Archive:TAG Volume 70

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Archives > Archive:Extracts > Archive:The American Genealogist > TAG Volume 70

Harris, Gale Ion, "William2 and Elizabeth (Brockway) Harris of Lyme and Colchester, Connecticut [:] With Notes on Their Seven Daughters," TAG, vol. 70 (1995), pp. 233-239.

[p. 233]

"The land records reviewed in the present study show that William was still 'of Colchester' when he acknowledged by his mark at Fairfield, Connecticut, a deed to Hezekiah Whitney, a previously unrecognized 'son-in-law,' of Norwalk, Connecticut (Col- [p. 234] chester Deeds 7:531)."

[p. 238]

"vii MARGARET HARRIS [daughter of William2 and Elizabeth (BROCKWAY) HARRIS], b. ca. 1711, d. Norwalk, Conn., 31 July 1795 in her 85th y. She m. there, 'on or about' 3 Jan. 1732/3, HEZEKIAH4 WHITNEY (Edwin Hall, The Ancient Historical Records of Norwalk, Conn. [Norwalk, 1847], hereafter Hall's Norwalk Recs., 217). Hezekiah, b. there, 10 April 1705, and d. there, 30 April [p. 239] 1790, was son of Joseph3 Whitney (John2, Henry3) and Hannah (Hoyt) (S. Whitney Phoenix, The Whitney Family of Connecticut . . ., 3 vols. [New York, 1878], hereafter Whitney Fam., 1:22: inscriptions from their gravestones in St. Paul's churchyard in Norwalk). On 8 Dec. 1762, 'William Harris of Colchester' gave his 'son-in-law Hezekiah Whitne of Norwalk' 48 acres in Colchester adjoining 'John Skinners land'; the 87-year-old William Harris acknowledged that day at Fairfield (Colchester Deeds 7:531). Hezekiah was the 'first elected vestryman of St. Paul's Parish' (Charles M. Selleck, Norwalk [Norwalk, 1896], 291 n.).
"Children of Hezekiah and Margaret (Harris) Whitney, b. Norwalk (Hall's Norwalk Recs., 217; Whitney Fam., 1:44-45): 1. Elizabeth/Betty Whitney, b. 24 Jan. 1733/4. 2. Abigail Whitney, b. 14 May 1735/6 [sic]. 3. Ruth Whitney, b. 3 Jan. 1736/7. 4. Jeremiah Whitney, b. 17 March 1739/40. 5. Hezekiah Whitney, a carpenter of Bedford, N.Y., and Wolcott, Vt. 6. Hannah Whitney, b. living in 1785. 7. Margaret Whitney, bp. 19 June 1751. 8. Sarah Whitney, b. ca. 1755."

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