Archive:Genealogical Register of Sherborn and Holliston

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Archives > Archive:Extracts > Genealogical Register of Sherborn and Holliston

Morse, Rev. Abner, A.B., Genealogical Register of The Inhabitants and History of the Towns of Sherborn and Holliston (Boston: Damrell & Moore, 1856) pp.257-260

Transcribed by Jeanne (Whitney) Muse
Indentions and bold lettering for emphasis and clarification only. Horizontal lines and other punctuation copied per original.


Since the issue of the first part of the ensuing work, embracing, with the genealogies of several races traced principally abroad, all the births, marriages and deaths recorded in Sherborn and Holliston prior to 1800, and many, by request, of later dates, I have concluded to add the histories of these towns, or rather such portions of them as had not been interwoven with the genealogies. In doing this, I have incorporated much of the History of Sherborn, by Wm. Bigelow, Esq., a pamphlet published in 1830, and of a Century Sermon, delivered 1827, by Rev. Charles Fitch, then of Holliston, both of which have become scarce, and the former quite out of print. Influenced by the conviction that I had become a solitary depositary of facts and reliable traditions worthy of preservation, made investigations which no other might undertake until too late, and arrived at conclusions desirable to be verified or refuted; that the history of communities, sprung from the stock of the Puritans, and moulded and guided by their sentiments, would afford pleasure and instruction to present and future generations of their race; that these collections, without improvement in their arrangement, or other index than a table of contents, might serve the ends of genealogy and, of topographical, civil and ecclesiastical history, and facilitate the labors of an abler hand in the production of a work more complete, accurate, attracting and available, I have performed the labor and incurred the expense of issuing this volume, satisfied with any patronage that may cover the outlay, gratified if it shall meet with any approbation, thankful for criticisms, tolerant of censures, and well rewarded, if it shall turn the hearts of children to the fathers, and induce a stricter imitation of their virtues.


Boston, April 20, 1856

[p. 3]


26. 75. Moses18 probably inherited his father's land, in Sherborn, situated on Wennekeening Brook, and now in Hol. He seems to have had his house lot of 20 acres assigned him on Chestnut Brook, where he undoubtedly lived. He was tythingman 1696, and selectman 1701, drew land in Douglas 1715, and d. 1724. He m. Lydia Whitney, b. Jly. 3, 1657, and d. May 27, 1724, dg. of Jona. W. of Watertown, by w. Lydia Jones, and had —

84. 80. I. Benoni, Nov. 3, 1681;
II. Lydia, Feb. 2, '84, m. John Fisk, Jly. 31, 1706;
III. Elizabeth, Sep. 18, '86, d. June 17, '89;
IV. Hannah, Feb. 8, '88, d. Jly. 21, 1718, m. Nathl. Fisk, Jan. 16, 1706;
V. Elizabeth, Oct. 25, '89, m. Daniel Rider, May 16, 1711.
88. 81. VI. Moses, Nov. 26, '91, d. prior to 1730.
88-1/2. 82. VII. James, Jly. 7, 1693.
91. 83. VIII. Isaac, Mar. 4, '95, d. June 5, 1730;
IX. Abigail, Sept. 7, '97, m. Nathl. Perry.


80. 84. Benoni,19 m. Mary, r. in Hol. and drew land in Doug. 1715 and '30.

92. 85. I. Asa, Mar. 15, 1725.
86. II. Daniel, Jan. 21, '27;
III. David, Aug. 6, '29, d. Sept. 17, '29.
87. IV. Isaac, Dec. 15, '33; V. Sarah, Mar. 6, '35.


81. 88. Moses,19 m. Deborah Sawin, Mar. 27, 1716, r. S. and had,

I. Moses, Dec. 14, 1716, d. Dec. 17, '16;
II. Moses, Feb. 27, '20, d. Sept. 4, '21;
III. Moses, who d. July, 23, '56, a. 35, m. Lois Haven, Nov. '44, settled in Fram. and had Moses Rev. A. M. Oct. 16, '49, gad. '71, H. C., s. at Acton, '77, m. Abigl. Stone, of fram., and d. Oct. 13, 1819, the f. of Moses (Har. U. 1797,) Joseph, A. M., (H. U. 1803,) and Josiah, A. M. (1801, H. U.,) a Lawyer at Fram. and author of the Genealogy of the Havens.


82. 88-1/2. James,19 m. Abigail Hill, dg. of John H., was selectman 1725, r. S., had

94. 89. I. James, Mar. 13, 1714-15;
II. Abigail, Mar. 3, 1717, m. Saml. Warfield, Mendon, Mar. 13, '33;
III. Elizabeth, Sep. 4, 1719, m. Elisha Rockwood, of Groton;
IV. Hannah, Jan. 21, '23-4.
100. 90. V. Moses, Apl. 27, '26; VI. John, Sept. 8, '28, d. June 21, '44.


83. 91. Isaac,19 m. Martha -----, who m. 2d Benj. Green, of Mend., Oct. 26, '33. Isaac had by her at Hol.,

I. Martha, Jly. 10, 1723;
II. Elizabeth, Jan. 17, '24-5;
III. Abigail, Mar. 4, '26-7;
IV. Hepsebath, June 8, '29.

[p. 11]


10. Ebenezer, May 26, 1785, m. Rhoda Woodard, who d. Dec. 14, 1840, a. 74, r.S.

I. Caroline, Mar. 1, 1786, d. Feb. 26, 1833, m. Cyrus Barbour of Warwick;
II. Patience, Apl. 11, '88, at Dublin, m. Moses Leland, Oct. 25, 1807, r. Templeton;
III. Anna, Feb. 25, '91, at D., m. Henry Patridge, r. Medfield;
IV. Ebenezer, May 15, '93, at D., m. Sylvia Jennings, 2d Mary Whitney, r. Walpole;
V. Sylvia Dec. 22, '98, at S., m. Joseph B. Flagg of S.;
VI. Mary, Deo. 17, 1802, at S., m. Tho. Bisphan, r. Natick;
VII. Malichi, Dec. 17, 1802, m. Sally Kimball, r. S.

[p. 13]


20. 27. Elisha, m. Silence , d. Nov. 14, 1704, a. 77; settled on the farm of Cpt. Joseph Morse, deceased, and now owned by Walter Barber, in Sherborn, and had

I. Zachery, m. Patience Whitney, '75, had Esther, '76, and Olive, '78;
II. Deborah, May 3, 1754, m. Tho. Greenwood, r. Winchendon;
III. Sarah, Mar. 17, '56 ; m. Zibeon Hooker of S. and Newton;
31. 29. IV. Elisha, May 31, '58, m. Martha Bullard;
34. 30. V. Oliver, Jan. 26, '63, m. Nancy Bullard;
VI. Silence, Oct. 18, '65; m. John Clark, r. S.

[p. 33]


42. 76. John,6 Esq., s. in S., m. Mary Whitney, dg. of Hon. Daniel W., Esq.; was Selectman 8 years, and Representative 1819, and had

I. Sally,7 Mar. 5, 1794, m. Martin Clark, of S., who d. at Savannah; 2d, Wm. Stratten, of S., and had John B.,8 Mary W.,8 Eliza M.,8 who m. And. Becker, and has 2 chd'n.;9
II. Mary W.,7 Feb. 5, 1804, m. Harry Bullard;
III. Elizabeth,7 May 16, '07, d. Dec. 5, '44, without issue; m. Richard Richardson, of Med.;
IV. John W.,7 May 13, '09, d. yg.;
V. Daniel,7 May 13, '11, inherits the central division of the ancient Bullard Farm at Bogistow Pond, and occupies a house built 1822, ab. 60 rods W. of the site of the first house. He m. Abigail Shumway, dg. of Capt. John S., of Dover; 2d, Mary Ann H. Hixon, dg. of Isaac, or Asa H., of Med., and has John S.,8 Abby A.8 and by 2d w., Ella M.8 and Frank.8

[p. 47]

126. 147. Galim,6 s. on a part of the ancient Bukkin Farm, on the W. side of Brush Hill, in S., and by w. Sarah Daniels had

I. Sally7 Sept. 10, 1795, m. Tim. Twitchell, rs. S.;
II. Richard7 Feb. 21, '98, m. [Family:Whitney, Jemima (c1796-1834)|Jemima Whitney]];
III. Hiram,7,;
IV. Lavina.

[p. 60]


8. 11. Samuel,4 m. 1746, Mary More, from Sud., and 2d, Sarah Harrington, '53-7, was selectman 1773 and '83, inherited E. half of the homestead, and had

I. Molly,5 Oct. 13, '47, m. Jonah Clark, and s. at Petersham.
19. 12. II. Samuel,5 Aug. 7, '49, m. Elizabeth Learned;
III. Arthur,5 Jly. 24, '51, a soldier of the revolution, burnt to death at Jeflfery, N. H., Mar., '85, um.
21. 13. IV. Wm.,5 Dea., Oct. 21, '53, d. Ap. 15, 1846, m. Elizabeth Whitney.
V. Joseph,5 May 6, '58, d. Jan. 20, 1837, m. and settled at Gardner.
VI. Josiah,5 Ap. 27, '60, d. '79, um., in the army.
VII. Benj.,5 May 30, '62, d. Nov. 28, 1827, m. and settled at Gardner.
23. 16. VIII. Asa,5 Nov. 20, '63, d. 1846;
IX. Eunice, May 14, 1765, m. Stephen Purlin, of Petersham;
X. Lois,5 Mar. 24, '67, d. Dec. 24, '91, m. Mr. Pierce;
XI. Esther,5 May 25, '69, d. um., a '19;
XII. Timothy,5 Aug. 6, '71, d. um., Dec. 29, 1800.

13. 21. William,5 Dea., long a leading and honored citizen of S., early imbibed the spirit of '76; entered the army in the commencement of the conflict, served 5 years as a soldier, was in the battle of Bunker Hill and at the surrender of Burgoyne, became a member of the chh., served her as deacon and the Town as selectman, kept a store and tavern upon the plain where his son Alpheus rs., was much employed in settling estates, and sustained through a long life a high character for responsibility, soundness of judgment and integrity. He married Elizabeth Whitney, June 24, 1784, dg. of Hon. Daniel Whitney, who d. Feb. 27, 1835. He died Ap. 15, 1846, a. 92, 6m. He had

22. I. Alpheus,6 Esq., Mar. 29, 1785;
II. Polly, Jan. 20, '89, d. yg.
III. Polly,6 Jan. 18, '92, m. Samuel Leland, of S.

[p. 62]

Joseph Cleale, b. May 12, 1794, at Ipswich, Mass., s. of Jos. C. (fr. Horton, Somersetshire, Eng.,) by w. Mille Mann, fr. Walpole, Mass., s. in W. S., ab. 1816, m. Susan Wood; 2d Grace (Chamberlain) Hewens; 3d, Betsey R. Tisdale, has

I. Alfred, by 1st w., m. Mary Snelling, rs. H.;
II. Lydia Ann;
III. Susan A., m. James Bobertson Whitney;
IV. Joseph A., d. a. 17.
V. Alonzo, d. a. 15;
VI. Albert;
VII. Augustus;
VIII. Artemas.
IX. Edwin;
X. Isabella;
XI. Jos. A., by 2d w.;
XII. Mary A.

[p. 65]


7. 15. Isaac, m. Martha (Haven) Wessan, who d. Oct. 21, 1746, at H., was constable in S., 1721, s. 1 m. S., of Washacum Pond, in Ashland, and had

I. Isaac, May 13, 1716, d. unm.;
II. Martha, Dec. 2, '17, d. unm., Mar. 12, '37-8;
III. Elizabeth, Nov. 25. '20, m. Daniel Jenning, of H., Jly. 11, '39, and had I. Daniel and II. Isaac, both of whom s. on the homestead.
IV. Sarah, Nov. 22, '23, m. George Whitney, of Hol.
24. 17. V. Joseph, Feb. 2, '26, d. Dec. 27, 1787, a. 61;
VI. Rebecca, Mar. 24, '28-29, d. Nov. 19, 1807, m. Ezekiel Morse, of Med.
VII. Meroy, Aug. 24, '32, d. Oct. 26, 1770, m. Joseph Johnson, of H.

[p. 66]

24. 17. Joseph, m. Susanna Eames, who d. Dec. 18, '59; 2d, Abigail Jones, dg. of Col. Jones, of Hopk., and who d. May 25, 1806, a. 80. Joseph inherited the homestead in Holl., now Ashland, and had

I. Martha, Apl. 18, 1747, m. Robt. Muzzy, r. Dublin;
II. Joseph, May 24, '49, killed in the war of the revolution;
III. Susanna, m. Isaac Cousins, of S.
27. 26. IV. Isaac, Aug. 29, 62, d. Aug. 28, 1843, m. Sarah Morse, his cous.
V. Abigail, Mar. 28, '63, d. Mar. 25, 1853, m. Isaac Jennings, of H., her cousin, who d. Spl. 27, 1821;
VI. Lois, m. Asa Cousins, the cousin of her father.

26. 27. Isaac inherited the homestead of his father, grd. and gr. grd. father.

I. Rebecca, Nov. 22, 1785, m. Reuben Cozzens of S.;
II. Nabby, Nov. 14, '87; d. Nov. 13, 1806;
III. Jesse, Nov. 29, '89, m. Nancy Dowse;
IV. Isaac, Feb. 14, '92, m. Mary Fay, has Marym, m. Milton Bullard, of Bell.;
V. Anna, Ap. 19, '94, m. Jona. Eames.
VI. Sally, Dec. 30, '97, d. yg.;
VII. Myra, Oct. 2, '99, m. Henry Babcock.
VIII. Dexter, Sep. 21, 1807, m. Caroline Eames, from Hopk., rs. near Pawsett Hill, of which he is proprietor, in the S. part of S.

[p. 71]

David Cutler, m. Mehitabel Whitney, Jan. 26, 1846, at H.

[p. 72]


28. 35. Timothy Daniels, w. Ruth Leland;

I. Rachel, Apl. 29, 1754, m. Whitney Hill, of Holl., Aug. 5, '73, and d. 1850, having in '49, a good recollection of the past;
II. Timothy, Dec. 21, '57, d. Sept. 7, '78;
III. Benoni and Lona, Aug. 29, '60, both d. yg.;
IV. Martha, Sep. 12, '62, d. Nov. 13, 1847, m. Joseph Cooledge, of S., '81;
V. Isaac, Oct. 20, '65, d. yg.
VI. Olive, Oct. 3, '68, d. Sep. 20, '72 or 5.
36. VII. Joseph, Sep. 11, '70, m. Persis Mason, dg. of Abner M., of M., had

I. Olive, Mar. 30, 1800, m. Amory Leland, and 2d, Col. Joseph Parks, of H.;
II. Salvia, Jly. 6, 1802, m. Amos Cutler Leland, of H.
III. Ruth, 1804, m. Nathan Grout, of S., had Alfred, A. M.
IV. Timothy, Dea., Aug. 10, 1806, m. Emily Perry, 2d, Harriet M. Harding, r. H.;
V. Phebe, Feb. 18, 1810, d. yg.;
VI. Persis, Apl. 6, 1812, m. Elias Bullard, Esq., of H.

[p. 80]


III. Samuel,2 br. of John, b. Jan. 15, '04-5, had by w. Patience Twitchell, at S.,

I. Gershom, Dec. 29, 1698, d. Dec. 9, 1762, m. Susanna Whitney, dg. of Jona. W., of S., who d. '39. He m. 2d, Mary (Hunt) Leland, 1741, (wid. of Isaac L.) and had

I. Susanna, Feb. 16, 1725, m. Joseph Cozzens.
II. Patience, May 5, '28;
III. Gershom, June 20, '30;
VI. Martha, Jly. 20, '32, m. Tho. Drury;
V. Lois, Aug. 28, '34;
VI. Lydia, Aug. 19, '36;
VII. Mary, Ap. 22, '39, d. May 6, '39.
13. 11. VIII. Reuben, Lt., Apl. 10, 1743, m. Elizabeth Whipple.
17. 12. IX. Ezra, Capt., d. 1833, a. 87, m. Sarah Jones, 1768;
X. Mary, '47-8.

[p. 84]


29. 58. Jonas, w. Experience Leland, b. June 21, 1725, m. 1745, r. Med., had,

I. Miriam, Mar. 9, 1745-6, d. Oct. 21, '79, the grd. mother of Rev. Daniel Wight, of Scituate;
II. Deborah, June, 2, '47, m. Job Patridge, of Bell., Nov. 29, '69, and was the mother of Rev. Moses P.;
III. Sarah, Jan. 4, '48-9;
IV. Mary, June 4, '51.;
V. Elijah, Mar. 21, '53, d. um. in the army;
VI. Experience, Apl. 19, '55, m. Jabez Whitney, of Med.;
VII. Hopestill, Mar. 4, '57;
VIII. Rufiis, Dec. 8, '58, perished at sea;
IX. Joseph, Feb. 22, '61, d. Jan. 5, 1835, m. Mary, dg. of Judge Stephen Metcalf, of Bell, and settled in Bell.

[p. 87]


20. 23. John, s. 1/4 m. E. of school house No. 6, in S., m. Abigail, and had

I. Abigail, June 29, 1766, m. Cpt. Samuel Learned;
II. Sarah, Jly. 8, '72, m. Tapley Wyeth, A. M., M. D., of S.;
III. Ede, m. Aaron Whitney, of S;
IV. Elizabeth, Feb. 3, '76, m. Lewis Bullard;
V. John, Dec. 2, '78, [a John had Horace, Jly. 11, 1800?];
VI. Sukey, Feb. 26, '81;
VII. Sally, Jan. 19, '83.

[p. 103]


28. 63. Isaac, w. Lydia Whitney, r. N. E. part of Holl., had

125. 63-1/4. I. Jona., March 8, 1745, m. Kezia Daniels, who inherited the farm at Deaths' Bridge, and sold to Henry Death, and rm. N. Y.;
II. Isaac, d. yg.;
117. 63-1/2. III. Whitney, May 18, '48, s. near E. Holl. depot;
IV. Dorotha, Oct. 18, '49, d. um.;
V. Lydia, m. ----- Fisher, of Dub.;
VI. Susanna, m. James Whitney, of S.

[p. 104]

46. 101. Wm. w. Joanna Sawin, m. Feb. 19, 1740, r. S., had

I. Susanna, Jan. 26, 1741-2, d. yg.;
II. Miriam, Feb. 14, '43-4;
III. Zedakiah, Oct 4, '46;
IV. Jesse, Nov. 15, 49;
IV-1/2. Susanna, b. ab. 1756, m. James Whitney of S., 1780. She of H.;
V. Joanna, Jly. 17, '5-.

63-1/2. 117. Whitney, w. Rachel Daniels, b. Apl. 29, 1754, m. Aug. 5, 1773, and d. Sep. 7, 1850, retaining a good recollection. She was the daughter of Tim. D., of S., by w. Ruth Leland, and grd. dg. of Saml. D., by w. Expe. Adams, and gr. grd. dg. of Joseph, of Medfd., and gr. gr. grd. dg. of Jo., of M., by w. Mary Fairbanks.

I. Hannah, May 22, 1774, m. Nathan Penneman, of BelL, Oct. 18, '98;
II. Lena, June 20, '76, m. John Clemens, of Hopk.;
III. Arnold, Sep. 4, 78, m. Lavina Smith, fr. Bell., r. Hubbardton, Vt.;
IV. Kachel, bp. Aug. 19, '81, m. Elijah Thayer, of Mend.;
V. Daniels, May 19, '84, m. Mary Leland;
VI. Betsey Oct. 25, '86, m. James Leland, of H.;
VII. Calvin, Mar. 14, '92, m. Elona Wiswell.

[p. 105]

80. 118. Samuel, w. Mary Patridge, m. May 15, 1791; 2d w. Lydia Pratt, m. Apl. 8, 1802.

I. Anne, Dec. 29, 1792, m. Amos Nichols, of Me.;
II. Chs., Sep. 27, '96, m. Nancy Jones, dg. of Simson J., of Med., by w. Abigail Hammond, and inherits the ancient homestead;
III. Patridge, bp. Oct. 9, 1803, m. :Phebe Whitney, had

I. Chs., m. Martha Cooledge, r. Newton;
II. Lydia P., m. Elbridge M. Bickford.

81. 119. James, m. Sep. 5, 1792, Abial Nason, purchased Jonas Pisk's farm, 2d w., Patty Adams, m. Nov. 21, 1811, dg. of Wm. A., of Sh., and b. Dec. 26, '84, r. S., had

120. I. Lewis, bapd. Dec. 12, 1795, d. yg.;
129. 122. II. James Nason, Oct. 25, 1812, m. Jane Whitney;
III. Persia, Apl. 7, 1820, who m. Moses Babcock, of Sh.

122. 129. James inherits the homestead, a part of the original Hill Farm, and by w. Jane Whitney, m. 1835, has George A., James Whitney and Elizabeth.

Zibeon Hooker, (b. in Medfield, son of Wm. H.), w. Sarah Barbour, r. S., had,

I. Zibeon, m. Mary Stearns, d, Feb. 26, 1832, fr. Hopk., had,

I. Hiram, 1805, f. Cambridgeport;
II. Mary Ann, 1806, m. Jacob Pratt;
III. Geo. B., b. Apl. 17, 1808, m. Hanh. Kimball, r. S.;
IV. Laura, 1809, m. Tho. Gould, r. Nat.;
V. Sybil, 1811, m. David Daniels, r. S.;
VI. Harrison G. O., 1812, m. Mira Whitney, r. H.;
VII. Zibeon, 1814, d. um. '30;
VIII. Oliver B., 1816, r. New York;
IX. David Stearns, 1818;
X. Hannah T. 1819, m. Aaron Weeks, r. Ill.;
XI. Harlow, 1824, m. Sophronia Travis;
XII. Thankful W., 1826, d. um.;
XIII. Sarah E., 1829, m. Lucius Cook, r. Frank.

II. Etsey, m. Chs. Bemis;
III. Adolphus, r. Canada;
IV. Brayton, d. in Newton, um.;
V. Harlow, r. Milton, d. without issue;
VI. Sarah, m. Wm. Heard, r. Newton and Fram.;
VII. Geo., m. and r. Newton and Bridgewater, and Newark, N. J.;
VIII. Charlotte, m. Silas Warren, rs. Boston;
IX. Adeline, m. Oliver Hill, r. Newton;
X. Laura, d. um.

[p. 131]


166. 228. Daniel,7 w. Sabrinah Ward, d. Feb. 1827, r. Upton;

239. 229. I. Simeon,8 Apl. 15, 1798, d. 1852, m. OhlotUda Farrer;
242. 230. II. Nahum W.,8 Hn., Dec. 21, 1800, m. Sally Perry;
III. Huldah,8 Sep. 1, 1802 (d.), m. Stacy Bosworth, r. U.;
IV. Ann,8 June 11, '04, m. Andrew A. Wheeler, r. N. Y.;
V. Sarah,8 Feb. 12, '07, d. Nov. 4, '07;
233. VI. Jona. D.,8 Nov. 11, '08, m. Lydia Whitney [sic - should be Lydia A. Witherby, not Whitney]; 2d, liucy Hutchenson;
VII. Melita,8 Apl. 1, '11, d. aged ab. 18 yrs.;
VIII. Julianna,8 Jly. 18, '13, m. David Bosworth, r. U.;
IX. Daniel,8 Oct, 7, '15, m. Hayward; 2d, Anna DeWolf, r. U.;
X. Ezra W.,8 Aug. 18, '18, d. Feb. 18, '20;
262. 238. XI. Ezra W.,8 Sep. 6, '20, m. Polly Hatch, r. U.

[p. 141]

11. 18. John,3 m. Silence Wood, b. Feb. 22, 1675-6, whose father, Jona. W., was massacred by Indians the day before, and her mother expired soon after. She d. intestate, May 11, 1756. Her husband had d. intestate about 15 ys. previous; and Ezra, their son, was now, June 3, '56, appointed admr. to settle such of their estates as the heirs had not already settled. John served as constable, 1697; sealer of leather, 1705-32; commissioner of assessments, 1715; tythingman, '04; selectman, 6 ys.; and representative, 1772. He settled, where Jona. Holbrook, one of his descendants, resides, on his wife's estate, inherited from her father. He had [142]

35. 19. I. John,4 Man 22, 1694-6, m. Ruth Hill, and d. at Mendon, 1756;
II. Blizabeth,4 Jly. 22, 1696, d. 1782, m. Joseph Twitchill, Mar. 27, 1718; and 2d, Dea. James Whitney, and was the mother of the Hon. Daniel Whitney, of S., and the gr. grd. mother of Amos Twitchell, M. D., of Keene, N. H.
39. 20. III. Jona.,4 Dec. 21, 1699, d. 1754, m. Ahigail Breck;
IV. Joseph,4 May 1. 1702. d. Mar. 13. '25-6, um.;
41. 21. V. Ezra,4 Ens., May 16, '09, d. Nov. 10, '86, m. Grace Oooledge;
22. VI. Joshua,4 Aug. 22, '14, d. Nov. 1, 1740, um., and intestate.

[p. 143]

24. 45. Nathaniel,4 settled N. E. of the Lake; the W. part of whose farm has become an attractive watering place. He was a very shrewd man; served [144] S. 4 ys., as selectman, m. Aug. 20, 1728, Sarah Sanger, dau. of Richd. S., by w. Elizabeth Morse, and aunt to Rev. Dr. Sanger, formerly of Bridgewater. His will, dated Jan. 18, 1773, and probated, June 14, '74, gave his homestead to his son, Moses, requiring him to keep 2 cows and a horse for his wid. Sarah, and pay her one-fourth of the produce of the land; and to take care of a helpless dau., Azuba. To s., Micha, he gave £23, and half his lands in Doug., and to s. James, the other half. To dau., Mary Babcock, Hannah Whitney and Mercy Twitchell, he gave 50s. each. To his s., Nathaniel, whom he had already settled on the W. half of his farm, he gave 5s., charging him to see to the execution of his will. His wid. is said to have attained almost to her 100th year, and to have d. at Templeton. Nathaniel,4 had

66. 46. I. James,5 Aug. 3, '29. d. Sep. 2, 74, m. Sibilla Clark, r. S.;
69. 47. II. Micah,5 Feb. 14, '31-2;
III. Mary,5 Oct. 31, '83, m. Mal. Babcock, r. S.;
76. 48. IV. Nathaniel,5 Dec. 9,'36, d. June 3, 74;
V. Azubah, May 31, '39; VI. Hannah,5 June 3, '41, m. John Whitney;
VII. Mercy,5 Oct. 4, '43, m. Jos. Twitchell, of Dub.;
77. 49. VIII. Moses,5 Nov. 21, '45, m. Bachel Death, r. S. and Templeton.

[p. 145]

47, 69. Micah,5 s. 1 m. W. of the Common in S., m. Silence Holbrook, who was b. in S. [not "in Weymouth," see No. 39 back], and d. Aug. 15, '75; 2d w., Lydia Kendall, m. Mar. 28, '76.

109. 70. I. David,6 May 17, '58, d. Jly 21, 1828; ii. Daniel, Apl. 26, '61, d. May 5, '63;
118. 71. III. Amos,6 Gen. and Hn., Mar. 4, '64, served, a soldier in Cpt. Josh. Leland's Co., Col. Abner Perry's Regt., 1780, at R. I.;
121. 72. IV. Daniel,6 Apl. 14, '67, d. Jan. 18, 1841;
126. 72-1/2. V. Asa,6 Apl. 29, '70, d. Jan. 30, 1818;
129. 73. VI. Cyrus,6 Mar. 29, '75, d. Oct. 6, 1819;
131. 74. VII. Elliot,6 Jan. 3, '73, d. Nov. 19, 1829, m. Sally Broad, of Natick, Apl. 11, 1799;
75. VIII. Royal,6 Aug. 2, '77, lived to manhood;
IX. Eunice,6 bap. May 6, '81, m. John Whipple, 1806;
X. Silence,6 bap., May 18, '83, m. John Whitney, of Boston, 1811.

[p. 159]


10. 12. Isaac, m. Phebe Whitney, May 28, 1765, inherited the homestead of his father, lived where the W. depot is in H., and left it to his s. Isaac, who sold it to a R. R. Co., ab. 1849. He had

I. Asa, Sep. 14, 1766; [an Asa (pr. another), s. at Somers, Ct., and rm. to Frankfort, Herk. Co., N. Y,, m. Jerusha Kibbe, and had

I. Asa, of Mexico, N. Y., f. of Geo.;
II. Walter, of Winfield, N. Y.;
III. Martin, of Galena, Ill.];

II. Keziah, Mar. 28, '68;
III. James, Nov. 16, '70, d. agd. 38, m. and s. in N. Y.;
IV. Eli, Mar. 25, '72;
V. Joseph, Jly. 12, '75;
VI. Isaac, m. Sally Bragg; and 2d, Keziah (Adams) Miller, rs. Hol., has

I. Sally;
II. Lyman M., m. Elizabeth Kingsbury, rs. H.;

VII. Phebe, m. Jeremiah Hartwell, of Bos.;
VIII. Joshua, s. in Boston;
IX. Hannah, m. David Claflin, of Bos., had David D., of B.;
X. Whitney, b. Jan. 5, 1791, rs. H., m. Eliz'th (Hall) Sawin.

[p. 161]


3. 5. Hopestill, Dea., occupied the homestead which his father purchased of Tho. Holbrook, the E. part of Brown's grant and other lands adjacent; was rated for the Indian title, 1686, drew land in S., in '82, and subsequently, 166 acres in Doug. He served 10 years as selectman, m. Abigail Hill, Nov. 5,
1678, who d. Oct. 5, 1689; and 2d, Patience Holbrook, his cousin, who d. Oct. 5, 1740. He d. Aug. 19, 1729. He had,

20. 6. I. Henry, Feb. 22, 1679, d. 1732, m. Mary Morse;
23. 7. II. Hopestill, Aug. 4, '81, d. June 7, 1760, m. Mary Bullard;
III. Abigail, Feb. 17, '83, m. John Bullard, Jan. 7, 1702.
25. 8. IV. John, Oct. 11, '87, d. Jan. 7, 1759, m. Abigail Badcock.
28. 9. V. Wm., Dea., Feb. 11, '92, d. Mar. 18, '43, m. Mehetabel Brack.
10. VI. Eleazer, Apl. 8, '95. d. 1717, m. Abigail Clapp, from Ded.
32. 11. VII. Joseph, May 9, '98, m. Esther Whitney [sic: should be Esther Thurston, not Whitney].
33. 12. VIII. Isaac, June 2, 1701, d. after 1760, m. Abigail Mason.
34. 13. IX. Joshua, May 5, '05, d., m. Ruth Morse;
X. Margaret, Dec. 25, '08, m. John Carpenter of H., and was the grd. mother of Moses Pond, of W. Med.

[p. 163]

11. 32. Joseph, drew 17 acres at Doug., in 1730, was selectman in '37 and '39, m. Esther Thurston, who m. 2d, Richardson, and lived to be aged. He lived in S. where S. and H. and Ashland now corner, and gave his extensive farm to his grd. son, James Whitney. He had,

I. Patience, May 26,1722, m. James Whitney;
II. Esther, July 31, '28, m. Benj. Whitney, of S.;
III. Abigail, 1734, m. Ezekiel Wood, of Uxb.;
IV. Rhoda, Dec. 31, '35, d. '57, unm.

13. 34. Joshua inherited half of his father Hopestill's farm, and lived on the W. side of the road, and S. of the new S. burying ground. He had by w. Ruth Morse, dg. of James M., by w. Ruth Sawin, and grd. dg. of Capt. Joseph M.,

45. 35. I. Hopestill, Sep. 29, 1733, m. Mary Russell;
II. Ruth, Dec. 27, '35, m. Timothy Daniels;
III. Rhoda, '36, d. yg.;
IV. Joshua, Col. and Judge, b. Aug. '41, m. Waitstill Greenwood, 2d, Phebe Howard, was selectman in S. 9 years, and a man of rare energy in the cause of freedom. He received from his uncle Isaac, the E. part of the old homestead, and on removing to
Eaton, N. Y., sold it to Joseph Oooledge, who conveyed it to Tim. Daniels, whose son David now occupies it, including the site of Henry Leland's first house;
V. Joseph, Sep. 5, '44, m. Abigail Howard, inherited the S. part of his father's half of his grd. father's farm, had,

I. Achsah, Oct. 13, 1771, m. Simeon Whitney, 2d, Asa Leland;

II. Joshua, Feb. 27, '77, d. 1827, m. Rachel Phillips, of Med., who survives, and had Joseph and Jedediah, who occupy this part of the consecrated homestead, and also Henry, rs. S. unm.

[p. 165]

48. 61. Jona., s. where Daniel L., jun., rs., served 3 years as selectman, and had, by w. Mary Leland,

I. Daniel, 1769, d. yg.;
II. Julia, Jan. 25, '72, m. Obadiah Burrage, of Dover;
III. Lydia, d. '78;
IV. Lydia, 1774, m. Joel Tainter, of Framingham;
V. Mary, '76, m. Samuel Nichols, r. S.boro'.;
VI. Persis, '78, m. Simon Mann, of Dover;
62. VII. Daniel, jun., Aug. 18, '83, m. Rachel Partridge, fr. Med., served 11
ys. as selectman, is tbe fatber of Mrs. Lyman Whitney, of S., Mrs. Nathl. Clark, and of Samuel N. Leland, who rs. with him, and of Mrs. Henry Partridge, of Medfd.;
VIII. Lucinda, Mar. 20, '86, m. Calvin Richards, of Dover.

[p. 166]

24. 68. Daniel, inherited his father's place, S. W. of Sewell's meadow, m. Mary Death, dg. of John D., Esq., by w , Waitstill , and had

I. Rachel, Feb. 26, 1737-8, d. Jly. 16, 1826, m. Cpt. Moses Adams, of Med.;
II. Miriam, Sep. 1, '40, m. Hon. Daniel Whitney, of S.;
III. Daniel, Jan. 8, '42, d. Dec. 14, 1835, m. Sibbillah Eames; was a soldier of the Revolution, r. Hoi., had

I. Rhoda, Feb. 27, '68;
II. Mary, '69, d. um;
III. Sibbel, '71, m. Simeon Thompson, of Peru; 2d, David Tuttle;
IV. Moses, '73, m. Betsey Shattuck, '96, r. H. and Peru, had

I. Leonard, '97, d. um.;
II. Ede, '99;
III. Ezra, 1801;
IV. Mary, '03;
V. Carissa, '05;
VI. Emeline, '07;
VII. Moses, '09, r. Hinsdale;

V. Daniel, '75, d. Jly. 20, 1822, had at H.

I. Lucy, May 16, '98, m. Tho. J. Morse, Esq., of S.;
II. Wm., '99;
Alice, 1801;
Barney, '04;
Daniel J., '06;
Lemuel, '08;
Eleanor, '09;
Edward, '13;
Fanny, '15;
X. Hephzibah, '18;
XI. Hannah J., '20;

VI. Lavina, '78, d. 1807, um.;
VII. Lemuel, June 6, '80, m. Clarissa Perry, r. H.;
VIII. Louisa, '82, m. Daniel Stowell, rm. to Ill.;
IX. John, '87, m. Sylvia Leland, dg. of Oliver L., r. Pa.

IV. Adam, Apl. 10, 1745, d. Mar. 10, 1827, m. Prudence Leland, dg. of Caleb L., by w., Judith Morse, s. on the old road to Nat., 100 rods E. of tbe Plain Burying-ground, was selectman, '86, '89, and had

I. Betsey, 1771, m. Col. Moses Babcock; and 2d, Hez. Rockwood, of Upton;
II. Rebecca, '73, m. James Dowse, of S.;
III. Judith, '75, m. Alpheus Mason, of Med.;
IV. Hannah, '78, d. '78;
V. Hannah, '81, m. Wm. Perry, of Nat.;
VI. Leonard, m. Chloe Rice, had Lorinda, Lewis A., Lester;

V. Hephzibah, Mar. 12, 1747, m. Rev. John Leland, of Peru;
VI. Mary, Oct. 10, 1748, m. Jona. Leland, of S.;
VII. Aaron, Dea., Jly. 18, 1751, d. 1846, m. Deborah Leland, who d. 1787; and 2d, Keturah Perry, who d. 1834, inherited the W. half of his father's farm, was of an inventive and enterprising genius, and through his long life, generally and highly esteemed. He desired no official distinction, yet served the public much in a private capacity, and especially the chh. He had

I. Lewis, Apl. 24, 1775, m. Patty Smith, s. in New York, had

I. Aaron Augustus;
II. Lewis;
III. Emeline;
IV. Francis;
V. Martha;
VI. Sophrona;
VII. Mary B.;
VIII. Chs.;
IX. Louisa A.;
X. Herman L.;

II. Aaron, Dec. 6, 1776, d. '92;
III. Lydia, Jly. 19, '79, m. Hon. John
Leland, of Amherst;
IV. Larkin, Dec. 15, '82, d. yg.;
V. Deborah, Nov. 15, '85, m. Otis Drury of Lo Roy, N. Y.;
VI. Joseph Perry, Cpt., Nov. 3, '89, m. Tryphena Richardson, and had

I. Aaron L., A. M., M. D., of Detroit;
II. Francis, A. M., M. D., rs. Milford;
III. Abijah R., m. Mary Ann Sawyer, fr. Shrewsbury, rs. with his parents, and has Lewis A. and Mercy D.;
IV. Eliza T., m. Rev. John H. M. Leland, from Amherst;

VIII. Moses, Jly. 18, 1751, inherited the E. half of his father's farm, lived on the most affectionate and intimate terms with his twin brother, Aaron, his next door neighbor, ever manifesting the strictest regard to moral virtue. He m. Mercy Twitchell, and had

I. Eli, 1775. d. 1847, m. Rebecca Sanger, and had

I. Dexter, A. M., Apl. 6, 1779, r. S. C.;
II. Sally, Apl. 1, 1808, m. John Cozzens; and 2d, Henry Leland:
III. Joanna D., Oct. 30, 1811, m. Albert P. Ware;
IV. Artemas J., Oct. 13, '18, m. Eliza Snelling, r. S.;

II. Betsey, 1777, m. Simeon Mason, of Med.;
III. Lois, '79, m. Dea. Micah Leland;
IV. Daniel, Col., '81, m. Elizabeth Heard, who d. 1847; and 2d, Mary (Greenbatch) Felt, inherited his father's farm; served 8 ys. as selectman, and 4 ys. as town clerk and treasurer, and has long been conspicuous in managing the municipal and religious interests of the town. He had

I. Augustus H., Feb. 15, 1807, d. '07;
II. Augustus H., Nov. 18, '09, m. Lois Whitney, has Geo. A., and Abba M.;
III. Elizabeth H., June 18, '10, d. 1842, m. Rev. Edmd. Dowse;
IV. Frederick, Aug. 30, '13, m. Mary Ann Rattelle, inherits the homestead, and has Emma E., and Almeda S.;
V. Daniel, Jly. 17, '15, m. Julia Ann Bigelow, r. Cambridge;
VI. Samuel R., May 12, '17, m. Mary Draper, r. Worcester;
VII. Mercy, Mar. 18, '19, m. Newell Clark, r. Framingham;
VIII. Sophona, Nov. 25, '22, a teacher of music, rs. Framingham;

V. Moses, 1784, m. Patience Babcock, r. Templeton, which town he has repeatedly represented in the G. C. He had

I. Leander, 1808, m. Elizth. S; Wellington, r. T.;
II. Wm. E., '11, m. Sarah Follet, r. T.;
III. Larkin M., '11, m. Aurelia M. Sawyer; 2d, Eliza Ann Gale; and r. Augusta, Me.;
IV. Moses, '13, m. Sarah Brooks, r. T.;
V. Chs., '15, m. Julia F. Sawyer, r. T.;
VI. Rhoda W., '17, m. Elisha Mathews, r. T.;
VII. Henry, '20, d. '22;
VIII. Henry, '23, d. um., 1846;
IX. Frederick, '26;
X. Geo. Handel, '28;

VI. Lemuel, Apl. 4, '86, s. as a gunsmith in S., was eminently skilful in the business, fair and honorable in all his dealings; true and kind in all his relations in life. He served 11 ys. as selectman, and his ability as a juror, was highly valued. He m. 1st, Polly Clark, who d. Nov. 8,1814; and 2d, Chloe Morse, Nov. 30, 1815, and had

I. Wm. C, Nov. 4, 1810, d. 1815;
II. Edwin, Feb. 8, '13, d. Jly. 20, 1852, m. Emily Morse;
III. Wm., Jly. 30, '17, m. Ama Eames, rs. on the ancient Babcock place;
IV. Chs. G., Nov. 15, '20;
V. Abner Morse, Oct. 16, '22, r. Providence;
VI. Lemuel Nelson, Apl. 30, '25;
VII. Francis, Nov. 14, '27;
VIII. Erastus, Apl. 18, '30, m. Ellen Pratt, rs. S.;
IX. Moses F.,Mar. 27, '35, rs. New York;

VII. Nancy, m. Alpheus Clark, Esq., of S.

[p. 178]


4. 10. Jona., s. on the N. side of Farm Pond, where the Public House now is, had

26. 11. I. Jona., July 11, 1667, m. Jane Whitney;
II. Mary, Aug. '70;
III. Nathan, Jan. 3, '72, d. Feb. 5, 1718, unm., giving nis estate to his father;
28. 12. IV. Samuel, Aug. 10, '76, m. Bathia Holbrook;
V. Lydia, May 9, '82, m. David Stanford;
VI. Elizabeth, Dec. 10, '84, d. Jan. 19, 1700;
13. VII. Ebenezer, Sep. 26, '89, m. Rachel, was warned out of Attleboro', 17S0;

[p. 180]

23. 41. Obadiah, inherited tbe homestead of his father, E. of Farm Pond, and had by wife Mercy Walker,

I. Daniel, 1729, m. Hannah Eames, s. in Natick, where Amory Morse rs.;
II. Abner, 1734, m. Anna Church, and s. at Annapolis, N. S.;
75. 44. III. Obadiah, Mar. 20, '32-3, d. Jan. 7, 1800;
IV. Mercy, '35, m. Ezra Whitney, r. Doug.;
V. Benaiah, '37, d. '71, killed by a cart, at D.;
VI. Samuel, '39, m. ----- Church, s. at Annapolis, N. S.;
VII. Sarah, '41, m. Ezra Cook, r. Warwick;
VIII. John, '43, d. ab. 1825, m. Eunice -----, r. D. and S.;
IX. Hannah, '45, m. Ezra Taylor, r. S.boro';
X. Mary, '47, m. Asahel Newton, r. Warwick.

[p. 181]

44. 75. Obadiah, s. near the new road from Fram., to Medfield, about 100 rods E. of Dea. Fisk's, on a place previously owned by Bobert Daniels. He m. Grace Fairbanks, who d. May 30, 1772 ; and 2d, Abigail Death, fr. Fram., and had,

I. Mercy, May 7, 1756, m. Asaph Merrifield, r. Holden;
II. Hannah, Feb. 7, '58, m. Josiah Ward, of S.boro';
III. Adam, Dec. 9, '59, d. '79, fr. an injury in the army;
IV. Levi, Jan. 5, '62, d. 1814, m. Mary G. Bradford, r. Union, Me.;
V. Grace, Mar. 16, '64, m. Beuben Esty, 2d, Samuel Whitney;
VI. Obadiah, Dec. 11, '65, m. Sally Palmer; 2d, Phebe B. Camel;
VII. Mary, Jan. 18, '68, m. Phares Sawin, r. Natick;
VIII. Samuel, Jan. 3, '70, m. Sally Dix, and 2d, Elizabeth Bernard, r. Bos.; IX. Persis, Apl. 20, '72, d. Feb. 5, 1847, m. Jona. Sibley, M. D., Union, Me., and was the mother of Jona. L. Sibley, Esq., assis. librarian of Har. Univ., author of His. of Union, &c.;
X. Daniel, Nov. 26, '76, removed W. and was never heard from;
XI. Judith, July 3, '78, d. '79;
XII. Ezra, Sep. 1, '79, d. 1842, m. Betsey Stratten, 2d, wid. Morse, from W. Boylston; s. in N. W. part of S., had,

I. Chs., r. Ashland;
II. Ahner;
III. Geo.;
IV. Walter;
V. Jona.;
VI. Sarah

XIII. Anne, June 17, '82, d. unm. aged 18;
XIV. Moses, June 8, '84, m. Hannah Prentice;
XV. Asa, June 14, '87, m. Susanna McFarland, r. Bridgewater;
XVI. Experience, Sep. 15, '90, r. unm., at S.

[p. 191]


6. 16. Nathaniel, w. Ahigail Mason, d. Mar. 15, '28-9, r. Sh.;

I. Abigail, May 5, 1715, m. John Whitney, of Frara., Feb. 8, '38-9.
29. 17. II. Nathaniel, Jan. 2. '16-17, d. Jan. 24, '54.
34. 18. III. Moses, Jly. 28, '19, (a Moses d. Jly. 26, 1826, a. 85,) d. Mar. 18, 1809, a. 90, m. Deborah Ivery, of Fram., Feb. 17, '42-3;
IV. Hezekiah, Feb. 28, '20-1;
V. Mary, Aug. 16, '24, d. Jly. 29, '27;
VI. Deliverance, Oct. 12, '26, m. Samuel Whiting, June 14, '50;
VII. Mary, Feb. 21, '28-9, d. Mar. 31, '29.

[p. 204]


22. 27. Jacob, w. Lydia -----, inherited the ancient homestead, and had

39. 28. I. Ebenezer, Jly. 26, 1761;
II. Lavina, Oct. 23, '62;
29. III. Henry, Aug. 3, '64, m. 1st, Aseneth Holbrook, Jane 1, '86, d. Apl 16, 1804; 2d, Hannah Whitney, d. Mar. 14, 1841, purchased, Jly. 26, 1802, of Joseph Holbrook, the farm now Capt. Jacob Pratt's, and had

I. Nathaniel, Jly. 16, 1788, d. Sep. 3, 1818;
II. Alvin, Nov. 28, '90;
III. Lewis, Jan. 28, and d. Jan. 31, '92;
IV. Henry, Feb. 21, '93;
V. Eli, June J, '95;
VI. Moses, Jly. 13, '98;
VII. Orra, Sep. 16, 1800;
VIII. Asenath, Apl. 2, 1803, d. Jan. 22, 1846;
IX. Jacob, Cpt., Apl. 25, 1806, by 2d w.; inherited his father's farm, bought of Jo. Holbrook, who, or his father, bought it of Joseph Bacon. He m. Mary Ann Hooker, and 2d, Phebe (Whitney) Hill, 1840, had

I. Elaner, m. Peter Johnson, of H.;
II. Mary;
III. Samuel;
IV. Lorenzo;
V. Theodore;

X. Elaner, Oct. 6, 1807, d. Jly. 17, 1808;
XI. Wm., May 5, 1809, d. Aug. 2, '10;
XI. Wm., Nov. 6, 1811, d. Dec. 26, '31;
XII. John W., Aug. 8, '17;

IV. Aaron, Dec. 5, '65;
V. Jacob, Jan. 17, '67;
VI. Abigail, Aug. 17, '68;
VII. Sarah, Sep. 2, '72;
VIII. Lydia, Apl. 18, '74;
IX. Sally, Aug. 9, '80.

[p. 217]


34. 42. Elisha Rockwood,4 by trade a clothier, settled in Groton. He m. Aug. 18, 1738, Elizabeth Adams, b. Sep. 4, 1719, and d. May 16, 1799, the dg. of James A., of Sherborn, by w. Abigail Hill, and grd. dg. of Moses A., of S., by w. Lydia Whitney, and g. grd. dg. of Henry A., of Medfield, by w. Lydia Paine, and gr. gr. grd. dg. of Henry Adams, of Braintree. She was cousin to the father of the Rev. Moses A., formerly of Acton, and distantly related to the father of Robt. Treat Paine, the signer of the Declaration. He had at Groton,

I. Elizabeth,5 May 6, 1739, d. Sep. 17, '53;
150. 43. II. Elisha,5 Nov. 9, or 20, N. S., '40, d. Feb: 1831;
III. Samuel,5 Aug. 11, '42, d. Sep. 2, '53;
48. 44. IV. Joseph,5 June 13, '44, d. 1816, m. Sarah Richardson;
140. 45. V. Ebenezer,5 A. M., M. D., Aug. 13, '46, d. Feb. 10, 1830;
VI. Lydia,5 May 27, '48, d. Sep. 17, '53, or 8;
VII. Abigail,5 Aug. 13, '51, m. Ebenr. Wood, and d. 1825, without issue;
VIII. Moses,5 Jly. 11, '53, d. Sep. 7, '53;
46. IX. Samuel,5 Dea., Dec. 6, '54, d. May 29, 1804, r., a clothier, on the homestead at G., m. Lucy Hubbard, and had 7 children;
X. Elizabeth,5 2d, Apl. 17, '57, d. Dec. 11, 1847, m. Dea. Amos Farnsworth, of G., had Amos^ Vind Hcdph,^ both physicians, and 3 other children; and no deaths in their family prior to their own, at the age of 90 ys.
XI. Lydia,5 2d, Aug. 23, '59, m. Abijah Wood, of Westminster;
XII. Sybil,5 Aug. 11, '61, d. 1818, m. David How, of Sudbury, and had 5 children;
XIII. Sarah,5 Jly. 3, '63, m. Stephen Horsley, of Pepperell, and had 2 sons.

[p. 219]

28. 75. John Rocket,4 served as a soldier in the first French war, m. Hannah Fisher, from Dedham, and s. at Bear Hill, then included in Mendon, and probably on land that had been assigned by the proprietors of Mendon, 1720-1, to Josiah Rocket (No. 15), who had no male issue. He was admitted to fall communion, 1743, in the chh. in Hopk., and had

76. I. John,5 jun., Dec. 3, 1733, m. Anne Taft, 1758, who m. 2d, Dea. Josiah Adams, of Mend., Feb. 14, 1792. He covenanted, 1758, and had

77. I. Amos,6 Jan. 20, 1760, at Hopk.;
240. 78. II. Hezekiah,6 Feb. 9, '61, d. June 17, 1838, m. Elizabeth Wood, '84; 2d, Betsey Leland, dg. of Adam L., of Sh.;
III. Hannah,6 Apl. 18, '63, m. Daniel Fisk, of Upton, and d. without issue;
247. 79. IV. Josiah,6 Aug. 4, '65, m. Thankful Batchelder, of U., '87;
136. 80. V. Elisha,6 Sep. 8, '67, m. Hanh Leland, Apl. 10, 1800;
VI. Moses,6 who was idiotic, d. in H.; VII. Deborah,^ m. John Wood;
81. VIII. Amiel Weeks,6 who m. the sister of Oliver Ellice, of Med., and s. 10 m. from the capitol, at Montpelier, Vt.;
256. 82. IX. John,6 m. Apl. 10, 1781, m. Lydia Whitney, r. Hopk.

83. II. ?Benj. Rockwood, of Upton, m. Ruth Adams, b. 1729, dg. of Daniel Adams, of Med., had at U.,

I. Abigail, Mar. 12, 1754;
II. Ruth, Mar. 12, '56;
III. Rhoda, June 30, '58, d. May 16, '59;
88-1/2. IV. Benj., May 23, '60.

[p. 230]

82. 256. John Rockwood,6 m. Lydia Whitney, b. Dec. 10, 1783, m. Mar. 19, 1804, r. Hopk., had,

I. Emily,7 May 27, 1805, d. Nov. 3, '40. m. Eli Forbush, r. U.; had,

Melissa R.,8 Oct. 17, '27, d. May 18, '42;
II. Deb. E.,8 June 7, '32, d. Apl. 12, '42;

II. Deborah,7 Aug. 3, 1807, d. Jly. 12, '32, m. Joshua Picket, r. H.. had

John R. Feb. 9. '33;

III. Betsey,7 Jly. 13, 1809, d. Aug. 13,1813;
IV. Gregory S.,7 Jly. 28, 1811, m. Silence Brown, Apl. 11, 33, r. Natick., has,

I. Jane Maria,8 Feb. 14, '34;
II. Geo. E.,8 Oct. 3, '35;
III. Ann E.,8 Sept. 16, '37;
IV. Harriet C.,8 Sep. 25, '40.

[p. 239]


41. 60. David,5 inherits the homestead, a part of the Phipps farm in Sh. He had

I. Rebecca,6 Feb. 8, 1799, m. Benj. Capen, had Benj.,7 r. Holl.; Ellen,7 m. Jona. Morse; Elizabeth,7 m. Ben. Ware, of S.;
II. Joseph,6 Feb. 25, 1801, d. ab. 1837;
III. David,6 Jan. 13, '03, m. Anna Sawin, r. S., had Geo.,7 Sarah, Mary (d.), Maria, Fanny, Justin, Horatio, Mary7;
IV. Nathl.,6 Apl. 1, '05, r. unm. in Sherborn;
V. Horatio,6 Mar. 12, '07, m. Sophia Harrison, had Ann M., Susan E., Sophia, Horatio, r. New York;
VI. Joan,6 Aug. 17, '09, m. Ira Mann, had Eliza J., Sep. 6, '32 (d.), r. Sher.;
VII. Susan,6 Oct. 26, '20, m. Charles Whitney, had Isabel C.,7 Susan E.

[p. 242]

1. Timothy Sparrowk, from Natick, whose father was b. in Medfd., m. Deborah Leiand, Dec. 14, 1775, dg. of Wm. L., of S., by w. Jemima Daniels, and grd. dg. of Dea. Wm. L., by w. Mehetabel Breck. He had in S.,

I. Deborah. Apl. 12, 1776, m. ----- Wardsworth, r. N. Y.;
II. Timothy, Sep. 15, 1779, d. unm.;
III. Melvin, Jan. 29, '80, d. yg.;
IV. John, Oct. 5, '81, m. Betsey Young, r. N. Y.;
V. Calvin, Dec. 19, '82, m. Betsey, dg. of Reuben Marsh, of H., and had at S.,

I. Emlyn, m. Sally Greenwood, and 2d, Sarah H. Whitney, and bas a son; II. Emily, m. Lendall Perry, r. Nat.;
III. Ellis, m. Mary J. Sweet, fr. Bos., rs. S., has Edwd. E., Ellen E., Chs. E., Melvin G.;
VI. Betsey, Apl. 21, '85, m. John Curtis, rs. Provid.;
VII. Polly, Oct 24, '90, m. Samuel Fuller, of Medfd.

[p. 244]


20. 21. Abijah, w. Hannah Bacon, r. on the homestead, on the old road fr. S. to
5. Nat., E. of a brook, and had at N.,

I. John, Nov. 4, 1798, inherited the ancient homestead, m. Betsey Kimball, and had,

I. Catherine D. (d.);
II. Elizabeth A.;
III. Harriet A.;
IV. Hanh.;
V. Catherine D. (d.);
VI. Abijah B.;
VII. John H.;
VIII. Martha I.;
IX. Geo. W.;

II. Moses, r. on the farm formerly Samuel Perry's, m. Sarah Perry; 2d, Mary Whitney, and had at N.,

I. Mary W. (d.);
II. Chs. (d.);
III. Francis;
IV. Miriam C.;

III. Mary, d. um.;
IV. Sarah, m. Caleb Fosket, r. N.;
V. Aaron, Jan. 26, 1811, m. Susanna Russel, r. on his father's homestead, S. of Peter's Hill, had

I. John E.;
II. Horace J.

[p. 247]


12. 18. Joseph, Esq. Tradition has brought down a high character of this man, and the records confirm it. He was Capt. of the militia. Commissary for the army in the war of '76, Town Clerk, Representative and Magistrate, and the leading man of the town, until succeeded by his junr. half brother, the Hon. Daniel Whitney. He m. Deborah Fairbanks, June 28, 1739, dg. of Capt. Eleazer F., of S., and was, with her, received into the chh., Jly. 27, 1740. He m. 2d, Deborah (Sanger) Fassct, Jan. 1, 1786, and d. with the apoplexy. Mar. 12, '92. He had

28. 19. I. Samuel, Capt., Aug. 24, 1740;
33. 20. II. Joseph, jun., Nov. 27, '41;
III. Elizabeth, Jly. 27, '13, m. Joel White, fr. Medfd., May 30, '67, and rm. Dublin, N. H.; 21. IV. Eleazer, Jan. 22, '44-5, r. Nelson, N. H., Bethel, Me., m. Martha Mason. Apl. 4, '68, had Simeon, Feb. 18, 1770, at S., Deborah, Feb.l, '72, at Dub., rm. Bethel, Me.;
85. 22. V. Ezra, June 23, '46; vi. Martha, Dec. 16, '47, m. Nathan Bixby, of Fram., Oct. 3, '71;
VII. Deborah, Mar. 26, '49, d. May 13, '52;
41. 23. VIII. Abel, May 28, '51;
IX. Deborah, Dec. 23, '52, m. Joseph Maynard, of F., May 5, '75;
X. Molly, May 17, '55, m. Moses Rider, of Jeffery, N. H., Jan. 18, '84, and had Ezra, Aug. 30, '86, of Keene;
24. XI. Amos, Dec. 28, '56, who d. in the army;
25. XII. Eli, Feb. 17, '59, m. Rhoda Leland, Sep. 23, '84;
48. 26. XIII. Peter, bap. Aug. 30, '60;
XIV. Jule, Mar. 18, '66, m. Wm. Tucker, of Fram.

[p. 257]


1. John Whitney, w. Elinor, according to Dr. Bond, embarked at Ipswich, 1635, a. 35, s. at Watertown and became a prominent citizen. He had,

3. 2. I. Jona. b. in England, 1634;
II. Benjamin, b. June 6, 1643, m. Jane ____, s. first at Saco, 2d at Watertown, and 3d at S., where his w. d. Nov. 14, 1690. As Benj., senr., he drew land at Doug., 1715.

2. 3. Jonathan m. Lydia Jones, Oct. 30, 1656, s. first in Watertown, where all his children are recorded, and where he sold his property for a considerable sum, and ab. 1678 or 9, came to S., built his house, 1678 or early in '79, on the spot where Capt. Paul rs., and this pr. by agreement with the proprietors before the lot was legally assigned to him. He had a home lot of 30 acres including [p258] the Rocky Hill N. of his house, and lying on both sides of the main road; also, 24 acres more in three other lots. He d. about 1702. He had,

I. Lydia, July 3, 1657, d. 1719. m. Moses Adams, of S.
8. 4. II. Jona., Oct. 20, '58;
III. Anna, Apl. 28, '60, m. Cornelius Fisher.
9. 5. IV. John, June 27, '62;
V. Josiah, May 19, '64;
VI. Elinor, Oct. 12, '66, d. Nov. 23, '78;
VII. James, Nov. 28, '68, d. Nov. 30, '90;
VIII. Isaac, Jan. 12, '70-1, d. Dec. 2, '90;
24. 6. IX. Joseph, Mar. 10, '72-3;
X. Abigail, Aug 18, '75;
7. XI. Benj., Jan. 6, '78-9, d. 1718.

4. 8. Jona., m. Sarah pr. Hapgood, s. on lands assigned to his father near Chestnut Brook, and rm. to W. He had at S.,

I. Sarah, Mar. 2, 1692-3;
II. Jona., Sep. 27, '94 d. yg.;
III. Tabitha, Aug. 22, '96.

5. 9. John, m. Mary Hapgood, fr. W., dg. of Shadrack H., 2d, Sarah ____, 3d, Martha Walker, 1718, inherited the homestead in S., and had,

I. Mary, Mar. 27, 1689, m. Daniel Moore, 1709;
II. Elizabeth, Jan. 29, '90, m. Jona. Willard.
11. 10. III. James, Dea., Dec. 28, '92, "d. Apl. 10, 1770, a. 77;"
VI. Lydia, Apl. 18, '96, m. Richard Haven, 1713-14;
V. Hannah, Sep. 27, '97, m. Ezekail Rice, 1722-3.

10. 11. James, Dea., inherited, ab. 1727, the homestead at Edward West's Plain, m. Martha Rice, and 2d, Elizabeth (Holbrook) Twitchell, (the wid. of Joseph T. of S., and the mother of Joseph T., Esq.,) 1696, d. Mar. 31, 1782, a. 85. He had,

I. John, Apl. 10, 1716, m. Abigail Perry, '38-9;
30. 11 . II. James, June 4, '18, m. Patience Leland;
III. Mary, May 12, 1720;
IV. Martha, Nov. 9, '21;
V. Benj., June 13, '23, d. yg.;
VI. Micha, June 4, '25, d. June 23, 1860, m. Lydia Mason, '47, r. Nat.
16. 13 VII. Benj. Oct. 23, '27;
VIII. Ezra, Feb. 22, '29-30, m. Mercy Morse, r. Doug., had I. Elizabeth, June 29, 1754;
39. 15. IX. Daniel, Hon., Dec 13, '33, of 2d w., and d. Apl. 6, 1810, a. 76.

13. 16. Benj., Dea., m. Esther Leland, b. July 31, 1728, dg. of Joseph L., by w. Esther Thurston, and grd. dg. of Hopestill L., by w. Patience Holbrook, and gr. grd. dg. of Henry L., by w. Margaret Babcock, and gr. gr. grd. dg. of Hopestill L., s. at W. Sherborn, where Capt. Curtis Golding rs. He had,

19. 17. I. James, b. Oct. 21, 1755, m. Susanna Hill, 1780;
18. II. Joseph, b. 1762, inherited the homestead which he sold to Eleazer Goulding, m. Sally Parks, fr. Fram., and rm. to Gardner, had

I. Joseph Park;
II. Geo.;
III. Chs.;
IV. Samuel;
V. Ann P.,
all bp. at S., 1800-9.

17. 19. James received from his grd. father Leland in 1779, a deed of half his farm, situated partly in Holl., and upon which occurs a valuable quarry of sienite, and upon which the towns of S., Holl. and Ashland corner. In 1785, he received from the same hand another deed. He r. where Tim. Twitchell rs., but sold this farm to Wm. Adams, and d. at Dover. He had,

23. 20. I. Isaac, Col. and Esq., Sep. 6, 1783, m. Mary More, and 2d, Sally Thayer
II. Benj., who m. ____ More, and s. in N. Y.;
III. Martin, m. and s. in Attleboro;
IV. Sylvia, d. unm.;
V. Patty, d. unm.

20. 23. Isaac, Col., inherited the homestead of his father, was esteemed a man of strong mind and an able military officer. He was long a leading citizen of the Town. He m. 1st, Mary More, and 2d Sally Thayer, (still living) dg. of [p259] Elijah T., of Milford, by w. Sarah Robinson, the dg. of Samuel R., pr. a descendant of Elder John Robinson, of the Pilgrim Chh. He had,

I. Susan, m. Chs. Bonney;
II. Martha, m. Moses Stratton;
III. Mary, May 7, 1812, m. Ebenr. Babcock;
IV. Jane, Apl. 9, 1816, m. James N. Hill;
V. Warren, b. June 15, 1819, m. Ann E. Watson, b. Feb. 2, '23, and had Abby, Apl. 11, '46, r. Homestead;
VI. James R., Feb. 24, '21, m. Almira Cleale; [corrected. IV in original.]
VII. Amanda;
VIII. Sally Ann.

6. 24. Joseph, m. Rebecca, r. S., had,

I. Jonas, June 7, 1708;
II. Joseph, Mar. 22, '10;
III. Sylvanus, Feb. 22, '11-12;
IV. James, Mar. 22, '14;
V. Ephraim, Mar. 11, '15-16, r. Natick;

11. 30. James, m. Patience Leland, s. at W. Sherborn, at the junction of the roads to Ashland and the W., and had,

33. 31. I. John, Mar. 10, 1742-3, m. Hannah Holbrook;
II. Joseph, May 7, 1745;
III. Martha, Aug. 16, '47;
IV. Abigail, Dec. 11, '49.

31. 33. John, 1st w. "Molly" ____, 2d w. Hannah Holbrook, dg. of Nath'l H., inherited the homestead at W. Sh., and had,

I. Hannah, Sep. 3, 1768, m. Henry Pratt;
II. Nathaniel, July 12, '72, m. ____ Eames, fr. Fram., r. N. Y.;
III. John, bp. '72-81, m. Clarissa Slack, r. Boston.
38. 36. IV. James, bp. '72-81, m. Lois Blodget, fr. N. Y.;
V. Ezra, bp. '72-81, s. at Medibemps, Me.;
VI. Patty, bp. '72-81, pr. d. yg.

36. 38. James, s. on the homestead, but built with his father the house now occupied by Mr. Lyman W., and had;

I. Louisa, m. Cyrus Daniels, of Med.;
II. Phebe, m. Partridge Hill; 2d, Jacob Pratt, of S.;
III. Lyman, m. Mary Leland, and inherits the homestead;
IV. Sylvester, m. Fanny Sanger, r. W. Sherborn;
V. Lois, m. Augustus Leland;
VI. Elmira, m. Harrison G. O. Hooker, of S.;
VII. James, m. Mary Ann Clark;
VIII. Vespatian, d. yg.;
IX. Caroline, m. James Wight of Newton;
X. Abigail, d. yg.

15. 39. Daniel, Hon., was a strong-minded, facetious and patrotic citizen. He was early and long in public life, and during the revolutionary struggle, an efficient instrument in arousing and directing the energies of his fellow-citizens. He was a member of the Provincial Congress, 1775, rep. '76; member of the convention to form the State Constitution, '80, and of that which adopted the Federal Constitution, in '88; and between 1781 and '99, he represented S. 14 years in the G. C., and was several sessions a member of the Senate, and repeatedly of the Executive Council. As a magistrate, he was much valued, and he passed away amidst the regrets of an extended acquaintance. The following inscription on his gravestone should be exempt from the sarcasm, "Here lie the dead, and here the living lie." "Stranger, tread lightly on the remains of one such as thou ought to be, true to his conscience and country." He m. Miriam Leland, June 11, 1761, dg. of Daniel L., by w. Mary Death, inherited the ancient homestead on Edward's Plain; and had,

I. Amos, a mercht., in Boston; d. without issue;
II. Daniel, m. ____ White, fr. Newport, R.I., and had,

I. Daniel, rm. South;
II. Amos, d. in New York;
III. Wm. S. (d.);

III. Aaron, Feb. 9, 1771, d. Nov. 29, 1819, m. Edie Fisk, Apl. 30, '94, who d. Sep. 1, 1848. He had at S.,

I. John, Jan. 21, '95, d. a.21;
II. Mary, July 24, 1801, m. Moses Stratton, of S.;
III. Elizabeth, July 16, '03; d. Aug. 24, '24;

IV. Daniel, July 26,'05, d. Aug. 19, '44, m. Hanh. (Smith) Reaud, and had

Mary E. m. Robert F. Barwick of New York; [p. 260]

V. Aaron, Sep. 15, '09, rs. Natick has a family;
VI. Miriam L., Nov. 8, '11, r. S.;
VII. Sarah H., July 9, '13, m. Emlyn Sparahawk;
VIII. John F., Feb. 20, '16, d. 1816;

IV. Elizabeth, m. Dea. Wm. Clark, of S.;
V. Mary, m. John Bullard, Esq. of S.

The following occur on S. and Holl. records, supposed to be the descendants of Benjamin Whitney, No. 2, but incapable of being traced by our records.

47. Benj. ? w. Hester, had Benj., May 22, 1709, at S. was innholder and drew lands in Douglas, 1715, but disappeared before 1730.

48. Eleazer, ? had Daniel, Feb. 17, 1704-5, at S.;

49. Jona., ? w. Susanna, had at S.;

I. Susanna, Jan 20, 1702-3;
II. Jona., Oct. 17, 1704;
III. Keziah, July 31, '06;
IV. Dorotha, Aug. 28, '08;
V. Mary, May 28, '10;
VI. Lydia, Mar. 3, '11-12;
VII. Jesse, Feb. 8, '14;
VIII. Hanh., Feb. 11, '14-15;
IX. Elias, Nov. 14, '16;
X. Mehit., Dec. 27, '18;
XI. Geo., '21;

50. Geo., ? w. Sarah Cozzens, had,

I. Isaac, Sep. 7, 1746;
II. Hanh., Apl. 12, '48;
III. Mercy, Dec. 22, '49;
IV. Sarah, Nov. 30, '52, at H.;

51. Elias, ? w. Elizth., had

I. Abigail, Mar 19, 1747;
II. Elias, June 15, '50;
III. Ann Allen, June 1, '53, at H.;

52. Isaac, ? w. Lydia, had Lydia, May 4, '52, at Holl;

53. Samuel, ? w. Deliverance, had Samuel, Nov. 21, '65;

54. Isaac Whitney, ? w. Mary ____, had at H.,

I. Sarah, Sep. 12, 1773;
II. Isaac, Aug. 12, '75.

55. Simeon had Betsey, bp. '95, at S.

Copyright © 1999, 2006, 2017, Robert L. Ward and the Whitney Research Group.