Family:Whitney, William (1678-1754)

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William3 Whitney (Joshua2, John1), son of Joshua2 and Abigail (Tarbell) Whitney,[1] was born 28 Feb 1677[/8], Watertown, MA,[2] and died 4 May 1754, Lebanon, CT, in the 77th year of his age.[3]

He married firstly, as "of Groton," 16 Mar 1699/1700, Chelmsford, MA, Lydia Perham "of Chelmsford",[4] daughter of John and Lydia (Shipley) Perham.[5] She was born 19 Feb 1673[/4], Chelmsford, MA,[6] and died 22 Aug 1716, Groton, MA, aged 42 years.[7] Her tombstone at "the Old Burial Grounds, Groton, MA", says: "Here lyes the Body of Mrs. Lydia Whitney, Wife to Mr. William Whitney. Aged 42 Years. Deceased the 24th of August, 1716."[8]

He married secondly, 27 Apr 1717, Newton, MA, Margaret Mirick,[9] daughter of John and Elizabeth (Trowbridge) Mirick.[10] She was born about 1682, Newton, MA,[11] and died 14 Jan 1757, Lebanon, CT, aged 74 years.[12]

"Apr 4, 1710, he purchased land in Killingly, Conn., of James CORBIN of Woodstock."[13]

On 17 Apr 1713, he was mentioned as a son in the will of his father. On 6 Oct 1719 executors' bond was posted by widow Abigail Whitney and William Whitney, yeoman, both of Groton.[14]

"Lydia (PERHAM) WHITNEY was admitted to the Groton church Aug. 5, 1716."[15]

"He removed to Plainfield, Conn., about 1720, where he afterward resided. His will is dated Oct 15, 1751. In 1754 he gave the heirs of his sister Abigail Hutchings property by deed."[16]

Children of William3 and Lydia (Perham) Whitney:

i. William4 Whitney, b. 5 May 1701, Groton, MA;[17] m. Mary Whitmore.
ii. Lydia Whitney, b. 26 Dec 1710, Groton, MA;[18] no further record.
iii. Joshua Whitney, b. 1 Nov 1714, Groton, MA;[19] m. Anna (?Blodgett?).

Children of William3 and Margaret (Mirick) Whitney:

iv. John4 Whitney, b. 30 Jan 1717/8, Groton, MA;[20] m. Elizabeth Adams.
v. Elizabeth Whitney, b. 12 Aug 1719, Groton, MA;[21], d. 13 Jan 1744, age 24 years, Lebanon, CT.[22]
vi. Caleb Whitney, b. 10 Sep 1721, Plainfield, CT;[23] m. Margaret Tracy.
vii. Mary Whitney, b. 13 Sep 1724, Norwich, CT;[24] m. Jonathan Williams.


1.^  His parentage is proven by his birth record and his mention in his father's will.

2.^  "Willyam Whetny, s. Joshuah & Abigall, b. last of Feb 1677," Watertown Records, Comprising the First and Second Book of Town Proceedings, with the Land Grants and Possessions. Also, the Proprietors' Book, and the First Book of and Supplement of Births, Deaths, and Marriages (Watertown, MA: Historical Society, 1894), vol. 1, p. 43.

3.^  Barbour Collection of Connecticut Vital Records, Lebanon, Lebanon 1:65. Also, "William [Whitney], [d.] 4 May 1754 ae 77. Lebanon Goshen Cemetery Sexton's Records, 1:139," according to the Connecticut Church Record Index, Lebanon Goshen Cemetery Sexton's Records, 1:139.

4.^  "William of Groton and Lidya Perham, Mar. [torn. 1700?]," according to Vital Records of Chelmsford, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849 (Salem, MA: Essex Institute, 1914), p. 346; also "William and Lydia Perham of Chelmsford, at Chelmsford, Mar 16, [1699 or 1700]," according to Vital Records of Groton, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849 (Salem, MA: Essex Institute, 1926-1927), p. 178.

5.^  Her parentage is proven by her birth record and her age at death.

6.^  "Lidiah Perham, d. of John and Lidiah, born 19 Feb 1673," according to Chelmsford Vital Records.

7.^  "Lydia [Whetney] [w. William, G.R.2], [died] Aug. 22, 1716 [a. 42y., G.R.2]," according to Vital Records of Groton, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849 (Salem, MA: Essex Institute, 1926-1927), p. 278.

8.^  I don't know the source of this statement, but it seems likely to be accurate. The day is 2 days off the town record, but such disagreements are common enough.

9.^  "William [Whitney] and Margret [dup. Margaret] Mirick, [married] Apr. 25, 1717.* [Margaret, M.R.] [Margrat Mirik, P.R.1]," according to Vital Records of Newton, Massachusetts, to the Year 1850 (Boston, MA: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1905), p. 404.

10.^  "Margaret [Mirick], d. of John and Elizabeth, [born] --- --, ----," according to Newton Vital Records.

11.^  Her approximate birth date is calculated from her age at death.

12.^  "Margret [Whitney], Mrs., [d.] 14 Jan 1757 ae 74. Lebanon Goshen Cemetery Sexton's Records, 1:139," according to the Connecticut Church Record Index, Lebanon Goshen Cemetery Sexton's Records, 1:139.

13.^  Pierce, Frederick Clifton, The Descendants of John Whitney, Who Came from London, England, to Watertown, Massachusetts, in 1635 (Chicago: The Author, 1895), p. 36.

14.^  Middlesex County, Massachusetts, probate file #24,703.

15.^  Pierce, Frederick Clifton, The Descendants of John Whitney, Who Came from London, England, to Watertown, Massachusetts, in 1635 (Chicago: The Author, 1895), p. 35.

16.^  Pierce, Frederick Clifton, The Descendants of John Whitney, Who Came from London, England, to Watertown, Massachusetts, in 1635 (Chicago: The Author, 1895), p. 36.

17.^  "William [Whitney], s. William and Lydia, [born] May 5, 1701," according to Groton Vital Records, p. 178.

18.^  "Lydia [Whetney], d. William and Lydia, [born] Dec. 26, 1710," according to Groton Vital Records, p. 178.

19.^  "Josuah [Whetney], s. William and Lydia, [born] Nov. 1, 1714," according to Groton Vital Records, p. 178.

20.^  "John [Whetney], s. William and Margaret, [born] Jan. 30, 1717/8," according to Groton Vital Records, p. 178. Also, "John [Whitney], s. William & Margret, b. 30 Jan 1717/8," according to the Barbour Collection of Connecticut Vital Records, Plainfield 1:27.

21.^  "Elizabeth [Whitney], d. William and Margret, [born] Aug. 12, 1719," according to Groton Vital Records, p. 178. Also, "Elisabeth [Whitney], d. William & Margret, b. 12 Aug 1719, Plainfield 1:27" according to Barbour Collection of Connecticut Vital Records, Plainfield 1:27.

22.^  "Elizabeth [Whitney], Mrs., [d.] 13 Jan 1744 ae 24," according to the Connecticut Church Record Index, Lebanon Goshen Cemetery Sexton's Records, 1:138.

23.^  "Caleb [Whitney], s. William & Margeret, b. 10 Sep 1721," according to Barbour Collection of Connecticut Vital Records, Plainfield, vol. 1, p. 27.

24.^  "Mary [Whitney], [d. William], b. 13 Sep 1724," according to Barbour Collection of Connecticut Vital Records Norwich, vol. 1, p. 95.

Copyright © 2006, 2011, Robert L. Ward and the Whitney Research Group.