Archive:NEHGR, Volume 22

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Archives > Archive:Extracts > Archive:The New England Historical and Genealogical Register > NEHGR, Volume 22

"Soldiers' Monuments", NEHGR, vol. XXII (1868), pp. 85-88.

[p. 86]

LEOMINSTER, MASS.--The monument erected in this town to the memory of her fallen heroes, was dedicated September 12, 1867. The monument is of Quincy granite, the cost about $4000. The base is about four feet square and six feet high, and the pillar twenty-one feet high. The names of the soldiers are inscribed in gilt letters upon the monument as follows:
On the east side-- Corporate A. W. Cowdrey, G. H. Gallup, Sergeant F. Gardner, Capt. H. P. Jorgenson, Corporal C. A. Lamb, Sergeant J. Tripp, Sergeant J. E. Wilder, W. L. Whitney, Corporal C. B. Woods. Immediately underneath is the word "Gettysburg."
On the north side--H. R. Barker, R. H. Carter, A. F. Creed, J. F. Crosby, A. S. Farwell, F. George, G. H. Houghton, W. H. Johnson, Lieut. J. M. Mellen, J. E. Marshall, J. C. Ready, C. H. Sinclair. Underneath, "Port Hudson."
On the west side--J. McDonough, D. Butterfield, E. A. Elleck, J. B. Foster, J. Ferguson, E. Hardy, A. W. Johnson, M. A. Jordan, Sergeant J. M. Lewis, L. Richardson, E. Sullivan. Underneath, "Knoxville."
On the south side--Lieut. A. R. Glover, Corporal A. H. Carter, Sergeant C. H. Derby, Corporal L. Goodrich, Sergeant L. R. Gallup, R. H. Moore, A. B. Osborn, J. Owens, J. Schow, A. L. Wilder. Underneath, "Ball's Bluff."
A procession was formed, consisting of the Leominster Brass Band, Company K of the 10th Regiment, under command of Captain Lucius Cook, veterans from the surrounding towns, members of the committee, guests and citizens at large, the whole under the command of the marshal of the day, Mr. Leonard Wood, and after marching round the square proceeded to the Common, where the dedicatory exercises took place. There was music by the band, singing by the choral club, reading of selections from the Scriptures by J. W. Batt, of Leominster, prayer by Rev. Mr. Parker of Ashby, original poem by Mr. James Bennett, an oration by Rev. George S. Ball of Upton, an address by Rev. Dr. Stebbins of Cambridge, and another poem; the exercises closing by the singing of "America."

"Marriages and Deaths", NEHGR, vol. XXII (1868), pp. 198-203.

[p. 203] Deaths

Suter, Mrs. Mary A., wife of Major R. Suter, U.S.A., and eldest daughter of Seth D. Whitney*, Esq., of Milton, Mass., at St. Paul, Minn., Dec. 16, aged 23 yrs.
* = Seth Dunbar Whitney in Index

"Book Notices", NEHGR, vol. XXII (1868), pp. 370-390.

[p. 375]

The Descendants of John Phoenix, an early Settler in Kittery, Maine. By S. Whitney Phoenix. New York: Privately Printed. 1867. pp. 53. Edition, 100 copies octavo, 5 copies quarto.
We know that Mr. Phoenix has been indefatigable in pursuit of his family history, and yet after all his labors thus far, according to his book, the materials for a biography of his answer, John, are exceedingly scanty. "Nothing is known concerning his parentage, and even his nationality is a matter of conjecture." He has reason to think, however, that he was of Scotch descent. His name first appears in a deed dated 1664, in which John Withers , of Kittery, conveys "unto John ffennicke a tract of land in Spruce Cricke Contayneing twelve acres joyneing to a necke of Land called pine poynt, .... For and in consideration of Tenn pound in hand payd."
Mr. Phoenix gives a somewhat brief account of eight generations with extracts from manuscript records, chiefly from Kittery and its neighborhood, followed by an index of Christian names, also one of surnames. He closes with the following significant lines from Borlase. "Reader, go thy way; secure they name in the Book of Life, where the page fades not, nor the title alters nor expires -- leave the rest to heralds and the parish register."
The book is beautifully printed on thick paper, on the right hand side of the leaf only.

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