Archive:NEHGR, Volume 123

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Archives > Archive:Extracts > Archive:The New England Historical and Genealogical Register > NEHGR, Volume 123

"Births and Deaths in Hadley from 1794 to 1816, Transcribed from the original list kept by Mrs. Elizabeth (Porter) Phelps," NEHGR, Volume CXXIII (1969), pp. 16-32.

[p. 16]

In editing Mrs. Phelps' list of births and deaths in Hadley, Massachusetts, which she commenced in 1794 and continued until 1816, we have experienced considerable difficulty in reading and transcribing her handwriting. In most instances it is reasonably clear, but in some she over-wrote that which she originally set down, or added notes in the margin of the page. She was not always consistent in giving the age at death: sometimes it was in years and months, sometimes in weeks and days. Sometimes names of children are given later or written in the margin. We have tried to match these, but when unable to do so, have given the marginal notes at the end of that page. We have supplied page numbers in editorial brackets, although the originals are not numbered, for the sake of reference. Frequently Mrs. Phelps omits the day of the month. It has been difficult in some instances to distinguish between her 9's and 7's and other figures. We have made every effort to transcribe verbatim and literally. Editorial brackets have been used whenever we have had to question our deciphering, or have added an interpretation.
In most birth entries the name of the child is not given - only the name of the father, or, in rare cases, that of the mother. When the child has died at birth, or shortly thereafter, the entry is followed by an X. In some instances the name of the child has been inserted later. Such cases have been marked with an editorial asterisk.
We are grateful to the Phelps-Porter-Huntington Foundation of Hadley for permission to transcribe and publish this record.
In The
19 Births 1798 Nov. [----] Whitney - son Lay
21 Deaths 1800 Septem [----] Whitney - son
30 Deaths 1811 July 7 Mrs. Whitney at Hakanum died ----

Bragdon, , "Vital Records of York, Maine," NEHGR, Volume CXXIII (1969), pp. 70-75, 149-153.

[p. 74]

Martin H. Kingsbury of York, a. 36 yrs., b. York, s. Rufus & Mary (Nowell), 2nd. mg., & Mary E. Grover of York, a. 29 yrs. b. York, dau. John & Abigail (Moulton), 1st. mg.; int. 14 Aug. 1879; ctf. 19 Aug. 1879; mar. at South Berwick, Me., 21 Aug. 1879, by Joseph Whitney, Cl.; rec. 27 Aug 1879.

[p. 149]

Edward H. Phillips of York [age not stated], b. York, s. Edward & ----- (Bracy), 1st. mg.; & Mary E. Thompson of South Berwick, Me. [age not stated], dau. of James & Sarah (Bragdon), 1st. mg.; int. 15 Feb. 1881; ctf. 19 Feb. 1881; mar. at South Berwick, 7 Mar. 1881, by Joseph Whitney, Cl.

"Queries," NEHGR, Volume CXXIII (1969), pp. 79-80.

[p. 79]

Godfrey: - Wanted descendants of the following Godfreys of Maine. Have valuable information. Thomas married in 1769 Thankful Coombs. John married in 1808 Mercy Whitney. Bathsheba married in 1807 Robert Sawyer. Thankful married in 1797 Augustus Ballard. Sarah married in 1793 Nathan Whitney. Apphia Whitney Godfrey married Jacob Gould. Caroline Cowing Godfrey married in 1828 Jonathan E. Tedford. Thankful married in 1837 John Leighton. Mehitabel married in 1837 Sewall Baker. Thomas G. married first Marcia Ann Woodward; married secondly in New Orleans, La., in 1854, Martha White Whitney. Abner Melcher Godfrey married Cornelia Grey Patten (children: Allene and Marcia). Noah Purington Godfrey married Emma C. Pickard. Benjamin Whitney Godfrey. Resided in Topsham, Brunswick, Lisbon Falls, Augusta, Gardiner, Farmingdale, Maine, 1767-1898. - Marcia Godfrey Boudreau, 2400 Jefferson Avenue, New Orleans, La. 70115.

Sheedy, Stuart R., "Cemetery Inscriptions: East Dorset, Vt.," NEHGR, Volume CXXIII (1969), pp. 178-179.

[p. 178]

The following inscriptions were transcribed in August 1967, with the assistance of my daughter Elizabeth Sheedy. The first group is from a family plot on the old Bowen farm, on the south side of the road leading east from Route U.S. 7 at the locality known as Freedleyville, about a quarter mile from Route 7. The second is from a small cemetery on a knoll overlooking the parking field at Emerald Lake State Park in North Dorset; for many years this park was the summer home of the late A. N. Shaw of Brooklyn, N. Y., and was not open to the public. In the following transcription a question mark indicates tht the reading is uncertain owing to the condition of the stone.
Eddy, Eroyal, 8 Nov. 1844, 38th y.
Eddy, Lucy, wife of Samuel, 26 Sept. 1848, 74y 10m.
Eddy, Orrien, 7 Aug. 1828, 16th y.
Eddy, Samuel, 23 Aug. 1844, 79y.
Eddy, Theadosia, dau. of Eroyal and Martha, 3 June 1837, 3y [8m? 13d?]
Eddy, see Hulett; also Whitney

[p. 179]

Whitney, Emerson, 1808-1897.
Whitney, Laura Eddy, wife of Emerson, 1813-1896

Nickerson, Vernon R., "Marraiges and Marriage Intention, 1796-1844, Town of Eastham, Massachusetts," NEHGR, Volume CXXIII (1969), pp. 117-124, 198-204.

[p. 204]

Mr. Henry A. Higgins of Eastham and Miss Christania Whitney of Hamden, Maine, August 27, 1857.

"Notes and Corrections," NEHGR, Volume CXXIII (1969), pp. 228-230.

[p. 228]

Whiton, Whitten, Whitney Notes: - Augustus Sherrill Whiton's, The Whiton Family in America purports to be "The genealogy of the descendants of Thomas Whiton." In reality it is the genealogy of the descendants of James Whiton of Hingham. Mr. Whiton states that Jeremy2 Whiton, son of Thomas1 Whiton (Whitney) of Plymouth is "undoubtedly James Whiton who later settled in Hingham." This is not the case. James Whiton of Hingham was not the son of Thomas Whiton of Plymouth. He was born in Hook Norton, Oxfordshire, England where he was baptized in 1624, as appears by the parish register of that place; on 6 Oct. 1647 James Whiton gave a Letter of Attorney to Richard Betscomb of Hingham to collect a legacy of property in Hook Norton from the estate of Thomas Whiton, probably his father. (William Richard Cutter, Genealogies of New England, 1914, vol. 4, p.1725). He was in Plymouth until about 1646. He removed to Hingham and married 30 Dec. 1647, Mary, daughter of John and Margaret (Hobart) Beal. After leaving Thomas and substituting James for Jeremy the rest of the genealogy is in order.
Thomas Whiton (Whitten, Whitney) of Plymouth came in the Elizabeth and Anne, Roger Cooper, Master, along with those who were to be transported per a certificate from "ye minister of Benenden in Kent of their conformities to ye order and discipline of the Church of England & yt they are no Subsidy Men," 12 May 1635 (Charles Edward Banks, The Planters of the Commonwealth (1930), p.156). He is called of Benenden, Kent. With him came his wife Audrey, age 45, Bennett Moorecocke, age 16, Nicholas Moorecocke, age 14, Mary Moorcocke, 10, Jeremy Whiton, age 8. Accordingly, Jeremy (or Jeremiah as he was later called) was born in 1627. In C. E. Banks' manuscripts re Martha's Vineyard families we find: (1) "4 June 1616 - Henry Moorecocke of Smarden, broadweaver, and Aphra (Audria) Cook of Egerton to be married at St. Margarets, Canterbury. John Hooker, Edgerton, clothier, bondsman" and (2) "Thomas Whitten of Smarden, broadweaver, bachelor aged about 25, and Audrian Moorecocke, same parish, widow, about 34, relict of Henry Moorecocke, late of the same parish, deceased, to be married at St. Mary Magdalen, Canterbury, 5 Oct. 1625. Were married 7 or 1 Oct. 1625 - Parish Register."
We find Thomas Whiton in Plymouth by 1636. On 5 March 1637/8 "A garden place at Wellingsley is granted to Thomas Whitton and seven acres of land upon Woberry Playne that he hath to be part of it" (Nathaniel B. Shurtleff, ed. Records of the Colony of New Plymouth in New England (1855), vol. 1, p. 78). Thomas and Jeremiah Whiton are on the list of men between the ages of 16 and 60 able to bear arms in 1643. He served many times on juries (Shurtleff op. cit.).
Just when Audrey Whiton died is not known but it was probably before December 1638 when her daughter Mary "with the consent

[p. 229]

of her father-in-law put herself apprentice with Richard Sparrow of Plymouth and Pandora, his wife". (Mary married 16 July 1649 William Brown and moved to Eastham, Mass. Frederick Johnson Simmons, author of "A Few Descendants of William Brown of Eastman, Mass.", is in error in calling her Mary Murdock.) Thomas Whiton married (2) 22 Nov. 1639 Winyfride Harding (Shurtleff, op. cit., vol. 1, p. 134). It would appear that there were no children of this marriage but the couple brought up two foster children. The Whiton family in America states "In 1643, they adopted Sarah Hopkins, aged 6 years, until she should become twenty agreeing to be a father and mother to her, to instruct her in sewing, and to find meat, drink, apparel and lodging. If she married before she was twenty Thomas was to be paid for the remaining time as shall be judged by two 'indifferent' persons. It is conjectured that she was a sister or niece of Oceanus Hopkins, who was born at sea on the Mayflower." This is an error. Sarah was Sarah Hoskins, daughter of William (Hodgekins, Hodgeskins, Hodgskins, Hoggkins, Hoskins, Haskins) by his first wife Sarah Cushman. Sarah Cushman Hodgekins had apparently died either at the birth of her child or shortly after because William married secondly, in December 1638 Ann Haynes (Shurleff, op. cit., p. 107).
The second child taken by Thomas and Winyfride Whiton in 1649 was Jeremiah, the son of his step-daughter Bennet Moorecocke who had married John Smith, Sr., of Plymouth.
Winyfride died 23 July 1660 at Plymouth and Thomas married (3) Patience Faunce, widow of John Faunce and daughter of George Morton. The inventory of the estate of Thomas Whitney was submitted by Patience Whitney in 1673. By an agreement of 1660 Thomas Whitney of Plymouth gave his house and land to his step son Joseph Faunce and his land in "Punkatesset" to his son Jeremiah Whitney who was then living in Sandwich where he had been made a Freeman in 1657. Thomas' will, made in 1664, mentions his son Jeremiah and his grandson Thomas Whiton (Plymouth Colony Probates, vol. 3, p. 7). At the settlement of Tisbury, Martha's Vineyard, in 1671 Jeremy Whiton was admitted a townsman. According to the Daggett Genealogy, he married Elizabeth Daggett, daughter of John Daggett who removed from Watertown to Martha's Vineyard in 1648. There were two known children of this marriage, Thomas and Mary, and a possible third child, Josiah. From the tone of Jeremiah Whitton's will it appears that both sons (if there were two) died young or, at least, without issue. The will, made 8 Nov., proved 29 Dec. 1711, gives "to my grandson Whitton Manter my gun, which formerly belonged to my son Thomas Whitton, deceased. All the rest and residue of my estate, real and personal ... unto my son in law Benjamin Manter and his wife Mary my only daughter, they allowing unto their aged mother Elizabeth, my wife sufficient and convenient maintenance during her natural life. Benjamin Manter sole executor."

[p. 230]

Thus it appears the only descendants of Thomas Whiton must be through his daughter Mary.
Arlington, Mass. - Leonard F. Tibbetts [July 1969]
See related articles: The Faunce Family (Vol. 114) and Addendums and Corrections (Vol. 116).

"Judge Pynchon's Marriage Record: 1685-1711," NEHGR, Volume CXXIII (1969), pp. 258-265.

[p. 258]

The following marriages from the court records kept by Judge John Pynchon in Springfield, Massachusetts, were omitted frm the volume, Colonial Justice in Western Massachusetts (1639-1702) - The Pynchon Court Record, edited by Joseph H. Smith and published by the William Nelson Cromwell Foundation in 1961. This omission was called to the attention of the Editor of The Register by Carl W. Fischer, of Bayside, New York, to whom we are grateful. Permission to publish has been granted to us by the Harvard Law School Library through the kindness of Professor John Mansfield and the Librarian, Mr. Earl C. Borgeson.
In preparing this version of Judge Pynchon's record, the text has been carefully collated with the original manuscript in the Harvard School Library. We trust that our interpretation of the double readings is correct.

[p. 260]

[311] Marriages
Octo. 18. 1681 - Daniel Harrington & Sarah Whitney maryed at Boston [crossed out]

Copyright © 2000, 2006, 2011, Robert L. Ward and the Whitney Research Group.