Archive:NEHGR, Volume 77

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Archives > Archive:Extracts > Archive:The New England Historical and Genealogical Register > NEHGR, Volume 77

[Anonymous], "Records of the Church in the North Parish of Shrewsbury, Mass.," NEHGR, vol. LXXVII (1923), pp. 17-33.

[p. 19]

[Members] [1755] Aug. 3 Job Whitney.

[p. 20]

[1746] Sept. 14 Daniel Son of Danl Whitney baptized per Do[mini] Cushing

[p. 22]

[1749] Sept. 10 Sarah daughter of Danl. Whitney baptized.

[p. 23]

[1752] Sept. 23 Hannah daughter of Willm Whitney baptized in private.

[p. 24]

[1755] Aug. 3 Mr. Job Whitney Recd. to full Comm.

[p. 30]

[1769] Apr. 30 Timothy Whitney and wife . . . owned the Covenant & received Baptism for Lucy their daughter.
[1769] July 9 Sylvanus Son of Ira Dinsmere baptized per Revd. Whitney of Northborough.

[p. 31]

[1771] Apr. 6 Daniel Whitney admitted to full Comm.
[1774] Mar. 13 Jonas Whitney and Wife mad a profession of the Christian Religion.
[1774] Apr. 3 Polly daughter of Jonas Ward baptized per D Whitney

[p. 32]

Apr. 25, 1758 Silas Whitney married to Jane Pearson.

[Anonymous], "A Record of Deaths in Boston and Vicinity, 1799-1815," NEHGR, vol. LXXVII (1923), pp. 227-236, 312-321.

[p. 230]

[1801] Mrs. Mary Whitney, Died Feb. 27, Aged 34.

[p. 232]

[1801] Mr. Daniel Whitney, Died Aug. 19, Aged 23.
[1801] Miss Mary Kemball Whitney, Died Sept. 2, Aged 26.

[p. 233]

[1801] Mrs. Mary Whitney, Died Sept. 21, Aged 53.

[p. 313]

[1802] Moody Whitney, Died July 7, Aged 4 yrs. & 6 mo.

[p. 317]

[1803] Mrs. Sarah Whitney, Died June 3, Aged 82.

Chamberlain, George Walter, "The New England Coolidges and Some of Their Descendants," NEHGR, vol. LXXVII (1923), pp. 270-304.

[p. 277]

Mary Coolidge, widow of John of Sherborn, in her will dated 4 Sept. 1724 and proved 12 Oct. following, mentioned her daughters Hannah, Sarah, and Mary, her son James, and her four sons. The witnesses were James Whitney, Jonathan Holbrook, and William Rider. ([Middlesex Probate Files], 5125.)

[p. 285]

22. LIEUT. NATHANIEL4 COOLIDGE (Lieut. Richard3, Ensign John2, John1), carpenter, born at Watertown 8 Mar. 1702/3, died there between 22 June 1764 and 27 May 1766. He married at Watertown, 10 Mar. 1726/7, GRACE BOWMAN, baptized at Watertown 1 Oct. 1704, survived her husband, daughter of Capt. Nathaniel and Anne (Barnard) of Cambridge.
. . .
In his will, dated 22 June 1764 and proved 27 May 1766, he mentioned his wife Grace, his son Nathaniel Coolidge, his daughter Mary Stratton, and his son-in-law John Stratton. The witnesses were Israel Whitney and Jonas Coolidge, Jr. His widow gave a bond, with Nathaniel Coolidge, 27 May 1766, to settle the estate of Capt. Nathaniel Coolidge, late of Watertown. (Middlesex Probate Files, 5132.)
Children, born and baptized at Watertown:
  1. NATHANIEL5, b. 7 Dec. and Bapt. 8 Dec. 1728; d. 24 Dec. 1773; m. 19 Sept. 1751 DOROTHY WHITNEY, b. 31 May 1733, dau. of Daniel and Dorothy of Watertown. He kept a public house at Watertown, on the south side of the Charles River, at the bridge, from 1764 to 1770. Six children, of whom the youngest, Nathan6, b. 6 Dec. 1766, d. 14 July 1836, m. at Windsor, Vt., 20 Mar. 1791, Elizabeth Curtis, b. 2 May 1768, d. 27 Dec. 1822; he was first a saddler, and was afterwards a merchant at Windsor; he had one sone and two daughters, of whom the son, Carlos7, of Windsor, lawyer, A.B. (Middlebury College, 1811), A.M. (University of Vermont, 1835), LL.D. (Middlebury, 1849), b. at Windsor 25 June 1792, d. there 14 Aug. 1866, m. 22 Sept. 1817, Harriet Bingham of Claremont, N.H.; he was a student at Dartmouth College in 1807-08, entered Middlebury College in 1809 and was graduated there, studied law with Hon. Peter Starr of Middlebury and with Hon. J. H. Hubbard of Windsor, was admitted to the bar in 1814, and practised law at Windsor for fifty-two years; he was State's attorney for Windsor County, 1831-1836, representative in the Vermont Legislature, 1834-1836 and 1839-1841, being speaker of the House in 1836 and in 1839-1841, a presidential elector in 1845, when Vermont voted for Henry Clay, Governor of Vermont, 1848-1850, being elected and reelected as a Whig by the Legislature, in default of a choice by the people, and State senator, 1853-1855; two daughters.

[pp. 287-288]

26. JOSIAH4 COOLIDGE (Nathaniel3, Nathaniel2, John1), born at Watertown about 1692, died at Weston 16 Jan. 1778, aged 83 or 85. He married first, 11 June 1719, DELIVERANCE WARREN, born at Watertown, 10 Oct. 1699, died at Weston 25 Feb. 1764, aged 70 [sic], daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth (Whitney); and secondly (intention recorded 20 June 1766) MRS. SARAH MUZZY of Sudbury.
He and his wife Deliverance owned the church covenant at Weston 27 Sept. 1724.
Children, born at Weston:
  1. Nathaniel5, b. 20 Oct. and bapt. 25 Oct. 1724; m. 16 Apr. 1749, Sarah Parker of Sudbury. Seven children.
  2. Paul, b. 8 May and bapt. 18 June 1727; d. 1 July 1731.
  3. Lydia, b. 20 Sept. and bapt. 26 Sept. 1731; m. 4 Feb 1762, William Pope of Sudbury.
  4. Anna, b. 13 Aug. and bapt. 18 Aug. 1734; d. unm. 21 Apr. 1756.
  5. Delight, b. 1 Feb. and bapt. 13 Feb. 1736/7; d. 7 Oct 1753.
  6. Daniel, b. 23 Oct. and bapt. 25 Oct. 1741; m.(1) 19 Apr. 1764 Lydia Hagar, b. 25 Aug. 1736; d. 26 Apr. 1771, dau. of John and Sarah; m.(2) Anna -----. Three children by first wife and three children by second wife.
  7. Josiah, b. 6 July and bapt. 15 July 1744; m. 11 July 1764, Tabitha Fulham, b. 10 Mar 1745/6, dau. of Elisha and Sarah (Hagar). One daughter.

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