Archive:NEHGR, Volume 8

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Archives > Archive:Extracts > Archive:The New England Historical and Genealogical Register > NEHGR, Volume 8

Woodward, A., M. D., of Franklin Ct., "Memoirs of Prince's Subscribers", NEHGR, vol. VIII, (1854), pp. 41-48

[p. 45]

It is a strong indication that Thomas Cushing knew how to appreciate the inestimable public advantage of Prince's Chronology, as he was a subscriber for twelve copies of the work, and only one person gave his name for a larger number. This was Mr. Jonathan Whitney of Wrentham, who engaged twenty-four copies. Will some one who bears the name contribute his biography?

"Marriages and Deaths", NEHGR, vol. VIII, (1854), pp. 95-102.

[p. 102]

Whitney, Mrs. Abigail, Boston, 21. Sept., Æ. 75, relict of the late Capt. Silas Whitney.
Whitney, Mr. Otis, Campton, N. H., July, Æ. 85.

"Payments for the Register", NEHGR, vol. VIII, (1854), pp. 104, 200, 377.

[p. 104 and 200]

Payments have been received for the Register from the following individuals:
Brighton -- F. A. Whitney (Frederick Augustus Whitney in Index)

[p. 377]

Donations to the Society's Library have been received from the following sources:
F. A. Whitney (Frederick Augustus Whitney in Index)

Trask, William B., "Genealogy of the Sumner Family", NEHGR, vol. VIII, (1854), pp. 128d - 128v.

[p. 128l]

Children of Samuel4 [77] and Elizabeth (Griffin) Sumner
(129) V. Joseph,5, (148) b. 19 Jan. 1740, in Pomfret, Ct. In 1755 he entered Yale College, where he grad. in 1759. D. D. at H. C. in 1814, and about the same time the like honorary degree was conferred upon him by Columbia College, S.C. He was ord. in Shrewsbury, Mass., 23 June, 1762, succeeding in the pastorate, Rev. Job Cushing, who died in 1760. These first two ministers of Shrewsbury, "in their united course filled a full century."
Mr. S. m. Lucy Williams, of Pomfret, 12 May, 1763. (This branch of the Williams family removed from Roxbury, Mass.) She was born 5 Feb 1739; d. 13 Feb. 1810. A discourse was given at her funeral by Rev. Peter Whitney of Northboro7.

Trask, Mr. William B., "West Roxbury Inscriptions (Central Burial Ground, "Peters' Hill."), NEHGR, vol. VIII, (1854), pp. 243-245.

[p. 245]

Experience Whitney daut of Lieut Elisha Whitney & Abigail his wife died Sept 17 1777 aged 8 months.

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