Archive:NEHGR, Volume 47

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Archives > Archive:Extracts > Archive:The New England Historical and Genealogical Register > NEHGR, Volume 47

Byington, Rev. Ezra Hoyt, "Necrology of the New England Historic Genealogical Society", NEHGR, vol. XLVII (1893), pp. 226-231.

[pp. 228-231]

DAVID WILLIAMS PATTERSON, the well-known genealogist, was elected a corresponding member of this Society, Sept. 5, 1855. He died at his home in Newark Valley, Tioga Co., N. Y., on 18th Nov. 1892. ...
It is somewhat difficult, at the present time, to prepare a full and exact schedule of Mr. Patterson's genealogical work. From the best data available, however, we glean the following:
The only published works, avowedly his, are:--
9. The Whitney Family, Connecticut, 1649-1878. Privately printed by the late S. Whitney Phoenix, of New York City. 3 vols. 4to. 916, 898, 826 pp. and pedigrees. Edition 510 copies. The compilation and arrangement of this work was the greatest monument of Mr. Patterson's industry and skill; and he prepared, also, enough more material (especially biographical) to have made another large volume; which, however, Mr. Phoenix did not see fit to publish.
In Manuscript form, he left many valuable works, most of which are well prepared for printing; among these the principal are:--
29. Whitney. Three large MSS. apparently ready for publication, viz.:--
(a) Joshua Whitney and his Descendants. Compiled, 1884-88; dedicated to Abel W., of Adrian, Mich., "whose generosity made possible the studies which opened the way for compiling this genealogy of the W. family of Mass."
(b) Whitney Family of Massachusetts, -- from John and Elinor, of Watertown, Mass., parents of Joshua above referred to.
(c) Massachusetts Whitneys. Cortland Co. and Tioga Co., N. Y. Branch.--Descendants of Jonathan.
By Henry R. Stiles, M.D.

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