 11, 1860.

* Intention not recorded.


Part II, Pages 183, 669


Alice NOTE, of Farmingdale, bu[ried] [---], 1871. C.R.1.
Aphia, w. W[illia]m, Oct. 20, 1890, a. 57.
B. M., May 1, 1890, a. 84.
Catherine P., d. Gorham and Olive, Apr. 16, 1855, a. 23. [Caroline, Apr. 17, G.R.3].
Chester Adams, s. Gorham and Olive, Sept. 27, 1864. G.R.3.
Ellen Z., Miss, Feb. 16, 1876, a. 29. [Nellie Z., d. Gorham and Olive, G.R.3].
Frances H., d. Gorham [and Olive, G.R.3], Nov. 24, 1860, a. 23.
Gorham, Dea., May 14, 1859, a. 53.
Hannah, Mrs. NOTE, Dec. 26, 1860, a. 18.
Hepsebeth, Aug. 20, 1882, a. 71.
Olive, Mrs., Apr. 15, 1890, a. 80y. 7m., in Green, Michigan.
Sarah, [----], 1870. C.R.4.
Sarah S., wid. Thomas G., bu[ried] Dec. 17, 1863, a. 85, in Farmingdale. C.R.1.
Simeon, Mar. 27 [Feb. 27, G.R.3], 1859, a. 59.
Thomas, of Farmingdale, Mar. 5, 1881, a. 74. C.R.1.
Thomas B., Nov. 9, 1865. [a. 29, G.R.3].

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