Archive:Memoirs of Worcester County, Massachusetts, Volume III, Part 1

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Archives > Archive:Extracts > Memoirs of Worcester County, Massachusetts, Volume III, Part 1

Ellery Bicknell Crane, Historic Homes and Institutions and Genealogical and Personal Memoirs of Worcester County, Massachusetts: With a History of Worcester Society of Antiquity (The Lewis Publishing Company, 1907). Volume III.

From Google Books.

Part 2

[p. 1]

(III) James Draper, fourth child of James Draper (1), was born in Roxbury, Massachusetts, 1654, and died there April 30, 1698, aged forty-four years. He married Abigail Whitney, a descendant of John and Elinor Whitney, for whom see sketch elsewhere in this work. [NOTE: This was actually Abigail2 Whiting, daughter of Nathaniel1 and Hannah (Dwight) Whiting, b. 7 Jun 1663, Dedham, MA.--RLW] She died in Roxbury, October 25, 1721, aged fifty-nine years. The gravestones of both are to be found in the Roxbury graveyard, now in Boston.

[p. 39]

(VII) Rev. Benjamin Rice, son of Caleb (6) and Sally (Abbott) Rice, was born May 9, 1784. He graduated at Brown University in 1808, studied theology at Andover College and settled as a minister in Skaneateles, New York, then at Deerfield, Massachusetts, and later at New Gloucester and Buxton, Maine. He finally located at Winchendon, where he died July 11, 1847, aged sixty-four years. He married Elizabeth Bennett, of Sharon, Connecticut. She died February, 1818. For his second wife he married Almina, daughter of John Whipple, of Charlton. His third wife was Lucy, daughter of Phineas Whitney, of Winchendon. His children were all by his last marriage and included one named William Whitney Rice, who became a United States congressman and whose sketch is subjoined.

William Whitney Rice, of Worcester, Massachusetts, distinguished as a lawyer and statesman, and whose useful public career extended over a period of nearly one-third a century, was of English ancestry, and his lineage was well worthy the reverence in which he held it. The families from which he sprang were honored in the land of their birth, and their descendants in America crowned their names with additional honor. They were men and women of brawn and brain and conscience, their hearts fervent in reverence for God and lover for religious and political liberty. They were among the best of those who made the New England character, and left an impression for all time upon those who were to follow them.

Mr. Rice was born in Deerfield, Massachusetts, March 7, 1826, and died in Worcester, March 1, 1896. His parents were the Rev. Benjamin and Lucy (Whitney) Rice. In the paternal line he was seventh in descent from Edmund Rice, and in the maternal line he was eighth in descent from John Whitney, both natives of England, who emigrated to America respectively in 1638 or 1639 and in 1635. Edward Rice came from Berhampstead, in Hertfordshire, and first settled in Sudbury, Massachusetts, and he was a selectman there in 1644 and deacon in the church in 1648. He subsequently removed to Marlboro, where he died May 3, 1663. The old homestead in Sudbury yet remains in the possession of some of his descendants, and has been for many years the scene of a family reunion. Edward, second son of Edmund, was born in England about 1619, and died in Marlboro, Massachusetts, August 15, 1712. His wife wwas Agnes Bent and he was married a second time. Edward Rice was uncle of Jonas and Gershom Rice, who were sons of Thomas, third son of Edmund, the emigrant. Jonas was the first permanent settler in Worcester, where he died September 22, 1753, aged eighty-one years. He was the most important man of the infant settlement. He was a school teacher, deacon of the church, major of militia, and judge of the local courts. Captain Benjamin Rice, great-grandson of Edward Rice, was of the party of "Mohawks" who threw the tea into the Boston Harbor, was a town correspondent of the committee of safety, and served in the legislature in 1776-77 and in 1783-84. He married Sarah Upham, a descendant of Lieutenant Phinas Upham, who is written of elsewhere in this work. Caleb, son of Captain Benjamin, married Sarah Abbot, and they became the parents of Benjamin Rice.

Benjamin Rice was born in Sturbridge, May 9, 1784, and deid July 12, 1847. He was a graduate of Brown University, studied Divinity at Andover, entered the Congregational ministry, was settled in turn at Skaneateles, New York; South Deerfield, Massachusetts; New Gloucester and Buxton, Maine; and during the later years of his life was pastor at Winchendon, Massachusetts. He was an excellent man and an acceptable minister. He married Lucy Whitney (see Whitney genealogy in pages following), second daughter of Phinehas Whitney. She was born June 4, 1799, and long survived her husband, dying July 18, 1893, in the ninety-fifth year of her age. She was tall, of great mental and physical strength, and she was a real aid to her husband in his various pastorates. She was the mother of three children: 1. William Whitney RIce, to be written of at length hereafter. 2. Lucy Ann, born in Deerfield, September 26, 1827, who married the Rev. Milan Hubbard Hitchcock. Mr. and Mrs. Hitchcock were missionaries in Ceylon and Constantinople, and returned home in order to care for Mrs. Hitchcock's mother in her extreme old age. 3. Charles Jenkins Rice, born in New Gloucester, Maine, July 2, 1832. He always lived in Winchendon, on the place owned by his mother, a part of the old Phinehas Whitney property. He was offered a collegiate education, but preferred a business career, and egaged in manufacturing and dealing in lumber. He possessed many of the traits of his grandfather, Phinehas Whitney. He was influential in the community, and was for many years moderator of the town meeting, and was twice elected to the legislature as Republican. He was a leading man in the church, and was ever ready to lend his aid to the sick and distressed. He died May 3, 1892. He married Sarah M. Cummings, who was born in Winchendon, June 5, 1842. No children were born of this marriage.

William Whitney Rice, eldest son of the Rev. Benjamin and Lucy (Whitney) Rice, received his early education in his native village, and in Buxton, Maine, and when thirteen years old entered the Academy at Gorham, in the same state. Prior to this he had contracted excellent habits of study and reading while under the private tutorship of Horatio Woodman, and he left the academy as its most capable speaker and writer and its best general scholar. The same high abilities were further developed during his course in Bowdoin College, from which he graduated in 1846, when twenty years old, and this fact was glowingly dwelt upon by the Rev. Egbert C. Smith, D. D., of Andover, in a tribute which he paid to the memory of Mr. Rice before the American Antiquarian Society, subsequent to his death.

While a college student, Mr. Rice taught school in his vacations, and after his graduation was a teacher in Maine, but a month's confinement to the school room found him with impaired health, and he was obliged to return home, where he lay ill for a year, and his father died before he had recovered. In the autumn of 1847 he resumed teaching, and remained in Leicester Academy for four years. He was a most capable teacher, and many of his pupils who came to stations of eminence and usefulness, attributed much of the credit to him. Among his pupils was the lady who afterwards became his wife. In 1851 he began the study of law, under the preceptorship of Emory Washburn and George F. Hoar, and three years later was admitted to the bar and

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entered upon a practice which soon became extensive and profitable. During his professional career he was associated in partnership first with Hon. Thomas L. Nelson, subsequently judge of the United States district court, later with Hon. Francis T. Blackmer, and last with Henry W. King, and with his son, Charles Moen Rice, which partnership continued until the death of the father.

Mr. Rice entered upon public life at an unusually early age. While yeat a law student he was elected a member of the school committee; he was secretary for several years, and he remained a member of the body until he was elected, in 1589, to the mayoralty, the youngest man who had, up to that time, been called to that position, and his administration has been characterized as one of the most sagacious in the history of the city. An important accomplishment during his administration was the establishment of the Free Public Library upon an adequate scale, which was largely due to his intellect and persistent effort. In 1855 he was appointed special justice of the police court, and in 1858 was appointed judge of the court of insolvency, a position which he held until its duties were united with those of the judge of probate. In 1868 he was elected district attorney, and he discharged the duties of the office with great ability until 1873, when he resigned. In 1876, after Hon. George F. Hoar was chose United States senator, having served eight years ans representative in congress, Mr. Rice was elected representative as his successor, and he was successively re-elected until March 4, 1887. In congress he exerted a strong influence and took a prominent part in the enactment of much salutary legislation. He served as a member of the committee on foreign affars, and of the select committee to provide additional accommodations for the congressional library. The most important bill of his introduction was that to terminate the provisions of the treaty of 1871 with Great Britain relative to the fisheries, which carried out a purpose that had been ineffectually attempted for a quarter of a century, and his report upon which his bill was founded was a most exhaustive treatise. His reports on the brig "General Amstrong" and on the St. Johns and St. Francis river bridges were also of enduring value. His report upon the Congressional Library Building was so complete that nothing could be added to it. His report from the committee on Indian affairs contained detailed accounts of the traditions of the Sioux and Dakota Indians which will ever be an authority upon that subject. The exhaustive report upon the Chili-Peru imbroglio made by the committee on foreign affairs was almost altogether his work, although it is not directly credited to him. His principal speeches, all of which were highly meritorious, were those on "The Death of General Burnside," "The Approbation of Cherokee Indians," "Chinese Immigration," "The Congressional Library," the international fisheries question, the bill to protect innocent purchasers of patented articles, the bill granting the right of way through the Indian Territory to the St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad, and on the transfer of the war department records to the state department building.

Mr. Rice cast his first presidential vote for Martin Van Buren. He early allied himself with the free soil movement, and became a powerful exponent of what became Republicanism. In 1854 he was elected an active member of the Kansas Emigration League, and in 1855 was an ardent supporter of Henry Wilson for a seat in the United States senate. From 1856, when he aided in the organization of the Republican party, he was an uncompromising advocate of its principles.

The close of Mr. Rice's last congressional term marked his retirement from public life. He resumed the practice of his profession, and gave his effort unstintingly to the promotion of community interests. Until his death he was a director in the City National Bank and its solicitor. He was a member of the American Antiquarian Society, a trustee of Leicester Academy, of the Worcester Polytechnic Institute and of Clark University, and an overseer of Bowdoin College, from which, in 1886, he received the degree of doctor of laws. He was a Unitarian in religion, and a member of the church committee.

In 1892, with his wife and Senator and Mrs. Hoar, he visited Europe, spending the greater part of his time in England. His health was already impaired, and the benefit derived from his journey was but temporary. On his return he soon relinquished the greater part of his professional work, and passed each summer upon the maternal farm in Winchendon. He died lacking but six days of attaining the allotted three score years and ten. His death was deeply deplored throughout the community, and many tributes were paid to his memory. An "In Memoriam" volume, printed shortly afterward, contained a biographical sketch written by Hon. Rockwood Hoar, and a narrative of the Whitney family from the pen of Mr. Rice based in part upon his investigation into the family history in England.

Mr. Rice married, November 21, 1855, Cornelia A. Moen, of Stamford, Connecticut, who had been his pupil while he was a teacher, and who was a sister of Mr. Philip L. Moen. She died June 16, 1862. Tow children were born of this union: William Whitney, Jr., who died in early childhood, and Charles Moen Rice. The last named was born November 6, 1860. He was fitted for college at Exeter Academy, and graduated from Harvard University in 1882. He studied law in the Harvard Law School and under his father. He was admitted to the bar in February, 1886, and is now a member of the firm of Rice, King * Rice. He married, Novermber 25, 1903, Winneola M. Emory, daughter of Parker A. and Elizabeth Alice Emory, of Worcester, Massachusetts. Hon. William Whitney Rice married for his second wife Alice Miller, September 28, 1875. She was born in Worcester, July 22, 1840, a daughter of Henry W. Miller, of Worcester, and a sister of the late wife of Senator George F. Hoar. Mrs. Rice is now deceased.

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. . . . George Henry Whitcomb . . . married, May 7, 1890, Minnie Louise Howard, who was born January 23, 1870, daughter of John F. and Abbie Frances (Whitney) Howard, of Lunenburg. Her father was in the teaming business; he was a soldier in the civil war. . . .

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Robert Daniels . . . was an early settler of Watertown, Massachusetts, . . . . He sold six acres to John Whitney December 22, 1651, also on the hither plain.

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CHRISTOPHER WHITNEY. Henry Whitney (1), the immigrant ancestor of the late Christopher Whitney, of Westboro, Massachusetts, was born in England about 1620. His English pedigree given in the family genealogy is acknowledged incorrect, but he doubtless belonged to the same family and John Whitney, who settled in Watertown, Massachusetts, and whose English ancestors are known. Henry Whitney was first in this country at Southold, Long Island, and he bought land there at Hashamommock, October 8, 1649, with Edward Tredwell and Thomas Benedict, from William Salmon. He lived later at Huntington, Long Island, where he built a grist mill for Rev. William Leverick. He was later at Jamaica, Long Island, and was townsman there 1664. He settled next at Norwalk, Connecticut, in 1665, and agreed with the town to build a corn mill on the north side of Norwalk river, on the first lot west of Mill brook. He was one of a list of thirty-three freeman, October 11, 1669. His name appears last on the town records, February 20, 1672. He probably died in 1673. His will was dated June 5, 1672. He described his condition as "being weake and crazy in body, but throwe mercy perfect in memory and understanding." He married Widow Ketchum. His only child mentioned in his will was John, see forward.

(II) John Whitney, son of Henry Whitney (1),

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was born about 1640, and died at Norwalk, Connecticut, 1720. He settled in Norwalk with his father, and was also a miller and wheelwright, succeeding to his father's house and mill. He built a fulling mill, which he gave to his son John, April 14, 1707, and he sold him the grist mill, July 8, 1712. It was re-conveyed to the father, who deeded it then to his son Joseph. He married, March 17, 1674-75, Elizabeth Smith, daughter of Richard Smith. Their children: John, born March 12, 1676-77, married Elizabeth Finch; Joseph, born March 1, 1678-79, millwright, married Hannah Hoyt; Henry, born February 21, 1680-81, weaver, married Elizabeth Olmstead; Elizabeth, married Joseph Keeler; Richard, born April 18, 1687, married Hannah Darling; Samuel, born 1688, married Ann Laboree; Anne, born 1691, married, October 13, 1709, Matthew St. John; Eleanor, born January 27, 1693, married Jonathan Fairchild; Nathan; Sarah, married, June 13, 1717, Samuel Smith; Josiah, married, October 3, 1729, Eunice Hanford.

(III) Josiah Whitney, son of John Whitney (2), was born about 1700, at Norwalk, Connecticut. He married, October 30, 1729, Eunice Hanford. He died in Norwalk about 1750. Their children, born at Norwalk, were: Josiah, born February 10, 1730-31, died young; Stephen, born February 10, 1732-33, settled in Derby; married Sarah Wheeler; (second) Eunice Keeney; (third) Hannah Hull; Henry, born February 19, 1735-36, married Eunice Clark; Eliezer, born March 7, 1737-38, see forward; Isaac, born March 27, 1741, living June 20, 1762.

(IV) Eliezer Whitney, son of Josiah Whitney (3), was born at Norwalk, Connecticut, March 7, 1737-38. He chose Phineas Hanford, his uncle, as guardian, August 3, 1756. Soon afterward he appears to have removed to Vermont, where a number of his relatives also settled.[1] Either he or his son Eliezer was in Captain Benjamin Whitney's company at Guilford, and parts of Windham in the revolution, and was discharged finally May 1, 1784. Samuel Bartlett was on the committee to audit the accounts of this company, and Nathaniel Bartlett belonged to the company.

(V) Eleazer Whitney, believed to be the son of Eliezer Whitney (4),[2] was born 1756-1760. He served seven years in the revolutionary war, probably in a Massachusetts regiment. He died 1840, about eighty-five years of age. His children: Molly, Asa, Sally, Alpheus, see forward; Thankful, Philip, Peggy, Eleazer, Jr., Abigail, Bartlett, born June 13, 1814, probably named for his mother; Jonathan, Betsey, Pattie, Jotham.

(VI) Alpheus Whitney, son of Eleazer Whitney (5), was born in Halifax, Vermont, 1800-1810. He married Sarah Stow, of Halifax, and spent his life in that town, following the vocation of a farmer. Their children: Philip, Caroline, Christopher, see forward; Maria, Amos, George, William, Sarah, Olive, Hannah, also two children who died young.

(VII) Christopher Whitney, son of Alpheus Whitney (6), was born in Halifax, Vermont, June 16, 1827. He was reared and educated in the district schools of the Green Mountain State, and at an early age took his share in the labor on his father's farm. As a young man in Vermont he learned the virtues of thrift and industry. In the full flush of a vigorous manhood he came to the town of Westboro, Massachusetts, more than fifty years ago, poor in purse but rich in energy and ambition. His first employment there was in a bake-shop, where he worked from three o'clock in the morning to a late hour at night. He learned the trade thoroughly and followed it in the business of baker and flour and grain dealer for seventeen years. Embarking then in the business of manufacturing lumber, he started in Natick, Massachusetts, but after a year transferred his place of business to Westboro, where he spent the remainder of his days. He built up a large and lucrative trade, being successful in this line as in his other undertakings. As a result of honest, intelligent and energetic management, he acquired a competence. Ever mindful of the hardship of his own boyhood, he gave generously of his wealth to the poor and afflicted and in a quiet, modest way was a practical philanthropist. A filial and loving son, he assisted in caring for the parental household from his earliest manhood, and tenderly watched over his parents in their declining years.

In 1882 he built the Whitney House at Westboro which is a standing monument to his enterprise and public spirit. He took a lively interest in everything pertaining to the welfare of his adopted town. In partnership with the late Henry K. Taft (see sketch), he was instrumental in establishing the present electric light system. He was a director of the Westboro National Bank and a leader of the financial interests of the town. He was a Republican in politics, but declined public honors and offices of all kinds. He was a member of the Free Masons, of Westborough. He died at his home in Westboro, March 4, 1889.

He married, May 11, 1851, Abbie Morse Thompson, daughter of Dexter Thompson, of Bellingham, Massachusetts. She survived her husband several years, dying in 1901. Their children: Frank C., born 1852, died May 4, 1886; Abbie M., born 1857, married, 1884, Frank V. Bartlett (see sketch); Nellie E.


1.^  The identification of Eleazer (4) as father of Eleazer (5) is dubious. Instead, Eleazer (5) was Eleazer6 Whitney, son of Nathan5 and Abigail (Marstass) Whitney (Thomas4, Eleazer3, Thomas2, John1). The Revolutionary War service assigned to him was no doubt that of Eleazer6.

2.^  Ibid.

[p. 71]

Lewis Jones . . . was born about 1620 in England, and died at Watertown, Massachusetts, April 11, 1684. . . . . His will was dated January 7, 1678-79, and proved June 14, 1684. He married Anna -----, who survived him. Their children were: . . . Lydia, married Jonathan Whitney; . . . .

[p. 101]

. . . . In 1887 the firm became Morton E. Converse & Company, the partners, remaining the same. . . . . This business was later removed to the New Hampshire state prison, where Mr. Converse conducted it with Wilbur F. Whitney, and the building was used for the addition of toys.

[p. 157]

(VII) William Beaman, youngest child of David [and Polly (Carter)] Beaman (6), was born at Winchendon, September 16, 1818. He attended the public schools in his youth, but was largely self-educated. In his early manhood he drove the stage from New Ipswich to

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Winsted for a time; spent three years in the west and for several years followed the trade of painting for E. Murdock & Co. He went into business on his own account in 1847 in the manufacture of woodenware, such as pails, tubs, firkins, and also matches. He established one of the important industries of the town and carried it on successfully for many years. This section of the state has been made famous by its manufacture of wooden-ware of all kins. Owing to failing heath Mr. Beaman, after carrying on his business continuously for a period of thirty-seven years, retired in 1884. He was afterward an appraiser of real estate, an occupation that he followed until his death. He was a man of most amiable disposition and was much respected by his fellow townsmen. He was an assessor and selectman of the town and had he cared for public office would have been called into public service much more. He was a man of good business ability and high character.

He married, February 27, 1848, Eliza Caroline Whitney, born at Winchendon, June 16, 1830, daughter of Webster and Eliza Parks (Whitman) Whitney, of Winchendon. Her father was for many years town clerk of Winchendon. Children of William and Eliza (Whitney) Beaman were: William David, born July 17, 1851, married Mary J. Hyde of Winchendon, now West Boylston; John Webster, see forward; Edward Arthur, born July 18, 1857, died October 10, 1861; Charles Frederick, born December 8, 1859, now residing in Springfield, a hard wood finisher and painter; married Margaret Atkinson, of Winchendon, and they have five children: Charles Atkinson, William Webster, Baxter Whitman, Margaret Caroline, Gertrude Ellen; Caroline Eliza, born June 1, 1866.

(VIII) John Webster Beaman, second child of William Beaman (7), was born in Winchendon, Massachusetts, September 18, 1855. He received his early education in the common schools of that town. At the age of eighteen years he went into the office of E. Murdock & Co., where he remained until about twenty, when he went to work for his father in the manufacture of wooden-ward, taking charge of the bookkeeping. He rose to be the general manager of the business and was identified with it until 1884. For four years he was travelling salesman for Slade, Gordon & Company of Gloucester, Massachusetts, dealers in fish products. His career was cut short, December 3, 1888, by a fatal accident; having accidentally shot himself, he died twenty minutes afterward. Mr. Beaman was universally trusted and honored wherever he was known. He inherited the sterling traits of character that distinguished his ancestors and deserved the esteem of his fellowmen.

He married, January 20, 1876, Cally Alice Wood, of Ashburnham, daughter of Eliphalet S. and Susan (Farrar) Wood. Her father was deputy sheriff of Worcester county. Children of John Webster and Cally Alice (Wood) Beaman were: Arthur William, born July 6, 1876; Gertrude, born April 1, 1881.

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Timothy Bigelow was born in Worcester, August 2 (another authority says 12), 1739. He was a blacksmith by trade, as was also his first American ancestor, John Bigelow, of whom Timothy was a descendant in the fourth generation. . . . .

Daniel (3) Bigelow, Timothy Bigelow's father [son of Joshua and Elizabeth (Flagg) Bigelow, born August 29, 1697], went from Watertown to Worcester, settling in Pakachoag Hill, in the vicinity of Auburn. He was among the early settlers of Worcester, and served as the first highway surveyor when the town government was organized. He lived to the advanced age of ninety-two years. He married Elizabeth Whitney, and had six children: Daniel, born January 4, 1728-9; David, September 9, 1730; Elijah, March 2, 1737; Timothy, the date of whose birth has already been given; Silence, born January 29, 1742; and Nathan, the date of whose birth is not at hand. Daniel died August 29, 1776. David at the age of eighty years, May 10, 1810. Elijah was accidentally scalded at the age of three years, and died of his injuries.

Timothy Bigelow possessed a vigorous constitution and superior mental faculties. Having learned the blacksmith's trade he established himself in business in Worcester, and his forge and iron works, which were in the rear of his residence, stood upon the site afterward occupied by the Court Mills. His military genius was inherited, and next to his trade he excelled in drilling companies and bringing them to a high standard of discipline. He was in truth a patriot of patriots, and although not destined to meet death on the battlefield, he practically sacrificed his life for the cause of national independence. He was one of the most enthusiastic and efficient members of the local committee of correspondence, which was as early as March, 1773, organized as the "American Political Society" in Worcester, a body of earnest patriots who succeeded in completely turning the tide of public sentiment in favor of revolution. The secret meetings of the "Sons of Liberty" were frequently held at his residence, and he was associated with Warren, Otis, Adams, and other eminent patriots in the work of arousing the people into definite action. He was a delegate to the first and second provincial congresses, and organized the first Worcester company of minutemen, which he led into the field with such thorough precision in drill as to win the admiration of Washington. Jointly with General Warren and others he was instrumental in establishing in Worcester that resonant mouthpiece of the patriot cause, the Massachusetts Spy, and, by assisting Isaiah Thomas in removing his press, type and other materials from Boston, enabled that redoubtable journalist to issue at a most opportune moment the first newspaper in Worcester county, which made its initial appearance just prior to the battle of Lexington. As captain of the Worcester company which was attached to Colonel Artemas Ward's regiment, Timothy Bigelow deserted his forge at the Lexington Alarm, April 19, 1775, and from that memorable event until the close of the war he served the cause of national independence in the field. He was promoted to the rank of major; was subsequently commissioned colonel; and as commander of the Fifteenth Massachusetts Regiment of the Continental line her rendered services of inestimable value. His steadfast devotion to the patriot cause not only necessitated the sacrifice of his business, but his constant exposure to hardships in the field were such as to completely undermine his physical constitution, and he returned to his home with his health irretrievably lost. In common with the majority of the fighting patriots he received practically no reward, and it was left for another generation to publicly recognize his services in a manner befitting their merits. Colonel Bigelow died in Worcester March 31, 1790, in the fifty-first year of his age. July 12, 1762, he married Anna Andrews, an orphan and an heiress, born April 11, 1747, daughter of Samuel and Anna (Rankin) Andrews. Her death occurred at Groton, Massachusetts, in July, 1809. She was mother of six children: Nancy, born January 2, 1765; Timothy, April 30, 1767; Andrew, March 30, 1769; Rufus, July 7, 1772; Lucy, May 12, 1774; and Clara, December 19, 1781. Nancy married Hon. Abraham Lincoln, of Worcester. Timothy, a graduate of Harvard 1786, died May, 1821. He married Lucy, daughter of Oliver Prescott, M. D., of Groton, Massachusetts. His children were: Katherine, Andrew (A. B., Harvard, 1815, S. T. D., 1844), John Prescott (Harvard, 1815, afterward secretary of state of Massachusetts and mayor of Boston), Edward, Helen, Francis (who became a merchant in Boston), and Elizabeth Prescott. Andrew, third son of Colonel Timothy Bigelow, died Novermber, 1787. Lucy, fourth child of Colonel Timothy, married Hon. Luther Lawrence of Groton, who subsequently removed to Lowell. Rufus, fifth child of Colonel Timothy, became a merchant in Baltimore, Maryland, where he died December 21, 1813. Clara, sixth child of Colonel Timothy, married her cousin, Tyler Bigelow, Esq., of Watertown.

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(IV) Deacon Joseph Day . . . was in the Crown Point expedition under Captain Farness, and under Colonel Whitney in the expedition to Canada in 1759.

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George D. Barber was born in Worcester, September 1, 1864, and

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in 1884 graduated from Worcester High School. He entered at once upon an active business career, going to the New York office of the George C. Whitney Company, of Worcester, manufacturers of valentines and holiday goods.

Copyright © 2009, Robert L. Ward and the Whitney Research Group