Family:Whitney, Ebenezer (c1712-a1737)

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Ebenezer5 Whitney (Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, John2, John1), son of Nathaniel4 and Mercy (Robinson) Whitney, was born circa 1712, calculated from age at baptism, and baptized 25 Apr 1714, Weston, MA, aged -- years [probably 2 years].[1] Apparently he died before 1756, because his son Ebenezer had a guardian appointed then.

Ebenezer married 6 Feb 1733, Sutton, MA, Lydia Goodell (record says 1753, but this must be erroneous).[2] She was born about 1714, calculated from age at death, and died 8 Nov 1796, Sutton, MA, aged 82 years.[3]

Children of Ebenezer5 and Lydia (Goodell) Whitney, both baptized Sutton, MA:

i. Elisabeth Whitney6, bapt. 22 Jun 1735;[4] m. 27 Feb 1754, Sutton, MA, Stephen Bartlett.[5]
ii. Ebenezer Whitney, bapt. 24 Dec 1737;[6] m. Abigail Brown.


  • 1790: not found.
  • 1800: not found.
  • 1810: not found.


1.^  "Ebenezer [Whitney], s. Nathaniel Jr. and Mercy, bap. Apr. 25, 1714, a. _y.," according to Mary Frances Peirce, Town of Weston. Births, Deaths and Marriages, 1707-1850. 1703--Gravestones--1900. Church Records, 1709-1825. Appendix and Addenda, Cent Society, Gleanings from the Town Files, Bits of Genealogy, Error, Indexes, &c. (Boston, MA: McIncloe Bros., Printers, 1901), page 390.

2.^  "Ebenezer [Whitney] and Lydia Goodell, [married] Feb. 6, 1753," according to Franklin P. Rice, ed., Vital Records of Sutton, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849 (1907). Apparently this is an error for 1733.

3.^  "Lydia [Whitney], widow Ebenezer, [died] Nov. 8, 1776, a. 82, GS 16," and "Lydia [Whitney], [died] Nov. 8, 1796," according to Sutton Vital Records.

4.^  "Elisabeth [Whitney], d. Ebenezer, bap. June 22, 1735. C.R.," according to Sutton Vital Records.

5.^  "Elisabeth [Whitney] and Stephen Bartlett, [married] Feb. 27, 1754," according to Sutton Vital Records.

6.^  "Ebenezer [Whitney], s. Ebenezer, bap. Dec. 24,1737. C.R.," according to Sutton Vital Records.

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