Family:Whitney, Joseph Cutler (1856-?)

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Joseph Cutler9 Whitney (Henry Austin8, Joseph7, Joseph6, Samuel5, Benjamin4, Thomas3, Thomas2, John1), son of Henry Austin8 and Fanny (Lawrence) Whitney, was born 7 Dec 1856, Boston, MA.

He, of Milton, married, 9 Nov 1882, Boston, MA [or Milton, MA], Georgianna Hayward, of Boston, daughter of George and Ann C. (Upton) Hayward.[1] She was born 22 Jan 1857, Boston, MA.

Joseph C. Whitney was born in Boston, where he was educated at the public schools. He later entered Harvard College and was graduated in the class of 1878. He is engaged in business in Boston in the care and management of personal property and real estate. With his family he passes the winters in Boston and summers at Milton, where he is a legal resident. He has served for several years as a trustee of the Milton Public Library; resided Milton, MA, P. O. box 3573.

Children of Joseph Cutler9 and Georgianna (Hayward) Whitney:

i. Henry Lawrence10 Whitney, b. 13 Jan 1886, Boston, MA [or Milton, MA].[2]
ii. George Hayward Whitney, b. 31 Jan 1892, Boston, MA.[3]
iii. Peter Whitney, b. 6 Nov 1895, Boston, MA;[4] "Robert U." in 1900 census.


378 399 Whitney, Joseph C. Head W M Dec 1856 43 mar 17 Massachusetts Massachusetts Massachusetts Real estate broker, Owns free house -----, Georgianna H. Wife W F Jan 1857 43 mar 17 3ch 3liv Massachusetts Massachusetts Massachusetts -----, Henry L. Son W M Jan 1886 14 sgl Massachusetts Massachusetts Massachusetts At school -----, George H. Son W M Jan 1892 8 sgl Massachusetts Massachusetts Massachusetts School -----, Robert U. Son W M Nov 1895 4 sgl Massachusetts Massachusetts Massachusetts Danhan, Hannah Srvt W F Jul 1871 28 sgl Nova Scotia Nova Scotia Nova Scotia Servant, Immig. 1893 Costello, Hellen M. Srvt W F Feb 1866 34 sgl Ireland Ireland Ireland Servant, Immig. 1883 Kelley, Nellie J. Srvt W F Nov 1869 30 sgl Massachusetts Ireland Ireland Servant McNeil, Hugh Srvt W M Apr 1870 30 sgl Nova Scotia Scotland Scotland Coachman, Immig. 1889, Pa.

335 425 Whitney, Joseph C. closed House


  • Census records.

1.^  "Massachusetts Vital Records, 1841–1910," from original records held by the Massachusetts Archives. Online database: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2004; volume 336, page 182, and volume 335, page 303.

2.^  "Massachusetts Vital Records, 1841–1910," from original records held by the Massachusetts Archives. Online database: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2004; volume 369, page 135, and volume 368, page 333.

3.^  "Massachusetts Vital Records, 1841–1910," from original records held by the Massachusetts Archives. Online database: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2004; volume 423, page 44, and volume 422, page 495.

4.^  "Massachusetts Vital Records, 1841–1910," from original records held by the Massachusetts Archives. Online database: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2004; volume 450, page 214.

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