Archive:Princeton, Massachusetts, Vital Records

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Archives > Archive:Vital Records > Archive:Massachusetts, Vital Records > Princeton, Massachusetts, Vital Records

Franklin P. Rice, ed., Vital Records of Princeton, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849 (1902).


G.S. - Gravestone record [no cemetery name given].
P.R. - Private record [no name listed].


Page 68


Abigail-Perkins, d. John and Mary, June 18, 1823.
Abigail-Perkins, d. John and Mary, Nov. 25, 1827.
Anna-Miles, d. Andrew and Lucy, Feb. 21, 1801.
Caroline, d. Andrew and Lucy, July 8, 1808.
Caroline, d. William and Mary-Ann, Apr. 12, 1848.
Charles, s. Andrew and Lucy, Apr. 4, 1797.
Charles-Andrew, s. Andrew and Lucy, Aug.20, 1810.
Charles-Andrew, s. John and Eliza-Ann-F., Nov. 14, 1834.
Clara-Elvira, d. Reuben-P.and Clarasa-C., Sept. 26, 1836.
David, s. Silas and Jane, Aug. 31, 1760.
Elisha-Dana, s. Andrew and Lucy, June 29, 1805.
Eliza-Ann-French, d. John and Eliza-Ann-F., Feb. 26, 1836.
Eliza-Ann-French, d. John and Eliza-Ann-F., July 1, 1840.
George-Franklin, s. Reuben-P.and Clarasa-C., Sept. 11, 1838.
Jason-Woodward, s. Reuben-P.and Clarasa-C., Sept. 21, 1821. In Westminster.
John, s. Andrew and Lucy, Dec. 31, 1792.
John, s. William and Mary-Ann, Oct. 7, 1843.
John-Newton, s. John and Mary, Sept. 21, 1824.
John-Newton, s. John and Eliza-Ann-F., July 6, 1833.
Levi-Lincoln, s. John and Eliza-Ann-F., Jan. 20, 1838.
Louisa-Howe, d. Reuben-P.and Clarasa-C., Mar. 4, 1828. In Westminster.
Love, d. Silas and Jane, Dec. 18, 1758.
Lucia-Maria, d. Reuben-P.and Clarasa-C., July 10, 1844.
Lucretia, d. William and Maryon, Apr. 29, 1834.
Lucy, d. Andrew and Lucy, Feb. 8, 1790.
Lucy, d. Andrew and Lucy, Jan. 11, 1795.
Lydia, d. John and Eliza-Ann-F., Mar. 19, 1843.
Marrion-Eugene, d. John and Mary, Oct. 26, 1829.
Mary-Everett, d. Reuben-P.and Clarasa-C., Dec. 23, 1831.
Mary-Newton, d. John and Mary, Sept. 28, 1831.
Orville-Porter, s. Reuben-P.and Clarasa-C., Oct. 28, 1833.
Reuben-Mills, s. Andrew and Lucy, May 23, 1788.
Sally, d. Andrew and Lucy, June 4, 1803.
Silas, s. Silas and Jane, June 12, 1762.
William, s. Andrew and Lucy, Feb. 10, 1799.
William-Lane, s. William and Maryon, Sept. 10, 1832.
William-Newton, s. John and Mary, Dec. 15, 1825.
_____, s. William and Mary-Ann, March 6, 1846.


Page 141


Andrew and Lucy Miles of Westminster, int. Oct. 1, 1787.
Ann-M. and Capt. Nathan Whitney of Westminster, Jan. 8, 1822.
Calvin of Westminster and Huldah Brown, Aug. 14, 1837.
Caroline and Dr. Alphonso Brooks, March 18, 1830.
David of Westminster and Elizabeth Barns, int. Sept. 30, 1791.
Esther and William Thomas, both of Sterling, Sept. 10, 1781.
Capt. John and Mary Netwon [Newton?] of Royalston, int. Aug. 23, 1822.
Col. John and Eliza-Ann-F.Watson, Oct. 4, 1832.
John-E. of Westminster and Cleora Allen, int. June 15, 1844.
Jonas of Westminster and Betty Raymond, int. Aug. 20, 1785.
Lucy and Merrill Davis of Holden, Sept. 4, 1819.
Martha-A. and Samuel Hobbs, May 17, 1835.
Mary of Westminster and Stilman Everett, int. Dec. 30, 1826.
Mary-N. [d. Capt. John and Mary, a. 18] and Samuel-C. Nash, Nov. 22, 1849.
Capt. Nathan of Westminster and Ann-M. Whitney, Jan. 8, 1822.
Reuben-P. of Westminster and Clarissa-C. Woodward, Mar. 8, 1827.


Page 192


Abigail-Perkins, d. John and Mary, Dec. 10, 1826. [Dec. 11, a. 3-1/2, P.R.].
Abigail-Perkins, d. John and Mary, Dec. 12, 1830. [a. 3.0.16, G.R.].
Andrew, Oct. 26, 1818. [a. 64. C.R.]
Charles, s. Andrew and Lucy, Aug. 18, 1808.
Eliza-Ann-French, d. Col. John and Eliza-Ann-F., Feb. 18, 1839. [a. 2.11.22, G.R.]
John, s. Andrew and Lucy, [b. Princeton], May 15, 1846, a. 53.6.15. [a. 53.4.15. G.R.]
John-N., s. John and Mary, Sept. 29, 1824.
Lucia-Maria, d. Reuben-P.and Clarasa-C., [b. Princeton], July 31, 1844, a. 21 days.
Lucy, d. Andrew and Lucy, Aug. 30, 1791.
Lucy, wid. of Andrew, June 26, 1842, a. 76. [July 26, 1842, P.R.] [Aug. 3, 1842, P.R.]
Lydia, d. Col. John and Eliza-Ann-F., Feb. 21, 1844, a. 11 mos. [Feb. 19, 1844, a. 9mos., P.R.]
Marion-E., d. John and Mary, [b. Princeton], Dec. 19, 1845, a. 16.1.7.
Mary, w. of Col. John, Oct. 6, 1831. a. 31.
_____, wid., July 18, 183[_] a. 65y. [NOTE]
_____, child of Reuben-P.and Clarasa-C., Dec. 13, 1841. P.R.


From "Massachusetts Vital Records, 1841-1910," from original records held by the Massachusetts Archives. Online database: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2004.


Whitney, [Male], birth, 1846, vol. 17, p. 238:

[number] 2; [birthdate] March 6, 1846; [date of record] May 28, 1846; [name] ----- Whitney; [sex] Male; [birthplace] --; [parents] William & Mary Ann Whitney; [residence of father] Princeton; [occupation of father] Farmer; [birthplace of father] --; [birthplace of mother] --.

Whitney, Caroline, birth, 1848, vol. 29, p. 237:

[number] 33; [birthdate] April 12, 1848; [date of record] May 30, 1848; [name] Caroline Whitney; [sex] Female; [birthplace] --; [parents] Wm. & Mary Ann Whitney; [residence of father] Princeton; [occupation of father] Farmer; [birthplace of father] --; [birthplace of mother] --.

Whitney, Lucia Maria, birth, 1844, vol. 11, p. 208:

[number] Twenty; [birthdate] July 20, 1844; [date of record] May 31, 1845; [name] Lucia Maria Whitney; [sex] Female; [birthplace] Princeton; [parents] Reuben P. & Clarissa Whitney; [residence of father] Princeton; [occupation of father] Farmer; [birthplace of father] --; [birthplace of mother] --.

Whitney, Solon, birth, 1851, vol. 53, p. 195:

[number] 20; [birthdate] January 20; [date of record] --; [name] Solon Whitney; [sex] Male; [birthplace] Princeton; [parents] William & Mary Whitney; [residence of father] Princeton; [occupation of father] Laborer; [birthplace of father] Boston; [birthplace of mother] Leominster.

Whitney, Willis Fredrick, birth, 1906, vol. 560, p. 395:

[number] 13; [birthdate] Aug. 18; [date of record] Feb. 20; [name] Willis Fredrick Whitney; [sex] Male; [birthplace] Princeton; [parents] Willis C., Ida L. Stevens; [residence of father] Princeton; [occupation of father] Mill hand; [birthplace of father] Portland, Me.; [birthplace of mother] Putnam, Ct.


Whitney, Andrew J., marriage, 1881, vol. 327, p. 318:

[number] 10; [marriage date and place] Dec. 29; [date of record] --; [groom] Andrew J. Whitney; [residence] Fitchburg; [age] 29; [occupation] Chairmaker; [birthplace] Waltham; [parents] Adam & Mary J. m.n. Sylvester; [number of marriage] First; [bride] Lizzie J. Taylor; [residence] Princeton; [age] 22; [occupation] At home; [birthplace] Fitchburg; [parents] --; [number of marriage] First; [officiant] Geo. M. Howe, Clergyman, Princeton.

Whitney, Caroline A., marriage, 1869, vol. 219, p. 273:

[number] 4; [marriage date and place] Nov. 10; [date of record] --; [groom] Irving W. Beaman; [residence] Princeton; [age] 23; [occupation] Farmer; [birthplace] Farmer; [parents] Winslow E. Beaman & Abigail m.n. Gordon; [number of marriage] First; [bride] Caroline A. Whitney; [residence] Princeton; [age] 21; [occupation] --; [birthplace] Princeton; [parents] --; [number of marriage] First; [officiant] Jos. W. Cross, Clergyman, West Boylston.

Whitney, Charles S., marriage, 1891, vol. 417, p. 461:

[number] 2; [marriage date and place] April 8th, Gardner; [date of record] Feb. 4th, 1892; [groom] Charles S. Whitney; [residence] Worcester; [age] 29; [occupation] Foreman of street car stable; [birthplace] New Boston, Conn.; [parents] Charles Whitney & Lydia A. Perry; [number of marriage] First; [bride] Addie L. Blanding; [residence] Princeton; [age] 21; [occupation] At home; [birthplace] Athol; [parents] Oscar G. Blanding & Laura Peeler; [number of marriage] First; [officiant] W. C. Litchfield, Minister, Gardner.

Whitney, Mary A., marriage, 1862, vol. 155, p. 199:

[number] 2; [marriage date and place] Apr. 20; [date of record] --; [groom] Henry H. Parker; [residence] Princeton; [age] 22; [occupation] Farmer; [birthplace] Princeton; [parents] Daniel Parker & Nancy (m.n.) Bryant; [number of marriage] First; [bride] Mary A. Whitney; [residence] Princeton; [age] 22; [occupation] --; [birthplace] Princeton; [parents] Wm. Whitney & Mary (m.n.) Parmenter; [number of marriage] First; [officiant] William T. Briggs, Clergyman.

Whitney, Mary N., marriage, 1849, vol. 38, p. 373:

[number] 8; [marriage date and place] November 22, 1849; [date of record] --; [groom] Samuel C. Nash; [residence] Princeton, Ms.; [age] 26; [occupation] Currier; [birthplace] Princeton, Ms.; [parents] Luther & Mary Nash; [number of marriage] First; [bride] Mary N. Whitney; [residence] Princeton, Ms.; [age] 18; [occupation] --; [birthplace] Princeton, Ms.; [parents] John & Mary Whitney; [number of marriage] First; [officiant] H. M. Bridge, Clergyman.


Beaman, Caroline A. [Whitney], death, 1897, vol. 474, p. 701:

[number] 3; [death date and place] March 6; [date of record] Feb. 11, 1898; [name] Beaman, Caroline A. (Whitney); [sex] Female; [marital status] Married to Irving W. Beaman; [age] 48 11 2; [cause] Pneumonia; [residence] Princeton; [occupation] Housewife; [birthplace] Princeton; [parents] William Whitney, Mary Whitney; [parents' birthplaces] Watertown, Leominster; [buried] North Cem.

Whitney, [Female], death, 1844, vol. 15, p. 146:

[number] 4; [death date and place] July 31, 1844, Princeton; [date of record] August 2, 1844; [name] no name Whitney; [sex] Female; [marital status] --; [age] - - 21; [cause] Unknown; [residence] --; [occupation] --; [birthplace] Princeton; [parents] R. P. & Clarissa Whitney; [parents' birthplaces] --.

Whitney, Augustine, death, 1871, vol. 240, p. 293:

[number] 15; [death date and place] Sept. 17; [date of record] --; [name] Augustine Whitney; [sex] Male; [marital status] Single; [age] 29 10 10; [cause] Pulmonary consumption; [residence] Princeton; [occupation] Mechanic; [birthplace] Princeton; [parents] William Whitney, Mary (m.n.) Parmenter; [parents' birthplaces] Boston, Leominster.

Whitney, Clarasa C. [Woodward], death, 1862, vol. 158, p. 267:

[number] 9; [death date and place] Sept. 28; [date of record] --; [name] Clarasa C. Whitney; [sex] Female; [marital status] Married to R. P. Whitney; [age] 57 11 29; [cause] Cancer of throat; [residence] Princeton; [occupation] Housekeeper; [birthplace] Princeton; [parents] Jason Woodward, Mary Woodward; [parents' birthplaces] Newton, Hubbardston.

Whitney, John, death, 1846, vol. 27, p. 182:

[number] Two; [death date and place] May 15, 1846; [date of record] Decr. 31, 1846; [name] John Whitney; [sex] Male; [marital status] Married; [age] 53 6 15; [cause] Consumption; [residence] --; [occupation] Farmer; [birthplace] Princeton; [parents] Andrew & Lucy Whitney; [parents' birthplaces] --.

Whitney, Lucy [-----], death, 1842, vol. 3, p. 250:

"Lucy Whitney, widow of the late Andrew Whitney, died of a disease of the heart, June 26, 1842, aged 76 years."
[number] --; [death date and place] June 26, 1842; [date of record] --; [name] Lucy Whitney; [sex] Female; [marital status] Widow of Andrew Whitney; [age] 76 - -; [cause] Disease of the heart; [residence] --; [occupation] --; [birthplace] --; [parents] --; [parents' birthplaces] --.

Whitney, Lucy, death, 1842, vol. 3, p. 254:

[number] [6]; [death date and place] June 26, 1842; [date of record] --; [name] Lucy Whitney; [sex] Female; [marital status] --; [age] 76 - -; [cause] Disease of the heart; [residence] --; [occupation] --; [birthplace] --; [parents] --; [parents' birthplaces] --.

Whitney, Lydia, death, 1844, vol. 9, p. 149:

[number] 16; [death date and place] Feb. 21, 1844; [date of record] --; [name] Lydia Whitney; [sex] Female; [marital status] --; [age] - 11 -; [cause] Croup; [residence] --; [occupation] --; [birthplace] --; [parents] Jno. & Eliza A. F. Whitney; [parents' birthplaces] --.

Whitney, Marion E., death, 1845, vol. 21, p. 159:

[number] 15; [death date and place] Decr. 19, 1845; [date of record] Decr. 23, 1845; [name] Marion E. Whitney; [sex] Female; [marital status] --; [age] 16 1 7; [cause] Typhus fever; [residence] --; [occupation] --; [birthplace] Princeton, Ms.; [parents] John & Mary Whitney; [parents' birthplaces] --.

Whitney, Mary A. [Parmenter], death, 1882, vol. 339, p. 422:

[number] 25; [death date and place] Mar. 25, Princeton; [date of record] --; [name] Mary A. Whitney; [sex] Female; [marital status] Widow of William Whitney; [age] 69 7 15; [cause] Disease of heart, dropsy; [residence] Princeton; [occupation] At home; [birthplace] Leominster; [parents] Silas Parmenter, Lucinda m.n. Norcross; [parents' birthplaces] Sudbury, Princeton.

Copyright © 1999, 2006, 2008, 2015, 2016, Robert L. Ward and the Whitney Research Group.