Archive:Whitney's Choice of Emblemes

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Archives > Archive:Extracts > Whitney's Choice of Emblemes

























For the moste parte gathered out of sundrie writers,
Englished and Moralized.


by Geffrey Whitney.

A worke adorned with varietie of matter, both pleasant and profitable; whe-
rein those that please, maye finde to fit their fancies; Bicause herein, by the
office of the did, and the care, the minde maye reape dooble delighte throu-
ghe holsome preceptes, shadowed with pleasant devises: both fit for the
vertuous, to their incoraging: and for the wicked, for their admonishing
and amendment.

To the Reader.
Peruse with heeds, then frendlie iudge, and blaming rashe refraine:
So maist thou reade unto thy good, and shalt requite my paine.

Imprinted at LEYDEN,

In the house of Christopher Plantyn,
by Francis Raphelengius


[p. v]


MEMORIALS of the Elizabethan culture, like mansions in the style of the Elizabethan architecture, would soon be passing away, were it not that they are reproduced from time to time, and reinstated in the interest and perchance in the regard of the literary world. When a work of curious and instructive, if not of high value, has almost perished from the ravages of age, not disservice can it be to literature to rescue it from impending oblivion and offer it again to public notice. The inheritance which has come to us from a renowned ancestry is thus maintained in honour, and a restoration though it be only of a summer-house in a pleasure-garden, or of an oratory where by succeeding generations prayer was wont to be made, betokens as much reverence and love towards the illustrious dead, as if we had power to inscribe their names in the world's pantheon or to raise some monument of grandeur that would endure for ages. Whitney's own ideas are in fact so carried out:

"For writinges last when wee bee gonne, and doe preserue our name."

The work of restoration and of illustration now attempted for Whitney's Emblemes was entered upon with a love for it, as well as from a desire to make the emblem literature of the sixteenth century more known; and it may be that such love may have covered a multitude of sins in the Author's style and mode both of thought and expression; but in stating the simple fact that his labours have been lightened and repaid by the liking which he had for them, the editor does not wish a single fault to be condoned. The themes here pursued have seldom if ever been treated of to the same extent or in the manner adopted,--and the probability is that some errors have been fallen into which further researches will rectify, and that inquiries have been left unattempted which are needed for the true appreciation of the subject. To place his readers as far as he can on the vantage ground both for judging his labours and for following them out to greater perfectness, the editor presents a full general Index as

[p. vi]

well as several special Indices, and has in most cases been scrupulous to name and quote his authorities. This apparatus will render the work of greater service to literary men.

So far as is ascertained no similar work exists, and though very incomplete as a history outside of the period which it embraces and of the special object to which it is devoted, it will supply the student and the general reader with information respecting emblem books and authors not easily accessible, and will enable him, if so disposed, to arrive at other stores of knowledge on the same subject. Some of the volumes consulted are of great rarity and to be found only in choice and richly-furnished libraries. For this reason, instead of a simple reference the titles themselves are photo-lithographically exhibited, and one or more pages of the devices in each emblem-book which Whitney adopted are also given in fac-simile. This feature of the work the editor trusts will be very useful to those readers who have not opportunities for consulting the old emblematists, or who may desire to see what they really are.

A writer of the sixteenth century, Hachtenburg of Francfort, 1577 [Philothei Symb. Christ.], assures us with much positiveness of expression, "Not one in a hundred can produce a really good emblem; not one in a thousand is competent to pass judgment upon the emblems of others." This sentiment is repeated not in depreciation of any opinion on the editor's share in this reprint and on the essays and notes with which it is accompanied,--but as an occasion to remind readers that a fac-simile by the photo-lithographic process is very different from that by the engraver's art and skill. The burin can retouch what is defective in the original,--can heighten the beauty and conceal the blemishes and yet preserve an identity of outline and character,--but the son-light, the lens, and the camera reproduce without correction or adornment; if the original be worn and faced,--worn and faded is the copy; as the presses of Rome, Venice, Paris, Lyons, Basle, and Antwerp left their work three centuries since,--exactly so does it reappear; and this constitutes the defect as well as the excellence of photo-lithography in the printing of books.

The skill and pains bestowed by the various artists on the volume now in the reader's hands call for the editor's expression of approval. The stone has been made to give back the images, the letters and forms which the sunlight had drawn from the old

[p. vii]

pages set before it. To Mr. BROTHERS are due the photographs and their preparation, and to Mr. HARRISON the impressions themselves; the embellished capitals and other woodcuts are by Mr. MORTON, and the letter-press printing is the work of Messrs. CHARLES SIMMS & CO.

No more need I say than to express the hope that the study of the Emblem literature may be revived,--and other similar works find a similar republication.

These lines, the last as I imagined of this work, had been written and printed, and the proof awaited only revision ere my editorial labours would be ended, when, on the 14th of February 1866, I received some further information of high interest respecting the author, to which I ought at least to allude, especially as it comes from an American branch of the family, which under their ancestor John Whitney, settled in New England so long ago as April 1635. His descendant, Henry Austin Whitney esq., of Boston, U.S.A., writes to me from the Hague, February 5th, 1866:

"I was exceedingly gratified and surprised to-day, during a visit to Leyden, to find that you had carried into effect what has for several years been one of my dreams,--the re-production of Whitney's emblems in fac-simile. My only regret is that the work has probably so far progressed that you will not be able to make use of one or two items relating to our author which it is in my power to furnish." "The most important of my collections is the Will of Geffrey Whitney, of which I have a copy in Boston. [Compare with Intro. Diss. pp. liv. and lv. Also p. lxxxiii.] It is quite curious and important as settling the date of the writer's death, 1603 or 4, I think. In the testament, if I recollect rightly, he gives his library of Latin books to his nephew the son of his brother Brooke Whitney, 'on condition that he become a scholar.'" [See Emb. p. 88, and Intro. Diss. xlv. and xlvii.]

Mr. H. A. Whitney then informs me that he has a large collection of materials relating to the Whitneys of different counties, some portion of which would explain who Robert Whitney is [See Introd. Diss. pp. xxxviii.], referred to by me, and would also give data relating to Geffrey Whitney, our author's cousin, "Merchant Tailor of London." [Emb. p. 181; Intro. Diss. p. xlvii.] He sought out what escaped my inquiries in July last,--the original manuscript Catalogue of the Students at the University of Leyden, and in the General Index found "Godf. Whitneus," [Vol. i, 1575-1616.] with reference to p. 187 of the same volume, "where appears this

[p. viii]

entry: 'Anno 1586, Martii 1. Godfridus Whitneus, Junior, Anglus." This undoubtedly refers to our author, who, for several pages, is the only Englishman recorded.

The same letter also remarks: "On a trip of pleasure through Amsterdam to Paris, I resolved to make a brief visit to Leyden, not only as a place of peculiar interest to a native of New England, but in order to satisfy myself on one or two points relating to the author of the Emblems. In pursuance of my purpose I sought the University, and on making known the object of my inquiries, the librarian, M. Du Rieu, stated that Mr. Green was in Leyden about July last in quest of similar information. He at once kindly showed me the specimen sheets of your new edition, and I had just time to glimpse at the interesting and satisfactory essay read before the Cheshire Archaeological Society. I was, I assure you, pleased to find that I have been so ably and thoroughly anticipated, and can now only regret that I had not known of your undertaking in October last, before leaving home, as it would have been my pleasure to have placed at your disposal whatever material was at my command."

So courteous and valuable an expression of regard for the labours I have been engaged in and brought to a conclusion, I acknowledge with the highest respect and under a deep sense of obligation, for the true liberality of feeling which dictated it; and I stop the press to add that should Mr. Henry Austin Whitney resolve on offering to the world the information respecting Geffrey Whitney which is in his possession, I shall most cheerfully give him every facility in my power for communicating with my subscribers. Possibly an Appendix to this fac-simile reprint might satisfy the conditions of the case and supply the admirers of emblem literature with the additional materials. I regret if my own labours interfere with those of one who by position and kinsmanship to the author had a superior claim over mine to be editor of "The Choice of Emblemes." He will not however object that in the breast of a stranger there has been kindled the admiration which in himself was a natural feeling of affection towards a writer who nearly three hundred years ago bore and adorned the Whitney name.

February 19th, 1866.

[pp. ix-lxxx not transcribed]

[p. lxxxi]


(From Documents supplied by HENRY AUSTIN WHITNEY, Esq.,
Boston, Mass., U.S.A.)

- - - - -

FREEMASONRY in literature surely exists, in virtue of which brotherhood is recognised among its votaries; and between men of similar pursuits there is a spiritualism which in an inexplicable manner draws them together, though continents and oceans divide. By an all-directing Wisdom they have been subjected to the same influences at almost the same time, and they feel and confess the bond by which they are united. Under such a persuasion, therefore, I follow only the simple and natural promptings of the mind, when by this Postscript I communicate to my readers the very valuable and interesting documents entrusted to my use by a fellow-labourer, in the purpose, if not in the actual enterprise, of bringing "The Choice of Emblemes" again before the world.

I do this more readily because these documents at once confirm [To the Reader, p. v. and vii.] my conjecture that I had probably fallen into errors which further researches would rectify, and because they also display more fully the ramifications of the Whitney families which I had confined almost [Intr. Diss. pp. xxxv-lv.] entirely to the counties of Hereford and Chester. It appears that the branches spread from Bristol to York, and from Suffolk to Wales.

During the very time at which I was engaged on this fac-simile reprint, and even before, Mr. Samuel Austin Whitney of Glassboro', New Jersey, Horatio G. Somerby, esq., and Mr. Henry Austin Whitney were devoting themselves to the same object, and with the clearest right, if we do not term it, with direct obligation. Two of these [Document III., p. 9-12.] gentlemen, I understand, are descendants from John Whitney of Islip [See Pedigree opposite p. lxxxv.], Oxfordshire, who in April 1635, with his wife Elinor and five sons, embarked from London for New England, and who in June of the same year "bought a sixteen-acre home-stall" at Watertown, where

[p. lxxxii]

three other sons were born to him, making a goodly number for his quiver when he would "speak with the enemies in the gate." Some of the sons had numerous offspring,--as John, with ten children,--Richard, with eight,--Thomas, with eleven,--Jonathan, with eleven,--Joshua, with eleven,--and Benjamin, with at least four. Thus the grandchildren of the emigrant John Whitney were not less than fifty-five. Whatever concerns the honour of the Whitney name may therefore justly be deemed the province and calling of their descendants.

And the more so, because of the common origin of the various families of Whitney; for Mr. H. A. Whitney testifies,--"From data [Document III. p. 11n and p. 11.] in my possession, or at my command, the connection of families of the name in different parts of Herefordshire, in Radnor (Wales), Cheshire, Shropshire, Worcestershire, Yorkshire, and in Ireland, is readily traced to the parent stem,--the Whitneys of Whitney in Herefordshire." Again he says, "It is not unreasonable to suppose that all bearing the name had a common origin [Compare with Introd. Diss. p. xxxvi.], and that they were descended from" Turstin the Fleming, "the son of the follower of William the Conqueror, who assumed the name Whitney from his possessions" at Whitney in Herefordshire. A Fleming in 1086 founded the family, and after five hundred years his descendant Geffrey Whitney, in 1586, sought in Leyden the aid of a Fleming, Francis Rauelinghien [Essays, p. 269], to imprint "The Choice of Emblemes." Three other centuries nearly have passed by, and the name which at first distinguished a border-chieftain is perpetuated to show how justice has greater triumphs than violence;

"That where this sacred Goddes is,
That land doth florishe still, and gladnes, their doth growe:
Bicause that all, to God, and Prince, by her their dewties knowe."

The documents transmitted to me [Feb. 27, 1866] were:

Io A manuscript copy of the Will of Geffrey Whitney the poet, lately extracted from the original by Horatio G. Somerby; IIo "Memoranda relating to families of the name of Whitney in England;" and IIIo "Wills relating to families of the name of Whitney in Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire, England, 1549 to 1603, with a Pedigree."*

  * Of the "Memoranda," ten copies were printed on royal 4to, pages 11, at Boston, U.S.A., April 1859; and of "The Wills" twelve copies on royal 4to, pages 23, were privately printed at Boston, U.S.A., October 10th, 1865,--the very month and day and year on which at Knutsford in Cheshire I dated the Introduction to this Reprint, p. lxxiv.

[pp. lxxxiii and lxxxiv not transcribed]

[p. lxxxv]

of eight miles would enclose Cholmondeley, and the "Hvghe Cholmeleys," father and son,-- Woodhey, and Thomas Wilbraham, the [Emb. 130 and 138.] original of "the fine Old English gentleman, one of the olden time" [Emb. 199.]--Acton, the parish church of the Whitneys [Plate XIII.a.]--Shavington, the seat* of the Needhams [Emb. 181], in Adderley parish, near Market Drayton,--and Drayton-in-Hales, where "Cosen Jefferie Whitney" dwelt,--also Ightfield, named as the residence of sir ARTHVRE MANWARINGE, knight [Emb. 131.], and perhaps of his son "GEORGE MANWARINGE, esquier [Emb. 139.], the worshipfull and right vertuous yong Gentylman" to whom in 1573 Isabella Whitney [Plate XI.] wished "happy health with good succsesse in all his godly affayres." At Ryles Green there are three farms, of which the largest contains about 200 acres, and one of these would be the "farme or lease which," the testator declares, "I holde of Richard Cotton of Cambermere, esquier."

Thus in his latter days was the poet in the very midst of old friends. Tenderly, in a foreign land had he written the lines:

And as the bees, that farre and near doe straye,
And yet come home, when honie they haue founde:
So, thoughe some men doe linger longe awaye,
Yet loue they best their natiue countries grounde.
  And from the same, the more they absent bee,
 With more desire, they wishe the same to see;" [Emb. 201]

And again:

Wherefore, when happe, some goulden honie bringes?
I will retorne, and rest my wearie winges;" [Emb. 201]

And now, amid the bright scenes of his youth, with kindred near, full of faith and resignation the soul passed to his God.

II. "Memoranda relating to families of the Name of Whitney, in England." [Document II.]

These pages, their editor observes [Note by H. A. W. 1859.], "are, in part, the result of a search made by Mr. SAMUEL AUSTIN WHITNEY of Glassboro', New Jersey, in 1856, and since continued by Mr. H. G. SOMERBY, esq., to ascertain the parentage of JOHN WHITNEY, who, with his wife ELINOR and five sons, embarked at London in the month of April 1635, for New England, and who settled in Watertown in the following June, where he continued to dwell until his death in 1673."

The pedigrees, sixteen in number, exhibit great labour and intelligent

  * The Needhams, once of Cranage, co. Chester, are ancestors in a direct line of the present Francis Jack Needham, earl of Kilmorey [Dod's Peerage.], whose seat is at Shavington. The first viscount, created in 1625, was son of a military commander in the Irish wars during the reign of Elizabeth.

[p. lxxxvi]

research, but like most other pedigrees are defective in the early dates. They are compiled from various sources of undoubted authority, as the Public Record Office, London, the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Parish Registers, and Family documents.

A brief recapitulation may be useful to some of our readers.

1. Of Whitney, of Whitney, in Hereford-
  shire, p. 1
2. Of Whitney, of Clifford, in Hereford-
  shire, p. 2.
3. Whitneys of Herefordshire, p. 3.
4. Whitney, of Llandbeder in the county
  of Radnor, in Wales, p. 4.
5. Whitney, of Coole in Wrenbury, in
  the county of Chester, p. 4.
6. Whitneys of Cheshire, p. 5.
7. Whitney, of Picton in the parish of
  Plemonstall, in Cheshire, p. 5.
8. Whitney, of Barthomley, in the county
  of Chester, p. 6
9. Whitneys of London, p. 6.
10. Whitneys of Shropshire, p. 7.
11. Whitney, of Brook Walden, in the
  county of Essex, p. 7.
12. Whitney, of Surrey, p. 8.
13. Whitney, of Chinner and of Islip, in
  Oxfordshire, p. 8.
14. Whitney, of Holt, in Worcestershire,
  p. 9.
15. Whitneys of various counties,--as
  Buckinghamshire, Suffolk, Oxford,
  Norfolk, York, Warwickshire,
  Wilts, Bristol, Northamptonshire,
  Lincolnshire, p. 10.
16. Whitney, of Watertown, in New Eng-
  land, p. 11.

Of these pedigrees [Compare with p. xxxvi.] we give the one which as far as England is concerned traces up the Whitney family to its early settlement in Herefordshire. Following page lxxxiv. is a photo-lithograph, being the Pedigree of Whitney, of Whitney in Herefordshire [Document III. Wills, p. 11. n.], from the "Memoranda," and at the head of it might be placed Turstin the Fleming, the son of Rolf, the father of Eustace who "assumed the name of Whitney, from his possessions, and thus established a family of that name, which was, for over six centuries, situated at Whitney in Herefordshire."

[Document III. Oct. 10th, 1865.] III. "WILLS relating to the name of Whitney in Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire, England 1549 to 1603, with a Pedigree." Edited by Henry Austin Whitney and dedicated to his "Kinsman, THOMAS HESTON WHITNEY, ESQUIRE, of Glassboro', New Jersey."

The contents are:

1. Introductory Remarks, p. 9.
2. Pedigree of Whitney of Chinnor and
  Islip, Oxfordshire, p. 14.
3. Extracts from the Parish Register of
  Islip, p. 15.
4. Will of John Whitney, late of Stoke-
  Goldington, co. Bucks, 1549, p. 17.
5. Will of Joan Goodchild (mother of
  Joan Whitney) of Chinnor, Oxford-
  shire, 1544, p. 19.
6. Will of John Whitney, of Henton,
  parish of Chinnor, Oxfordshire,
  1575, p. 20.
7. Will of Richard Whitney, of Islip,
  Oxfordshire, 1603, p. 21.
8. Will of John Stapp (father of Alice
  Whitney) of Pitchcot, county Bucks,
  1601, p. 22.
9. Will of John Whitney, of Hinton,
  parish of Chinnor, Oxfordshire,
  1602, p. 23.

From this IIIrd document [Wills, p. 14.], just before our page lxxxv, we extract in photo-lithograph, the pedigree of Whitney of Chinnor and Islip, to

[p. lxxxvii]

which are to be referred, "as is supposed," many of the Whitneys that for above two centuries have been settled in North America. To complete it there should be subjoined the pedigree of the Whitneys of Watertown, in New England, but we have already given notices [p. lxxxi. and lxxxv.] of them sufficient to elucidate the subject.

Many are the extracts we would make from the notes* to the Pedigrees and from the subject-matter of the Wills, but time and space both forbid. Of CONSTANCE WHITNEY, one of a family of twelve grandchildren of sir Thomas Lucy, of Charlecote in Warwickshire, Shakespeare's Mr. Justice Shallow, we must, however, give the record, which is sufficient of itself, if need were, to redeem the Lucy family from all the satirical inuendoes of the great dramatist. In St. Giles Cripplegate Church, London, there was erected to her "a very spacious fine white marble monument," [Document II. p. 1] described in Stowe's "Survey of London," folio, 1633, and bearing this inscription [See also Photo-lith. at p. lxxxiv.]:

"'To the Memory
of CONSTANCE WHITNEY, eldest daugh-
NEY, the proper possession of him and his
Ancestors, in Herefordshire, for above
500 yeeres past. Her Mother was the
fourth daughter of Sir THOMAS LUCY,
of CHARLECOTTE, in Warwickshire, by
or of the Court of Wards. This Lady
LUCY, her grandmother, so bred her
since she was eight years old,
As she excel'd in all noble qualities, becom-
ming a Virgin of so sweet prooportion of
beauty and harmony of parts, she had all
sweetnesse of manners answerable:
A delightfull sharpnesse of wit;
An offencelesse modesty of Conversation;
A singular respect and piety to her Pa-
rents: but Religious even to example.
She departed this Life most Christianly, at
seventeene; dying, the griefe of all; but
to her Grandmother and unrecoverable
losse, save in her expectation shee shall
not stay long after her, and the confort of
knowing whose she is, and where in the
Resurrection to meet her.'"

So reverent a regard for the dead, as these documents manifest, betokens worthiness in the living. Fortunate do I esteem myself not

  * One is a curious use of the word "world," as if it meant a period of time, the duration of a life, as well as a collected body of people; it is in the will of "Margret Whytnye," dated October 20th, 1568 [Document II. Memoranda, p. 3.], "Item I do hereby confesse before God & the world that I have received of Edwarde Drax my servante a perfect acompte of all my rents and all other receipts which he have received from the beginninge of the world untill now."

[many additional pages not transcribed]

Emblem of Geoffrey Whitney, the author

Birthplace of Geoffrey Whitney, the author

                                                                         WHITNEY OF CHINNOR AND ISLIP, OXFORDSHIRE


                                             JOHN WHITNEY. In his will, dated Aug. 5, 1550, and proved at Aylesbury, Sept. 12 of the same year, he calls himself, = Ellen: carefully provided for in her husband's will.
                                          "late of Stoke-Goldington in Buckinghamshire," and desires to be buried                                                 |
                                          soo"--[Parish Register of Stoke-Goldington begin in 1640.]                                                              |
   |                                       |                                                           |                                                                                                |                      |
William Whitney, eldest son;     =      Thomas Whitney, second son; =                               JOHN WHITNEY, third son; executor of his       = Joan, daughter of ----- and Johan Goodchild,    Simon Whitney.         Elizabeth Whitney.
supervisor of his father's will. |      named in his father's will. |                               father's will. Named in the will of his wife's | of Chinnor. Named in her mother's will,       His father placed him  named in her father's
(Quere? Named in the will of     |                                  |                               mother. His own, dated at Henton, in the       | dated Oct. 4, 1544; also in her husband's     under the guardian-    will as the wife of John
Joan Goodchild.)                 |            ______________________|_______________                parish of Chinnor, co. of Oxford, Dec. 20,     | will.                                         ship of his brother    Browne. Their chil-
                                 |           |                                      |               1575, was proved at Ocford, Mar. 10, 1575-6.   |                                               William.               dren, then, were Tho-
    _____________________________|        William Whitney,     = . . . (Quere?   Alice, named in    Mentions his cousin, Thomas Whitney. His       |                                                                      mas and Robert.
   |       |       |                    named in his grand-    | bur. at Islip,  her grandfather's  father bequeathed to him his part of a farm,   |
Alice.   Mary.   Isabel.                father's will. (Quere? | May 27, 1665.)  will.              that he held in connection with his son-in-    |
                                        of Islip, in Oxford-   |                                    law, John Browne. (Quere: Was this farm        |
All named in their grandfather's will.  shire.)                |                                    in Chinnor?)                                   |
                                                               |                                                                                   |
                                                 Anne Whitney, baptised at Islip, April 22, 1597.                                                  |
   |                                                                       |              |                                                                                 |                      |                        |
John Whitney, of Henton, in Chinnor,     = Isabel, co-executrix of her  Joan Whitney,  RICHARD WHITNEY, of Islip, in Oxfordshire. = Alice, daughter of John Stappe,      Albone Whitney,        Justinian Whitney,       Alice Whitney,
co. of Oxford. Named in the wills of his | husband's will. Her own,     named in her   Named in the wills of his father, and of   | of Pitchcott, in Buckingham-      named in his father's   youngest son; named in     named in her
grandfather Whitney (1550), and grand-   | dated May 25, 1635, was      grandfather's  his wife's father. His own, dated May 15,  | shire. Named in her father's      and brother John's      his father's and brother   father's will.
mother Goodchild (1544). Executor of     | proved April 6, 1639. Men-   will.          1603, was proved June 26, 1603. Buried     | will, 1601, and in that of her    wills.                  John's wills.
his father's will. His own, dated April  | tions son-in-law, William                   at Islip, May 21, 1608. Had land in Oak-   | husband. Buried at Islip, May
19, 1602, was proved at Oxford, Oct. 17, | Coxe.                                       ley, co. Buckingham, which he entailed     | 31, 1631.
1603.                                    |                                             upon his son John, the elder.              |
                                         |                                                                                        |
                                         |      __________________________________________________________________________________|_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
                                         |     |                                      |                                                            |                                |                               |                           |
                                         |  John Whitney, "the elder," = Mary.     JOHN WHITNEY, "the younger,"       = Eleanor, came to New    Thomas Whitney, baptised         Richard Whitney, baptised       Anne Whitney, named         Alice Whitney, baptised
                                         |  of Islip; named in the wills |         named in the will of his grand-    | England with her hus-   at Islip, Sept. 14, 1592; bur-   at Islip. Nov. 17, 1593; bur-   in her father's will, and   at Islip, July 13, 1599.
                                         |  of his grandfather Stappe,   |         father Stappe, and in that of      | band; died at Water-    ied there, Jan. 10, 1592-3.      ied there, Oct. 26, 1597.       in the will of her grand-   Named in the wills of
                                         |  and of his father, who se-   |         his father to succeed to the land  | town, May 11, 1659.     Parish Register begins 1593.     (Who was Richard of Little      father Stappe. Married      her grandfather Stappe.
                                         |  ttled upon him land in Oak-  |         in Oakley, should his brother      |                         No baptisms of Whitney re-       Missenden, Oxfordshire;         at Islip, Sept. 26, 1624,   and her father. Married
                                         |  ley, in Buckinghamshire. --  |         John died without male issue.      |                         corded 1599 to 1635.             who had John bapt. there,       to Francis Franklin.        at Islip, APril 30, 1626,
                                         |  (The Parish Register of Oak- |         He was probably born in the        |                                                          Nov. 10, 1631?)                                             to Robert Marchand.
                                         |  ley begins in 1654.)         |         year 1589, shortly before the      |
                                         |                               |         earliest date in the Parish Reg-   |
                                         |                               |         ister of Islip, which is in 1590.  |____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
                                         |                               |           He is supposed to be the same              |                |                |                     |                  |                           | | |
                                         |      _________________________|         John Whitney, who, in April,           John Whitney,    Richard Whitney,    Nathaniel Whitney,    Thomas Whitney,    Jonathan Whitney,}           Joshua Whitney,
                                         |     |                                   1635, with his wife and five sons,                                                                                                    }         born in Watertown,
                                         |  Leonard Whitney, baptised              embarked at London, in the                                         came to New England with their father.                             }           July 15, 1635.
                                         |         Oct. 2, 1615.                   "Elizabeth and Anne," Roger                                                                                                                            ---
                                         |                                         Cooper, Master, for New Eng-                                                                                                                      Caleb Whitney.
                                         |                                         land; and arrived at Charles-                                                                                                                          ---
                                         |                                         town the following month; set-                                                                                                                  Benjamin Whitney.
                                         |                                         tled at Watertown, and died
                                         |                                         there, June 1, 1673, aged "a-
                                         |                                         bought 84 years," according to
                                         |                                         the church-record.
   |                                                                    |                                   |                                       |                               |                        |                            |
Thomas Whitney, of Henton,      = Joan, co-executrix of her          John Whitney, of Okely,     =       Lawrence Whitney, of Chinnor;    =      Elisabeth Whitney, baptised     Emma Whitney, baptised    Maud Whitney, baptised      Agnes Whitney, named in
in Chinnor; co-executor of the  | husband's will. Her son            in Chinnor; named in        |       baptised there, May 31, 1587.    |      March 8, 1584-5; named in           Aug. 20, 1590.        April 25, 1596. Named in       her father's will.
wills of his father and mother. | Thomas administered up-            the wills of his father and |       Named in the wills of his father |      the wills of her father and                               her father's will.
His own, dated Oct. 8, 1656,    | on her estate, April 30,           mother.                     |       and mother.                      |      mother; wife of John Frank- 
was proved at London, Jan. 23,  | 1669.                                                          |                                        |      lin; deceased before her mo- 
1658-9.                         |                                                                |                                        |      ther.
                                |      __________________________________________________________|________________                        |________
                                |     |                        |                       |                          |                                |
                                |  William Whitney, bap.    Edward Whitney, bap.    Alice Whitney, bap.        Mary Whitney, bap.               Susan Whitney, bap.
                                |     April 4, 1622.           Nov. 14, 1624.          Feb. 25, 1626-7.          Sept. 10, 1631.                  Nov. 23, 1634.
                                      |                            |                                                           |                         | |                           |                              |
                                   William Whitney, named       Thomas Whitney, of Henton,     = Eleanor, co-executrix    Richard Whitney, bap.   John Whitney.        Mary Whitney, married     Martha Whitney, married
                                    in his grandmother's        parish of Chinnor, baptised    | of her husband's will.     Oct. 23, 1623.        Lawrence Whitney.    at Chinnor, Nov. 5,          to . . . Biggs.
                                           will.                March 3, 1604-5. Co-executor   |                                                                       1635, to John Barton,
                                                                of his father's will; adminis- |                                                                       of Thame.
                                                                trator of his mother's estate. |
                                                                His will, dated Dec. 22, 1691, |
                                                                was proved at Oxford.          |
                                                                Thomas Whitney, co-executor of his father's will.


                                                  The Parish Register of Stoke-Goldington begins in 1640.
                                                  The Parish Register of Islip begins in 1589.  No baptisms of Whitney occur between 1599 and 1635.
                                                  The Parish Register of Pitchcott begins with marriages and burials in 1630; and baptisms 1717.
                                                  The Parish Register of Oakley begins 1654.
                                                  The Register of Little Missenden, Oxfordshire, begins 1559; where may be found the baptism of a John Whitney, son of Richard Whitney, Nov. 10, 1631.

[p. 439]

List of Subscribers.

. . .

Whitney, Henry Austin, esq., Boston, Mass., U.S.A. (two large and nine small paper)

Whitney, Joseph, esq., Boston, Mass., U.S.A.

Whitney, Henry Lawrence, esq., Boston, Mass., U.S.A.

Whitney, Joseph Cutler, esq., Boston, Mass., U.S.A.

Whitney, Ellerton Pratt, esq., Boston, Mass., U.S.A.

Whitney, Miss Elizabeth, Boston, Mass., U.S.A.

Whitney, Miss Constance, Boston, Mass., U.S.A.

Whitney, Thomas Heston, Glassboro', New Jersey, U.S.A.

. . .

Copyright © 2006, Robert L. Ward and the Whitney Research Group