Family:Whitney, Samuel (c1710-1788)

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Samuel5 Whitney (Nathaniel4, Nathaniel3, John2, John1), son of Nathaniel4 and Mercy (Robinson) Whitney, was born circa Dec 1710, Weston, MA (calculated from age at baptism), was baptized 17 Jun 1711, Weston, MA, aged 6 months,[1] and died 2 Aug 1788, Shrewsbury, MA, in his 77th year.[2]

Marriage intentions for him "of Weston" and Elizabeth Hastings "of Watertown" were published 13 Oct 1734, Weston, MA.[3] He "of Weston" married, 8 Apr 1735, Watertown, MA, Elizabeth Hastings"of Watertown",[4] daughter of Joseph and Lydia (Brown) Hastings. She was born 4 Mar 1716, Watertown, MA, and died 23 or 24 Oct 1800, Marlboro, VT, aged 84 years. She was buried after 24 Oct 1800 at Marlboro, VT.

He owned the covenant, 14 Apr 1728, Weston, MA,[5] and was admitted to the church 31 May 1741 he removed, and was dismissed from the church 16 Aug 1761.[6] His wife Elizabeth was admitted to the church, 22 Jan 1738, Weston, MA,[7] and apparently again on 13 Apr 1741, Weston, MA.[8] She removed and was dismissed to the church at Shrewsbury, Aug 1761, Weston, MA.[9]

His will is dated May 2, 1788, yeoman; mentions wife Elizabeth, and children Samuel, Nathaniel, Jonas, Eliphalet, Lucy, Lydia, Susanna, Elizabeth MIXER, Sally LYON. Asaph SHERMAN was admr.[10]

Children of Samuel5 and Elizabeth (Hastings) Whitney:

i. Elizabeth6 Whitney, b. 30 Nov 1735, Weston, MA;[11] bapt. 14 Dec 1735, Weston, MA;[12] d. 6 Jan 1735/6, Weston, MA.[13]
ii. Elizabeth Whitney, b. 26 Feb 1738, Weston, MA;[14] bapt. 5 Mar 1737/8, Weston, MA, born last Monday;[15] d. 10 Mar 1826, Guilford, VT.; m. 24 Apr 1754, Shrewsbury, MA, Joseph Mixer Jr.,[16] son of Joseph and Mary (Ball) Mixer.
iii. Samuel Whitney, b. 23 Sep 1739, Weston, MA;[17] bapt. 28 Oct 1739, Weston, MA, aged 1 month or 5 weeks;[18] m. Phebe Harrington.
iv. Lydia Whitney, b. 14 Mar 1740/1, Weston, MA; bapt. 22 Mar 1740/1, Weston, MA;[19] d. 3 Oct 1745, Shrewsbury, MA.[20]
v. Nathaniel Whitney, b. between 28 Nov 1742 and 4 Dec 1742 at Weston, MA; bapt. 5 Dec 1742, Weston, MA, "b. last w.";[21] d. 19 Dec 1744, Shrewsbury, MA.[22]
vi. Lucy Whitney, b. 27 Aug 1744, Shrewsbury, MA;[23] m. (int. 25 Jun 1762, Shrewsbury, MA,[24] and 26 Jun 1762, Grafton, MA[25]) 14 Jul 1762, Asaph Sherman "of Grafton".
vii. Lydia Whitney, b. 1 Jun 1746, Shrewsbury, MA;[26] "of Shrewsbury" m. 3 Nov 1767, Shrewsbury, MA, William Brittain "of Rutland".[27]
viii. Susanna Whitney, b. 26 Feb 1747/8, Shrewsbury, MA;[28] d. 1 Feb 1805; m. 4 Oct 1768, Shrewsbury, MA, John Bellows "of Southborough".[29]
ix. Nathaniel Whitney, b. 30 May 1749, Shrewsbury, MA;[30] m. Mary Houghton.
x. Jonas Whitney, b. 14 Jun 1751, Shrewsbury, MA;[31] m. Tamer Houghton.
xi. Sarah Whitney, b. 15 Jul 1753, Shrewsbury, MA; m. (int. 17 Jan 1777, Shrewsbury, MA) John Fisher Lyon "of Grafton";[32] "of Shrewsbury" m. (int. 6 Feb 1777, Grafton, MA) John F. Lyon.[33]
xii. Eliphalet Whitney, b. Apr 1757, Shrewsbury, MA; bapt. 4 May 1757, Shrewsbury, MA; m. Lois Houghton.
xiii. Martha Whitney, bapt. 5 Aug 1759, Shrewsbury, MA.


1.^  "Samuel [Whitney], s. Nathaniel Jr. and Mercy, bap. June 17, 1711, a. 6m.," according to Mary Frances Peirce, Town of Weston. Births, Deaths and Marriages, 1707-1850. 1703--Gravestones--1900. Church Records, 1709-1825. Appendix and Addenda, Cent Society, Gleanings from the Town Files, Bits of Genealogy, Error, Indexes, &c. (Boston, MA: McIncloe Bros., Printers, 1901), page 390.

2.^  "Samuel [Whitney], [died] Aug. 2, 1788, in his 77th year. G.S.," according to Franklin P. Rice, ed., Vital Records of Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849 (1904).

3.^  "Samuel [Whitney] and Elisabeth Hastings of Watertown, int. Oct. 13, 1734," according to Weston Vital Records, page 33.

4.^  "Samuel [Whitney], of Weston, and Elisabeth Hastings of Watertown, [married] Apr. 8, 1735, in Watertown, by Rev. Wareham Williams," according to Weston Vital Records, page 268. Also, "Samuel Whitney of Weston & Elizebeth Haftings of Watertown, m. 8 Apr 1735," according to Watertown Records, Comprising the Third Book of Town Proceedings and the Second Book of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, to the End of 1737. Also Plan and Register of Burials in Arlington Street Burying Ground (Watertown, MA: Historical Society, 1900), volume 2, page 103.

5.^  "Samuel [Whitney], o.c. Apr. 14, 1728," according to Weston Vital Records, page 413.

6.^  "Samuel [Whitney], c.m. May 31, 1741 (remove'd dism. to Shrewsbury, Aug. 16, 1761)," according to Weston Vital Records, page 429.

7.^  "Elizabeth [Whitney], w. Samuel, c.m. Jan. 22, 1737-8," according to Weston Vital Records, page 428.

8.^  "Elizabeth [Whitney], w. Samuel, c.m. July 12, 1741," according to Weston Vital Records, page 430.

9.^  "Elizabeth [Whitney], c.m. 1741, w. Samuel, remov'd dism-recom. to Shrewsbury, Aug. 1761," according to Weston Vital Records, page 447.

10.^  Frederick C. Pierce, The Descendants of John Whitney, Who Came from London, England, to Watertown, Massachusetts, in 1635 (Chicago, IL: The Author, 1895), p. 69.

11.^  "Elisabeth [Whitney], d. Samuel and Elisabeth, [born] Nov. 30, 1735," according to Weston Vital Records, page 46.

12.^  "Elizabeth [Whitney], d. Samuel and Elizabeth, bap. Dec. 14, 1735," according to Weston Vital Records, page 425.

13.^  "Elisabeth [Whitney], d. Sam[ue]ll and Elisabeth, [died] Jan. 6, 1735/6," according to Weston Vital Records, page 46.

14.^  "Elisabeth [Whitney], d. Samuel and Elisabeth, [born] Feb. 26, 1738," according to Weston Vital Records, page 46.

15.^  "Elizabeth [Whitney], d. Samuel and Elizabeth, b. last Monday, bap. Mar. 5, 1737-8," according to Weston Vital Records, page 431.

16.^  "Elisabeth [Whitney] [Elizabeth in int.] and Joseph Mixer Jr., [married] Apr. 24, 1754," according to Shrewsbury Vital Records.

17.^  "Samuel [Whitney], s. Samuel and Elisabeth, [born] Sept. 23, 1739," according to Weston Vital Records, page 46.

18.^  "Samuel [Whitney], s. Samuel and Elizabeth, bap. Oct. 28, 1739, a. 1m. or 5w.," according to Weston Vital Records, page 433.

19.^  "Lydia [Whitney], d. Samuel and Elizabeth, b. 14th, bap. Mar. 22, 1740-1," according to Weston Vital Records, page 436.

20.^  "Lydia [Whitney], d. Samuel and Elisabeth, [died] Oct. 3, 1745," according to Shrewsbury Vital Records.

21.^  "Nathaniel [Whitney], s. Samuel and Elizabeth, b. last w., bap. Dec. 5, 1742," according to Weston Vital Records, page 439.

22.^  "Nathaniel [Whitney], s. Samuel and Elisabeth, [died] Dec. 19, 1744," according to Shrewsbury Vital Records.

23.^  "Lucy [Whetney], d. Samuel and Elizabeth, [born] Aug. 27, 1744," according to Shrewsbury Vital Records.

24.^  "Lucy [Whitney] of Shrewsbury and Asaph Sherman, int. June 26, 1762," according to Franklin P. Rice, ed., Vital Records of Grafton, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849 (Worcester, MA: The Systematic History Fund, 1906).

25.^  "Lucy [Whitney] and Asaph Shermon of Grafton, int. June 25, 1762," according to Shrewsbury Vital Records.

26.^  "Lydia [Whitney], d. Samuel and Elizabeth, [born] June 1, 1746," according to Shrewsbury Vital Records.

27.^  "Lydia [Whitney] and William Brittan of Rutland, [married] Nov. 3, 1767," according to Shrewsbury Vital Records. Also "Lydia [Whitney] of Shrewsbury and William Brittain, [married] Nov. 3, 1767. In Shrewsbury," according to Franklin P. Rice, ed., Vital Records of Rutland, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849 (1905).

28.^  "Susanna [Whitney], d. Samuel and Elisabeth, [born] Feb. 26, 1747-8," according to Shrewsbury Vital Records.

29.^  "Susanna [Whitney] and John Bellows of Southborough, [married] Oct. 4, 1768," according to Shrewsbury Vital Records.

30.^  "Nathaniel [Whitney], s. Samuel and Elizabeth, [born] May 30, 1749," according to Shrewsbury Vital Records.

31.^  "Jonas [Whitney], s. Samuel and Elisabeth, [born] June 14, 1751," according to Shrewsbury Vital Records.

32.^  "Salle and John Fisher Lyon of Grafton, int. Jan. 17, 1777," according to Grafton Vital Records.

33.^  "Salla [Whitney] of Shrewsbury and John F. Lyon, int. Feb. 6, 1777," according to Grafton Vital Records.

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