Archive:TAG Volume 82

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Archives > Archive:Extracts > Archive:The American Genealogist > TAG Volume 82

Nelson, Ian Glade, "Anthony1 and Grace (-----)(Hall) White of Watertown, Massachusetts," TAG 82 (2007):39-48.

[p. 45]

Anthony's will was dated 16 November 1685. ... He made his daughter [in-law] Rebecca White executrix, with witnesses John Whitney Sr., Daniel Bigaloe, and Mary Bemas [by mark]. Anthony made his mark. The witnesses acknowledged the will on 6 April 1686.43


43 Middlesex Co. Probates, will [original register] 6:28 [FHL film #521,762]; will [copy] 6:404-5 [FHL film #521,768]; packet no. 24462 [FHL film #432,079]. The packet does not contain any documents, just the cover and one card giving the packet number, for Anthony White of Watertown, vol. 6, p. 404 [copy], 1686 Apr. 6 Record of Will.

[p. 46]

iii JOHN WHITE, ... d. Watertown, 30 May 1684, gored by a bull just a few weeks after marriage.58 m. Watertown, 11 April 1684, REBECCA BEMIS ....


58 Middlesex Co. Court Papers 1648-1798. 1684, folio 107:IV: "John White, Watertown, accidental death gored by goat [sic]" [FHL film #901,003]. The inquest states "gored by a horne of a bull." The jury of inquest included Daniel Warren Sr., John Barnard, Joseph Whitney, William Peirce, Daniel Fessenden, Zacry [Zechariah] Cutting, Palsgrave Wellington, Jonathan Phillips, Thomas Chadwick, Joseph pirc [Peirce], John Waight, and Jonathan Tainter.

Copyright © 2020, Robert L. Ward and the Whitney Research Group.