Archive:NEHGR, Volume 107

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Archives > Archive:Extracts > Archive:The New England Historical and Genealogical Register > NEHGR, Volume 107

Whittemore, Bradford Adams, and Whittemore, Edgar, "The Whittemore Family in America," NEHGR, Volume CVII (1953), pp. 27-37, 93-106, 179-188, 252-263.

[p. 29]

Samuel Whittemore of Cambridge, Mass., yeoman, with Eliza his wife consenting, sold a tract of woodland in Dunstable, Mass., later New Hampshire, of 140 acres, which Samuel had bought of Edmund Goffe, Esq., "and is the northerly end of said land", to Thomas Adams of Dunstable, housewright, of £300. Witnesses: William Blanchard and Ephraim Whitney. Dated 2 Oct. 1740. Acknowledged 27 May 1741, and recorded 20 June 1757 (New Hampshire Province Deeds, vol. 54, p. 103).

[pp. 95-96]

Jeremiah Whittemore "of Rumney Marsh, Boston, cordwainer", bought 40 acres of upland and meadowland in two tracts in Weston from Enoch Stratton of Concord, husbandman, for £140. Witnesses: William Williams, Senr., & Junr., and Elizabeth Whitney. Dated and acknowledged 30 March 1726. Recorded 25 May 1726 (Middlesex Deeds, vol. 26, p. 26).
Jeremiah Whittemore was on the Jury of Trials, 1728 and 1729, Weston Venires (Middlesex Court Papers, folder 22A, group 2). Jeremiah Whittemore of Weston, cordwainer, bought 9 acres of Land there from William Whitney of Weston, yeoman, for £80.6. Witnesses: John Mirick and [p. 96] Isaac Woolson. Dated 11 Feb. 1735. Acknowledged 10 June 1735, and recorded 24 June 1735 (Middlesex Deeds, vol. 36, p. 555). On 29 April 1736, William Whitney [above], sought by court order to eject Jeremiah from about 1/3 of an acre of land Jeremiah occupied, and William claimed. He sued Jeremiah for £20 damages at the same time, but did not collect a penny (Middlesex Court Papers, folder 174, group 3).
Jeremiah Whittemore of Weston, yeoman, sold William Whitney of Weston 300 acres of land in Spencer, Mass. [which Jeremiah and William had recently bought in common] for £320. Witnesses. John Dean and Bridget Smith. Dated 21 June 1760. Acknowledged and recorded 15 July 1762 (Worcester Deeds, vol. 44, p. 473). The seating list of the Meeting House on 2 March 1772 showed Jeremiah Whittemore's pew to be the fifth best, and valued at £144 ("History of Weston", p. 201).

[pp. 261-262]

Benjamin4 Whittemore (Benjamin3, John2, Thomas1) and Ruhamah Locke
Children, born in Concord:
  1. Joel,5 b. 15 Aug. 1728; d. in Shrewsbury, Mass., in August 1767; m. (1) (int. there, 28 Dec. 1755) Hannah Allen, d. in Rutland, Mass., 28 Jan. 1757, daughter of Ephraim and Susanna Allen; m. (2), 28 April 1761, Rezinah Rand, d. in Shrewsbury 29 Dec. 1768, aged 33. daughter of Daniel and Mary (Keyes) Rand. [snip]
  2. The will of Joel Whittemore of Shrewsbury, housewright, dated 21 Aug. 1767, probated 19 Sept. 1767, set forth: "First: I give & Bequeath unto my Aged and Honoured Mother Ruhamah Bond of Lexington and unto my sister Sarah Whitney of Westminster & also unto my Sister Submit Mason of Shrewsbury, decent mourning suitable to the present times." [snip]
  3. Sarah, b. 22 Nov. 1730; d. in Westminster, Mass., 26 July 1821, aged 91 (gravestone); m. in Lexington, 27 Sept. 1757, Jonas Whitney, b. in Waltham, Mass., 25 June 1733, d. in Westminster 8 Sept. 1778, aged 45 (gravestone), son of Ensign David and Rebecca (Fillebrown) Whitney.

"Notes", NEHGR, Volume CVII (1953), pp. 310-317.


Sibley's "Harvard Graduates" -- Clifford K. Shipton, Ph.D., continues work on Sibley's "Harvard Graduates", and at present is interested in the Classes of 1736 to 1740, inclusive.
To aid Mr. Shipton in obtaining all the information possible about those affiliated with these Harvard classes, the following list is given; and any reader of The Register who has any information or obscure printed sources about any of these men, or portraits, will add greatly to the usefulness of the work by communicating with Mr. Shipton, in care of the Harvard University Archives.
In the list that follows the date in parentheses indicates the Harvard class with which the person named was affiliated, and the year of his death, when known, is placed at the end of the line. The towns are in Massachusetts, unless otherwise stated.


Whitney, Rev. Aaron (1737) of Petersham, d. 1779

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