Archive:Nantucket, Massachusetts, Vital Records

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Archives > Archive:Vital Records > Archive:Massachusetts, Vital Records > Nantucket, Massachusetts, Vital Records

Vital Records of Nantucket, Massachusetts, to the Year 1850 (Boston, MA: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1925-1928).


G.R.1 - Old North Cemetery, Grove Lane.
G.R.2 - New North Cemetery.
G.R.3 - Prospect Hill Cemetery, Milk and Mount Vernon Streets.
C.R.2 - South Congregational Church.
C.R.3 - First Methodist Episcopal Church.
P.R.38 - private record, from the William C. Folger genealogical records in the possession of the Nantucket Historical Association (this compilation has been used because of the valuable clues it affords, but its statements should be received with caution, as it is not free from errors. It should also be understood that in many instances the events recorded did not take place in Nantucket, and in a few cases attention has been called to the question of residence. Many records of families of Nantucket origin, living in New York, North Carolina, Ohio, and elsewhere, do not properly belong in these printed volumes and therefor have been omited.
P.R.64--from copy of notes from the diaries of Mrs. Kezia Fanning in the possession of Alexander Starbuck of Waltham.


Vol. II, Page 614


Andrew, ___ __, 1823 [in lot with Daniel and his wife, Eliza,] G.R.2
Daniel, ch. Dan[ie]l and Sally, bp. Mar. 23, 1794. C.R.3
Daniel, Mar 27, 1798 [on stone beside that of Eliza, w. Daniel] G.R.2 [Mar. 31, 1796, P.R.64]
Daniel, ___ __, 1829, [in lot with Andrew] G.R.2
Elizabeth, (see Lizzie)
Esther A. [______] [w. Thomas J.], July 4, 1814. G.R.1
Lizzie [Whitney], w. Samuel S. Riddell, ___ __, 1832. G.R.2. [Elizabeth Whitney, d. Daniel, P.R.38]
Mary [? m.], ___ __, 1849. G.R.3 [NOTE]
Sally Coffin, ch. Daniel and Sally, bp. Dec. 6, 1789. G.R.3
Sarah, w. Matthew Crosby Jr., (s. Matthew and Elizabeth), d. Daniel and Eliza, ___ __, P.R.38.
Sophia, ch. Daniel and Sally, bp. Sept. 2, 1792. G.R.3
Thomas J. [h. Esther A.], Apr. 11, 1804, G.R.1.
_____, d. Sally, Aug. 26, 1792, P.R.64.


Vol. IV, Page 504


Daniel and Sally Coffin, Sept. 30, 1788 [Daniel of Boston and Sarah Coffin, d. Timothy and Priscilla. P.R.38. Daniel of Boston and Sally Coffin, d. Timo[thy] P.R.64]
Daniel and Eliza Sandford, June 3, 1818 [Sandford C.R.2, Daniel, s. Daniel and Sally and Eliza Sandford, d. Samuel and Lydia (Wyer) P.R.38]
John and Rachel [int Rachehel] Winslow, ___ __, ____ [between May 1, 1819 and May 1, 1820, int. May 1 1819]. [Rachel, Mar. 2 1819, C.R.2. Rachel, d. James and Martha, P.R.38]
John, M.D., of Boston and Margaret Coffin, d. Maj. Josiah and Elizabeth (Coffin), ___ __ ____*, P.R.38.
Margaret and Robert Barnard, Dec. 18, 1766 [Margaret d. Dr. John and Margaret and Robert Barnard, s. Robert and Hepsibeth (Coffin), P.R.38.]
Rachal [int. Rachel] Miss, and George Sanford, ___ __, ____ [between Apr. 1, 1824 and Apr. 2, 1825, int. July 10, 1824]. [Rachel (first w.), wid. John, d. James Winslow and Martha, and George Sandford, s. Samuel and Lydia (Wyer), P.R.38.]
Sarah and James Coffin, Feb. 27, 1766. [Sarah, d. Dr. John and Peggy, and James Coffin, s. Nathaniel and Mary (Sheffield) P.R.38]
Sarah of Fall River and George W. Backus, s. Herman and Mehitable (Crocker), __ ___, ____ [? before 1850],* P.R.38 [NOTE]
Sarah C. and Matthew Crosby, Jr., Nov. 14, 1849
Sarah Coffin and Zebedee Cook Jr., int. Nov. 30, 1809
Thomas J. and Esther A. Dunning, Feb. 28, 1836.


Vol. V, Page 604


Daniel, 10th, 12 mo. 1814, a. 50y. 11m., P.R.63.
Emily C., d. Daniel, May 22, 1839, a. 7w., P.R.62.
John, b. N., ch. Thomas and Esther, typhus fever, Oct. 12, 1848 a. 9, in N.
Martha, b. N., d. Dan(ie)l and Eliza, pleurasy, Dec. 21, 1843, a. 18y. 6m., in N. [Martha S., Dec. 4, C.R.1 Martha S., Dec. 4, a. 18y. 4m. G.R.2].
Orlando, b. N., ch. Thomas and Esther, typhus fever, Mar. 11, 1848, a. 5, in. N.
S., Mrs., Oct. 28, 1811, a. 40, C.R.2. [Sarah, w. Daniel of Boston, d. Timothy Cotton and Priscilla (Cook), Oct. 16, P.R.38, Sally, w. Daniel, 16th, 10 mo., a. 41, P.R.63).
Sarah Coffin "eldest" d. Daniel and Sarah, Jan. 11, 1810, a. 20, G.R.1 [Sally, P.R.63]
______, ch. Daniel, 29th, 8 mo, 1791, P.R.63
______, "youngest", ch. _____, Oct. 28, 1792, a. 2m., P.R.64
______, blind, s. ______, fit, Aug. 13, 1796, a. 2y. 7m. P.R.64.
______, ch. Daniel, Sept. 10, 1819, a. abt. 1, P.R.63.


From "Massachusetts Vital Records, 1841-1910," from original records held by the Massachusetts Archives. Online database: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2004.


Whitney, John D., birth, 1850, vol. 43, p. 163:

[number] 48; [birthdate] July the 19; [date of record] --; [name] John D. Whitney; [sex] Male; [birthplace] Nantucket; [parents] Thomas & Ester; [residence of father] Nantucket; [occupation of father] Laborer; [birthplace of father] Nantucket; [birthplace of mother] Brunswick.


Whitney, Elizabeth, marriage, 1858, vol. 118, p. 195:

[number] 48; [marriage date and place] December 13th; [date of record] --; [groom] Samuel S. Riddell; [residence] Cullao; [age] 30; [occupation] Merchant; [birthplace] Nantucket; [parents] John & Ann Riddell; [number of marriage] First; [bride] Elizabeth Whitney; [residence] Nantucket; [age] 26; [occupation] --; [birthplace] Nantucket; [parents] Daniel & Eliza Whitney; [number of marriage] First; [officiant] Francis LeBaron, Unitarian Minister, Nantucket.

Whitney, Sarah C., marriage, 1849, vol. 38, p. 116:

[number] 78; [marriage date and place] Nov. 14; [date of record] --; [groom] Matthew Crosby Jr.; [residence] Nantucket; [age] 22; [occupation] Merchant; [birthplace] Nantucket; [parents] Matthew & Ekizabeth Crosby; [number of marriage] First; [bride] Sarah C. Whitney; [residence] Nantucket; [age] 22; [occupation] --; [birthplace] Nantucket; [parents] Daniel & Eliza Whitney; [number of marriage] First; [officiant] George Cobb, Justice of the Peace.


Whitney, Andrew, death, 1894, vol. 446, p. 452:

[number] 86; [death date and place] Sept. 22; [date of record] Sept. 30; [name] Andrew Whitney; [sex] Male; [marital status] Single; [age] 71 - 8; [cause] Chronic cystitis; [residence] Nantucket; [occupation] --; [birthplace] Nantucket; [parents] Daniel Whitney, Eliza (Sanford); [parents' birthplaces] Nantucket, Nantucket.

Whitney, Daniel, death, 1869, vol. 221, p. 230:

[number] 16; [death date and place] February 14th; [date of record] --; [name] Daniel Whitney; [sex] Male; [marital status] Widowed; [age] 70 11 18; [cause] General debility; [residence] Nantucket; [occupation] Merchant; [birthplace] Nantucket; [parents] Daniel & Sarah Whitney; [parents' birthplaces] Nantucket.

Whitney, Daniel, death, 1907, vol. 72, p. 39:

[number] 88; [death date and place] November 12, 1907; [date of record] Nov. 15, 1907; [name] Daniel Whitney; [sex] Male; [marital status] Single; [age] 78 5 -; [cause] Chronic interstitial nephritis; [residence] Nantucket; [occupation] Retired; [birthplace] Nantucket; [parents] Daniel Whitney, Eliza Sanford; [parents' birthplaces] Nantucket, Nantucket.

Whitney, Eliza [Sanford], death, 1865, vol. 184, p. 185:

[number] 91; [death date and place] July 11th; [date of record] --; [name] Eliza Whitney (m.n.) Eliza Sanford; [sex] Female; [marital status] Married; [age] 71 3 -; [cause] Strangulated hernia; [residence] Nantucket; [occupation] --; [birthplace] Nantucket; [parents] Samuel & Lydia Sanford; [parents' birthplaces] Nantucket.

Whitney, Esther A. [Dunning], death, 1869, vol. 221, p. 232:

[number] 93; [death date and place] November 9th; [date of record] --; [name] Esther A. Whitney; [sex] Female; [marital status] Married; [age] 64 - -; [cause] Disease of liver; [residence] Nantucket; [occupation] --; [birthplace] Brunswick, St. Me.; [parents] Auron & Sarah Dunning; [parents' birthplaces] State of Maine, Brun.

Whitney, John, death, 1848-49, vol. 41, p. 2: IMAGE NOT FOUND.

Whitney, Martha, death, 1843, vol. 9, p. 66:

[number] 84; [death date and place] Dec. 21, 1843, Nantucket; [date of record] --; [name] Martha Whitney; [sex] Female; [marital status] Single; [age] 18 6 -; [cause] Pleurisy; [residence] --; [occupation] --; [birthplace] Nantucket; [parents] Danl. & Elisa Whitney; [parents' birthplaces] .

Whitney, Orlando, death, 1848, vol. 33, p. 103:

[number] 164; [death date and place] March 11 [1848]; [date of record] March 21; [name] Orlando Whitney; [sex] --; [marital status] --; [age] 5 - -; [cause] Typhus fever; [residence] --; [occupation] --; [birthplace] Nantucket; [parents] Thomas & Esther Whitney; [parents' birthplaces] --.

Whitney, Sophia, death, 1882, vol. 338, p. 230:

[number] 106; [death date and place] October 20; [date of record] --; [name] Sophia Whitney; [sex] Female; [marital status] Single; [age] 82 - -; [cause] Old age; [residence] Nantucket; [occupation] --; [birthplace] Nantucket; [parents] Daniel and Sally (Coffin) Whitney; [parents' birthplaces] Nantucket.

Whitney, Thomas J., death, 1872, vol. 248, p. 292:

[number] 23; [death date and place] April 19th; [date of record] --; [name] Thomas J. Whitney; [sex] Male; [marital status] Widowed; [age] 68 - -; [cause] General debility; [residence] Nantucket; [occupation] Laborer; [birthplace] Nantucket; [parents] Daniel & Sarah Whitney; [parents' birthplaces] Nantucket.

Copyright © 1999, 2006, 2008, 2016, Robert L. Ward and the Whitney Research Group.