Archive:History of Westminster, Heywood, M-N

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Archives > Archive:Extracts > Archive:History of Westminster, Massachusetts > History of Westminster, Heywood, M-N

Heywood, William Sweetzer, History of Westminster, Massashusetts (First named Narragansett No. 2), From the date of the original grant of the township to the present time, 1728-1893, with a Biographic-Genealogical Register of its Principal Families, (Vox Populi Press: S.W. Huse & Co., Lowell, Mass.: 1893); New England Historic Genealogical Society Call No. F/74/W72/H6.


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[p. 762] MAY

John May1 was b. at Mayfield, Sussex Co., Eng., in 1590. He came early to this country, set. in Roxbury, and was a member of Eliot's chh. Among his chn. was John2, the f. of another John3, whose s. Samuel4 went to Lancaster and became the common ancestor of those of the name living in that vicinity. He had a s. Thomas5 b. July 25, 1759, the f. of Levi6, who m. Deborah Wilder, and lived in what is now W. Sterling. Two of the sons of Levi6 and Deborah res. in W.
1. May, Noah7 b. July 3, 1797, was pub. to Clarissa, dau. Moses May of Leominster, a distant relative, April 7, 1822. In 1825 he purchased the place formerly belonging to Samuel Mosman, Jr., in the north part of the town, now owned by Charles S. Smith, where he afterwards lived. He d. April 9, 1874, a. 76. Clarissa, his w., d. May 27, 1862, a. 63. A second w., Betsey Allen, whom he m. Aug. 14, 1862, d. Oct 4, 1877, a. 57. Chn.:
2. Emory8, b. June 13, 1825; m. and res. Gr.
3. Stephen8, b. Aug. 16, 182S; m. Martha S. Nutting; res. W.
4. Susan8, b. Feb. 28, 1837; d. Oct. 17, 1841.
Other chn. of Noah and Clarissa May, not named in the records, d. young.
[3.] May, Stephen8 s. of the last, m. Martha L., dau. of Marcus and Philindia Nutting of Groton, and res. in tn. a few yrs., when they left for parts unkn. While here they had:
5. Alonzo F.9, b. July 22, 1869. 6. Edward H.9, b. Nov. 30, 1871.
7. Emma J.9, b. Aug. 11, 1873. 8. Elinda J.9, b. Aug. 1, 1875.
9. May, Sumner7 bro. of Noah (1), was b. July 18, 1799. He m. Myra, dau. of Nathan and Milly (Baker) Eaton, Nov. 15, 1821, and res. for some yrs. in W. He was a chair maker, and with a Mr. Ray started the business of getting out chair stock, in a mill located on a small stream west of the present dwelling of Eugene Gates. He went from W. to Gr., and thence to Ash., where he d. Feb. 9, 1879, a. 79. His w. d. May 4, 1861, a. 60, and he m. (2) Mrs. Philetta Johnson of Temp. Chn.:
10. Augustus8, b. Oct. 14, 1822; (twins), m. Lorena Cram; res. Gr.
11. Augustine8, b. Oct. 14, 1822; (twins), m. Elizabeth Reed; res. So. Ash.
12. Joel Wilder8, b. Feb. 2, 1825; m. Mary Bosworth; res. Newfield, N. J.
13. Charles Sumner8, b. April 10, 1827; res. unm. Ash.
Besides these, there were 5 others b. Ash., 1829-1839: — Harriet E.8, George W.8, Sarah E.8, Orange S.8 (P. M. at So. Ash.), and Achsah L.8, who m. Stephen C. Whitney of W.

[p. 765] MELLEN

1. Mellen, Joshua, ptge., etc., unascertained, was b. Fram., Jan. 16, 1749. He m. Rebecca Mellen of Hopkinton in 1771, and soon after appeared in W. He owned for a time 2d Div. lot No. 79, which he sold to Elisha Whitney in 1780. He afterwards lived on the Jacob Goodale lot, and finally in a ho. that stood in what is now pasture land, a short distance east of Mud Pond. (See A. H. Nos. 24, 6, 13.) He was wretchedly poor, as is remembered by a few persons still living, made so, it is reported, by strong drink, and the family were dependent, more or less, upon public or private aid in consequence, even then often suffering for want of the necessaries and comforts of life. In 1820 the town paid Ezra Wood $11.20 for carrying what remained of the family to Oxford, on what grounds does not appear. There he d., Jan. 30, 1828. Chn.:
2. Dolly, b. Dec. 8, 1771. 3. Jonathan, b. Sept. 6, 1773.
4. Joshua, b. Aug. 20, 1775. 5. Calvin, b. Sept. 27, 1777.
6. Unnamed, b. April 30, 1779; d. inf. 7. Polly, b. March 31, 1780.
8. Unnamed, b. April 19, 17S2; d. inf. 9. Rebecca, b. Jan. 22, 1784.
10. Simon, b. Feb. 7, 1786. 11. Persis, b. Jime 5, 1788.
12. Sukey, b. July 15, 1792.

[p. 776-779] MILES

It is stated that the first baptisms registered in the first chh. of Boston were those of "Joy and Recompense, daughters of brother John Miles." Whether or not this was the same John1 who was a blacksmith by trade and set. in Concord, 1635, does not appear. The latter was admitted "freeman" in 1638, and became a large landholder and a substantial citizen of the town. He had 2 sons, John2 and Samuel2, both of whom have been represented in W. somewhat largely and creditably, though their descendants have now mostly disappeared. The former m. Mary Prescott and, with other chn., had a s. John3, who m. Elizabeth (or Rebecca) Brooks, three of whose sons, John4, Noah4, and Abner4, were early and permanent residents here. A dau. m. Obadiah Kendall, and was in town for a short time. John3, the f., owned considerable land in the place, and supplied two of his sons with farms, as will duly appear.

[42.] Miles, Reuben3, was s. of Samuel2, who m. Sarah Foster of Littleton, and therefore cousin of John3, the father of John4, Noah4, and Abner4, already mentioned. He was b. in Concord, Dec. 12, 1723, and seems to have come to Nar. No. 2 quite as early as his distant kinsmen, purchasing lot No. 14, on which a house had already been built, May 4, 1749. Said lot was situated S. E. of, and continguous to, the one in possession of the Damon family for five generations, and the general location of the farm buildings are still pointed out. (See A. H. No. 66.) He bought, 1754, lot No. 16, lately the home farm of his gd.s., George Miles, and set. upon it. He was a somewhat notable man in town, of "property and standing." Was Selectman, possessed large land interests, owned a slave, and had money to be taxed. He m. Anna, dau. of Zephaniah and Mary (Heywood) Rice of Worc., cousin of Timothy Heywood, spoken of elsewhere, prob. in 1754. He d. Feb. 20 (say records), 5 (says tombstone), 1780, a. 56. Anna, who survived him, d. May 5, 1798. Chn.:
43. Nathan4, b. Jan. 25, 1755; m. Susannah Brown; res. W. and N. Y.
44. Reuben4, b. Nov. 12, 1756; d. in army at Watertown, Sept. 15, 1775.
45. Anna4, b. July 4, 1758; m. Thomas Knower; res. W.; 7 chn.; d. Oct. 7, 1849.
46. Jonas4, b. July 11, 1760; m. Rachel Bancroft; res. W.
47. Asa4, b. June 11, 1762; m. Elizabeth C. Rice; res. W.
48. Sally4, b. May 23, 1764; m. James White; res. W.; sev. chn.; d. 1806
49. Lucy4, b. May 13, 1766; m. Andrew Whitney; res. Pn.; sev. chn.
50. Persis4, b. Feb. 20, 1769; twin; m. Joseph Sweetzer; res. Athol; sev. chn.
51. Mary4, b. Feb. 20, 1769; twin; d. July 30 (say records), May 30 (says tombstone), 1785.

[p. 782-789] MILLER

The first known record of the Miller family in this country chronicles the fact that in the year 1637 Richard1 and his w., Eleanor, had joined the Mass. colony of Puritan adventurers, and were located at Charlestown. One of their sons, Joseph2, m. Mary Pope, and established a home in that part of Cambridge afterward set off to form New-town, or Newton, as it was finally called. Of this union Samuel3 was b., who m. Elizabeth Child and through her became the progenitor of that branch of the original Miller stock which has had abundant and honorable representation in W. during the entire period of its history. The first in the place was

1. Miller, Joseph4, s. of Samuel3 and Elizabeth, b. in Newton, July 29, 1716. He came to Nar. No. 2 as early as 1740, calling himself a res. of the township in the deed conveying to him, May 20 of that year, all right and title to house lots Nos. 32 and 61, on the former of which, now owned and occupied by Otis W. Sawin, he soon after located. This original home estate remained in possession of the family during five successive generations, or for a hundred and thirty-five years, passing into other hands at a recent date. The house first built stood a little to the rear of the one now on the premises. [snip]

Mr. Miller m. ab. the time of coming to the wilds of Narragansett, Mary, dau. of Isaac and Martha (Whitman) Williams, also of Newton, forming a union both members of which were of good old N. E. stock, and well qualified to act well their part in the great drama of existence. He d. May 24, 1794, a. 77. His wid., Mary, d. Dec., 1799, a. 82. Their chn., all natives of W. with the exception, possibly, of the oldest, were
2. Joseph5, b. July 27, 1741; m. Lucy Walker; res. W.
3. Mary5, b. March 16, 1743; m. Thomas Keyes; no further record.
4. Ephraim5, b. Sept. 16, 1744;m. Beulah Wheeler; res. W.
5. Martha5, b. Sept. 11, 1746; m. Samuel (3) Sawin; res. W.; 8 chn.; d. Aug. 1. 1808.
6. David5, b. Aug 8, 1748; prob. d. young.
7. John5, d. Aug. 7, 1750; d. the following day.
8. Samuel5, b. July 20, 1751; m. Lydia (2) Cutting; res. W.
9. Isaac5, b. March 31, 1754; m. Sarah Bennett; res. W., etc.
10. Esther5, b. March 9, 1756; never m.; res. W.; d. Oct 17, 1850.
11. Elizabeth5, b. March 16, 1758; m. Stephen (10) Holden; res. W.; chn.; d. Nov. 22, 1828.
12. John5, b. Sept. 22, 1762; prob. d. young.
13. Phebe5, b. Feb. 2, 1766; m. Thomas* Damon; res. W.; 8 chn.; d. April 26, 1826.

[*Misprint - should be Timothy (2) Damon]

[8.] Miller, Samuel5, m. Oct. 23, 1775, Lydia (2), dau. of Josiah and Lydia (Merriam) Cutting, and set. on the homestead of his f.-in-law, now in possession of Geo. W. (49) Whitney. His w. d. Dec. 28, 1793. In Nov., 1796, he m. (2) Sarah Hail (Hale) of Stow. Mr. Miller d. Oct. 20, 1820, a. 69. His wid., Sarah, d. Feb. 8, 1830, a. 66. Chn.:
29. Lydia6, b. Aug. 19, 1776; d. Aug. 15, 1778.
30. Lydia6, b. March 10, 1779; m. Daniel Baker; res. Pn.; 6 chn.; d. Sept. 25, 1852.
31. Josiah6, b. March 18. 1781; m. Zerviah ----; res. W. and Prescott.
32. Samuel6, b. May 28, 1783; lived W. on old place; unm.; d. Nov. 14, 1846.
33. John C.6, b. June 3, 1785; m. twice; res. W.
34. David6, b. July 9, 1787; m. and res. Canada; 1 chd.; d. Feb. 7, 1816.
35. Eunice6, b. March 19, 1789; m. Simeon Warren; res. W.; no chn.; d. May 11, 1826.
36. Annis6, b. May 1, 1792; m. James (49) Harrington; res. New Salem; sev. chn.; d. Sept. 8, 1845.
37. Levi6, b. Feb. 15, 1798; m. Mary Houghton; res. Antwerp, N. Y.; 7 chn.; d. ab. 1800.
38. Rebecca6, b. Oct. 26, 1799; d. unm. Dec. 24, 1839.
39. Eliza M.6, b. Feb. 14, 1802; m. Ephraim Beaman; res. Pn.; no chn.; d. Nov. 19, 1872.
[33.] Miller, John C.6, m. (1) Abigail (Walker), wid. of Jonas Fessenden, in 1808, and thereby came into possession of the original Timothy Fessenden estate, in the S. E. part of town, where he afterward res. His w. d. Feb. 9, 1822, a. 46, and he m. (2) July 10, 1823, Tabitha (101), dau. of Dea. David and Elizabeth (Barron) Whitney, who survived him many years. He d. Oct. 2, 1864, a. 79. She d. April 11, 1888, a. 95. Chn.:
95. Charlotte7, b. May 31, 1810; m. Moses Chamberlain; res. Temp.; 11 chn.; d. June 8, 1888.
96. Mary7, b. Sept. 17, 1813; m. Justus Lamb; res. Temp.; 5 chn.; living.
97. Abigail7, b. March 2, 1815; d. March 13, 1815.
98. Nancy7, b. Jan. 19, 1820; m. Geo. W. Gregory; res. Winch.; 6 chn.; living.
99. John F.7, b. May 7, 1824; d. unm. Aug. 17, 1846.
100. Elizabeth7, b. Dec. 19, 1825; d. Aug. 27, 1826.
101. George7, b. July 11, 1827; m. Clarrissa E. Gill; res. Wis.; 5 chn.; d. May 1866?.
102. David W.7, b. May 5, 1829; m. Laura E. Davis; res. Gr.; 2 chn.; living
103. Sarah E.7, b. Dec. 24, 1830; m. Thomas Marshall; res. Leom.; 1 chd; l.
104. Joseph7, b. Oct. 14, 1832; m. Emily Follett; res. Pn.; 3 chn.; d. Jan. 8, 1893.
105. Isaac B.7, b. Nov. 22, 1834; m. Jennie E. Potter; res. Gr.; 3 chn.; living.
106. Calvin7, b. March 18, 1837; m. Amelia V. Alger; res. Athol; 2 chn.; living.
[105.] Miller, Isaac B.7, s. of John C.6 and Tabitha, m. Jennie E. Potter of New Haven, Conn., Oct. 30, 1859. After a brief sojourn in Wisconsin, he ret. to W., where he lived a few years, but subsequently rem. to Gr., where he now res. Chn.:
129. Willie E.8, b. Wis., Sept. 23, 1860; d. Feb. 19, 1861.
130. Sarah Alene8, b. W., June 16 1862; m. Willie O. Sawin; d. May 30, 1881.
131. John C.8, b. W., June 18, 1864; a civil engineer; res. Chicago.

[p. 791-793] MINOTT

The first of this name in N. E. was George1, s. of Thomas Minott, Esq., of Essex, b. Aug. 4, 1594. He is said to have been a staunch Puritan, uniting his fortunes with those of some of the early colonists and coming hither that he, with his associates, might enjoy the privileges of civil and religious liberty, and worship God according to the dictates of his own conscience. He set. in that part of Dorchester now known as Neponset, where he was made "Freeman" in 1634, and elected Rep. to the Gen. Ct. in 1735 and 1736. For more than 30 yrs. he served as Elder in the chh., having for a contemporary Elder Humphrey, the ancestor of a most reputable family not yet extinct in that vicinity. The excellences of these two ecclesiastical worthies were formerly commemorated by a unique inscription on a tombstone in the old Dorchester burying ground, how displaced and probably destroyed, running thus:
"Here lie the bodies of Unite Humphrey and Shining Minott,

Such names as these, they never die not."

Mr. Minott, who passed away in 1671, left a s. James2, the f. of another James3, who located in Concord. The latter had Jonathan4, a res. of Westford, whose s. Jonathan5 completes the ancestral line of the first W. family.

1. Minott, Jonathan6, s. of the last, was b. Westford, Sept. 3, 1749. He was a Rev. sold. and served at Bunker Hill. When exactly 28 yrs. of a., Sept. 3, 1777, he m. Hannah Eastman of the same tn., and prob. came at once to their home here. A year previous, July 3, 1776, the day bef. the signing of the Dec. of Ind., he bought of Andrew Poore, Leom., the 2d and 3d Div. lots drawn on No. 8, originally belonging to Rev. Elisha Marsh. They were located adjacent to each other in the present west part of the town, and constituted the essential portion of the well-known farm still in the keeping of the fam. Mr. Minott was a man of sturdy physique and of corresponding characteristics otherwise. He was a successful farmer, adding continually to his landed and other possessions, and becoming in a few years one of the largest taxpayers in town. He d. April 3, 1833, a. 83. Mrs. Minott d. June 14, 1838, a. 79. Chn.:
2. Jonathan7, b. May 12, 1779; m. Ruth Adams; res. W.; no chn.; d. April 15, 1832.
3. Joseph7, b. Sept. 12, 1781; m. Sally Graves; res. W.; 12 chn.; d. Dec. 10, 1835.
4. Hannah7, b. April 12, 1785; m. Reuben How; res. Rut. and W.; 6 chn.; d. May 8, 1860.
5. Betsey7, b. Aug. 15, 1787; m. Justus Holden; res. Barre and W.; chn.; d. Jan. 28, 1874.
6. Sally7, b. May 3, 1790; m. Otis (1) Titus; res. W.; 4 chn.; d. June 15, 1883.
7. Amos B.7, b. Oct. 14, 1792; m. Mary Hardy; res. W.; 3 chn.; d. Aug. 21, 1823.
8. Leonard7, b. Feb. 22, 1795; m. Myra (158) Whitney; res. W.; no chn.; d. June 26, 1844.
9. John7, b. Jan. 30, 1797; m. wid. of bro. Amos B.; res. W.; 5 chn.; d. Aug. 24, 1876.
10. Luke7, b. April 26, 1800; m. Catharine Fowle; res. W.; 6 chn.; d. June 7, 1841.
11. Hittie E.7, b. Sept. 20, 1802; m. Isaac Jackson; res. Gr.; 6 chn.; d. Jan. 1, 1852.
12. Mary Ann7, b. Dec. 27, 1808; m. Levi Hardy; res. Hollis, N. H., and Worc.
[3.] Minott, Joseph7, s. of the last, m. Sally, dau. of Levi and Rebecca (Wood) Graves (pub. Sept. 6, 1807). He was a carpenter by trade, and carried on the business of building for some years with his older bro., Jonathan. At length he turned his attention to the manufacture of bass viols, in which calling he proved to be a skillful and satisfactory workman. His instruments had an excellent reputation, both for purity and richness of tone and quality of construction, and found a ready and extensive market. His workshop stood on the ground now occupied by the Baptist meetinghouse, near his place of residence, where Mrs. Dr. Warner now lives. He passed away Dec. 10, 1835, a. 54. His wid. followed him July 31, 1855, a. 71. Chn.:
13. Sally L.8, b. Nov. 20, 1807; m. Timothy Fessenden; res. W.; 4 chn.; d. Sept. 27, 1861?.
14. Rebecca M.8, b. March 13, 1809; m. Reed (20) Merriam; res. W.; 1 chd.; d. June 21, 1860.
15. Joseph N.8, b. Nov. 2, 1811; m. Betsey (24) Merriam; res. W. and Worc.
16. Susan A.8, b. Dec. 27, 1813; d. April 11, 1827.
17. Martha A.8, b. April 17, 1816; m. Geo. S. Burrage; res. Leom.; 3 chn.; l.
18. Mary W.8, b. Feb. 7, 1819; m. Asaph Wood; res. W.; 5 chn.; d. Worc.
19. Ruth M.8, b. July 14, 1821; d. April 9, 1827.
20. Levi W.8, b. June 4, 1824; d. July 19, 1824.
21. Henry W.8, b. June 15, 1825; m. twice; res. Spring Valley, Minn.; 1 chd.; d. May ?, 1891.
22. Levi E.8, b. Sept. 2, 1827; m. ---- Crocker; res. Sheboygan, Wis ; 3 chn.; l.
23. Charles M.8, b. Oct. 22, 1829; d. July 15, 1831.
24. Susan M.8, b. 1831; d. Oct. 7, 1848.
[15.] Minott, Joseph Nelson8, oldest s. of Joseph7 and Sally, was also a carpenter, living and working at his trade in W. many years, when he moved to Worc. A man of genial disposition, generous hospitality, and exemplary life. He m. Betsey (24), dau. of Asa and Lucena (Puffer) Merriam, in 1838. He d. June 8, 1868, a. 57. She d. Feb. 8, 1887, a. 72. Chd.:
39. Mary S.9, b. Nov. 30, 1842; living at Worc., unm.

[p. 808-809] NEWTON

Richard Newton1, the immigrant ancestor of those bearing this name in W., was in Sudbury as early as 1640, where he was made "freeman" five years afterward. He rem. to Marlboro', of which place he was one of the early settlers, locating on territory now included within the limits of Southboro'. His son, Daniel2, was f. of Nathaniel3, of whom was the following to wit: [snip]

[15.] Newton, Joel7, youngest s. of the last [Timothy6 and Phebe (How) Newton, b. Feb. 11, 1821], and the only one of the family who set. in W., remained on the homestead, which he occupied and cultivated through life. He m. March --, 1842, Maria (86), dau. of James and Eunice (Hyde) Sawin. They had a large and interesting family. Several of the daughters have exhibited marked literary abilities, and have made an honorable record for themselves as teachers and in other spheres of useful service. Mr. Newton d. Oct. 27, 1891, a. 70. His wid. is living. Their chn.:
16. Timothy8, b. March 8, 1843; d. March 21, 1843.
17. Abby B.8, b. Aug. 6, 1844; m. Charles W. Griffin; res. Worc., etc.; 2 chn.; l.
18. Alonzo C.8, b. July 21, 1846; m. Etta Upton; res. Gr.; no chn.
19. Marcus M.8, b. Feb. 8, 1848; m. Mattie Priest and Lizzie White; res. Gr.; 2 chn.
20. Emma A8, b. March 23, 1850.
21. Susan A.8, b. Aug. 19, 1852; d. Jan. 8, 1862.
22. Lizzie M.8, b. April 21, 1854; m. Henry K. Trask; res. New Haven, Conn.; no chn.
23. Mattie L.8, b. March 11, 1856; d. Oct. 28, 1857.
24. Frank W.8, b. Jan 23, 1859; m. Susy A. Cary; res. Gr.; 1 chd.
25. Lula M.8, b. Feb. 1, 1861.
26. Augustus8, b. Oct. 19, 1863; twin; d. the same day.
27. Augustine8, b. Oct. 19, 1863; twin; d. the same day.
28. Edith G.8, b. March 8, 1869.

[p. 810-812] NICHOLS

The immigrant head of the Nichols family in this part of the country is supposed to have been Richard1 an early settler of Ipswich (Agawam), who rem. after a few years to Reading, where he became a permanent resident. By his w., Annis, he had Jonas2, the f. of Jonathan3, whose s., Benjamin4, m. Mary, of parentage unknown. Of this union came the first of the name who located within the limits of the present town of W. A second cousin, David5, had previously taken up his abode in the section set off to form Gr. in 1785, as noted on a subsequent page.
1. NICHOLS, BENJAMIN5, s. of Benjamin4 and Mary of Reading, was b. in 1754. He m. Rebecca, dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth (Temple) Bancroft of R., in 1779, and soon after came to this town, locating in the Minott neighborhood, on the place now owned by John Scott. He d. Nov. 22, 1818, a. 64. Date of d. of w. unkn. Chn.:
2. Benjamin6, b. prob. 17S0; went to Me., m., and had chn.
3. Edmund6, b. April 25, 17S2; m. twice; res. W.
4. Hannah6, b. May 11, 1784; m. Samuel Spencer of Boston.
5. William6, b. March 7, 17S6; unm.; drowned at sea.
6. Betsey6, b. Nov. 22, 1788; prob. d. 1800.
7. Rebecca6, b. April 1, 1791; m. Oliver Whitney and moved to Vt.
8. Susannah6, b. Aug. 19, 1793; prob. d. 1800.
9. Sally6; birth not recorded; m. Martin Dunster; res. Gr.; no chn.; d. July 2, 1845.
[3.] NICHOLS, EDMUND6, s. of the last, remained with his f. and succeeded to the homestead. He m. (1) Dorcas, dau. of Joshua and Vashti (Knight) Whitney of Gr., Oct. 31, 1808, who, after giving birth to two chn., d. June 1, 1812, a. 24. He was m. (2) to Betsey, dau. of John and Lucy Adams, June 17, 1813. He d. Nov. 7, 1839, a. 57. His second wife d. at a date unknown. He had, in all, 9 chn.:
10. Joel7, b. Oct. 22, 1809; m. and res. Gr.; 3 chn.; living.
11. Betsey7, b. July 12, 1811; ni. twice and has had 4 chn.; living.
12. Haskell7, b. Jan. 17, 181 5; m. Mary -----; res. W., etc.; dec'd.
13. Dorcas7, b. Sept. 29. 1817; m. Benjamin Nichols and Lyman Hale; res. Royalston; no chn.; living.
14. Susan7, b. May 4, 1820; m. Joseph Woodbury; res. W.; 2 chn.; living.
15. Harriet7, b. May 24, 1822; m. ----- Kilburn; res. Winch.; 2 chn.; living.
16. Unnamed7, b. April 29, 1824; d. April 30, 1824.
17. Chester7, b. Aug. 24, 1825; m. and lived Keene; 5 chn.; d. 1891.
18. William7, b. Oct. 16, 1827; m. Hannah Baker; res. W.
19. Martha7, b. Dec. 24, 1829; m. Oliver M. Merriam; res. W.; 2 chn.; d. Oct. 11, 1880.
20. Jane7, b. Nov. 29, 1832; d. Jan. 30, 1847, a. 14.
[12.] NICHOLS, HASKELL7, s. of the last, m. Mary -----, and after res. in town a few years and having 2 chn., rem. to N. Y. State, where he d. not long afterward. Chn.:
21. Joseph Shepherd8, b. Sept. 24, 1844. 22. Daughter8, b. March 6, 1846.
[18.] NICHOLS, WILLIAM7, bro. of the last, m. Sept. 18, 1851, Hannah, dau. of Elmer and Lucinda (Conant) Baker, and set. near Wachusett Lake. Chn.:
23. Jane E.8, h. April 7, 1853; d. Oct. 31, 1854.
24. Henry E.8, b. April 23, 1855; m. Nettie A. Underwuod; res. W.; 2 elm.
25. Emily J.8, b. March 24, 1859; d. June 4, 1875.
[24.] NICHOLS, HENRY E.8 s. of the last, m. Nettie A., dau. of George C. and Susan (Oaks) Underwood, Gr., May 19, 1878, and has 2 chn.:
26. Ethel E.9, b. May 26, 1885. 27. -----9, perhaps older.
28. NICHOLS, EDMOND7, s. of David6 and Rachel (Howard) Nichols, and gd.s. of David5 alluded to above, was b. Gr., Aug. 26, 1801. He m. Mary, dau. of Ezra and Ruth (Puffer) Derby in 1823, and set. in W., res. in different sections of the town, but finally purchasing and occupying the Kendall property, in the W. part of the central village, now in possession of his sons. He was a farmer, chair maker, dealer in real estate, etc., — an enterprising, shrewd, successful business man in his time. He d. March 22, 1870, a. 68. His wid., Mary (Derby) Nichols, d. five weeks later, April 29, a. 65. Their chn. were:
29. Augustus E.8, b. Feb. 19, 1824; m. Sophia C. Bemis; res. W.; d. Oct. 22, 1859.
30. Frederic8 b. Oct. 30, 1825; m. wid. Aurelia B. Fisher; res. W.; 3 chn.
31. Mary A.8, b. March 3, 1827; m. James M. Clark; res. W.; no chn.; d. March 2, 1858.
32. Francls8 b. Sept. 11, 1829; m. wid. Sophia B. Nichols; res. W.
33. Caroline8, b. July 30, 1832; m. Thomas Greenwood; res. Gr.; 4 chn.
34. Lucy8, b. Sept. 20, 1835; m. James M. Clark; res. W.; 2 chn.; d. Aug. 29, 1869.
35. Lyman8 b. Jan. 29, 1839; m. Ellen A. Peabody; res. Pn.; 4 chn.; living.
36. George8, b. Aug. 10, 1841; unm.; d. May 5, 1867.
37. Clara A.8, h. March 5, 1844; m. John R. Conant; res. Gr.; 1 chd.; living.
38. Charles8, b. July 4, 1847; m. Alice A. Brown; res. W.
39. Marcus M.8, b. June 27, 1849; m. Abbie I. Reed; res. W.
[29.] NICHOLS, AUGUSTUS E.8, s. of the last, m. Sophia C. Bemis, and set. in W. He was a chair maker by trade as most of his bros. were. He d. Oct. 22, 1859, a. 35, and his wid. m. (2) his bro. Francis, as shown below. Chd.:
40. George Clayton9, b. July 1, 1858; d. Nov. 28, 1886, unm.
[30.] NICHOLS, FREDERIC8, bro. of the last, m. wid. Aurelia Fisher, dau. of Stephen and Sophia Bemis, and set. on the Dea. Edward Kendall estate, where he still lives. For some yrs. he was engaged in the manufacture of chairs, but finally sold the business to his younger bros. Chn. :
41. Alice S.9, b. Nov. 2, 1874. 42. Ruth B.9, b. April 18, 1877.
43. Charles G.9, b. Feb. 16, 1883.
[32.] NICHOLS, FRANCIS8, bro. of the last, m., as stated, Sophia, wid. of Augustus, and was awhile in business with his bros. His w. d. Aug. 29, 1890, a. 57. Chn.:
44. Frank A.9, b. April 25, 1867; m. Carrie Nickerson; res. Wis.; 1 chd.
45. Carrie S.9, b. Feb. 12, 1869; died young.
46. Edmund9, b. June 8, 1871. 47. Edith C.9, b. June 8, 1871.
[38.] NICHOLS, CHARLES8, a younger s. of Edwin7 and Mary, m. Dec. 10, 1871, Alice A., dau. of Timothy and Eunice (Lord) Brown. Entering into partnership with his bro., M. M. Nichols, some years since, they succeeded to the business started at the W. end of the central village by their older bros., and built up a large establishment as stated in the Chapter on "Industries," contributing very essentially to the prosperity of the town in later years. The chn. of Charles and Alice are:
48. Mary A.9, b. Aug. 26, 1873. 49. Abbie B.9 b. Dec. 26, 1875.
50. Louis C.9, b. Dec. 28, 1877.
51. Arthur E.9, b. May 28, 1850; d. May 26, 1889.
52. Edmund L.9, b. Feb. 10, 1890.
[39.] NICHOLS, MARCUS M.8, the youngest of Edmund7's sons, m. Abbie I., dau. of Phineas W. and Sally P. Reed, Dec. l0, 1871, and engaged in business as just noted. He served for some years, 1876 to 1881, as Town Clerk. Chn.:
53. Grace R.9, b. Oct. 3, 1872. 54. Maud M.9, b. Oct. 1, 1874.
55. Belle B.9, b. July 10, 1877. 56. Edmund C.9, b. Sept. 6, 1879.
57. Blanche D.9, b. Dec. 5, 1881. 58. Clara G.9, b. Feb. 4, 1884.
59. Reine C.9, b. Sept. 19, 1886.
[44.] NICHOLS, FRANK A.9, s. of Francis8 and Sophia, m. Carrie Nickerson. He res. W. awhile, but subsequently rem. to Two Rivers, Wis. 1 Chd.:
60. Sophia10, b. July 29, 1892.

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