Family:Whitney, Israel (1775-1843)
Israel6 Whitney (Israel5, Elijah4, Isaiah3, Thomas2, John1), born Harvard, Massachusetts, 13 Apr 1779; married at Boston, Phoebe Jennison; born Boston, 2 Jun 1781; died Dec. 4, 1868, in Boston.
He was born in Harvard on the old homestead, where he resided until he was 20 years of age. He bought his time of his father for £20 and started for Boston to seek his fortune. He engaged in the shoe business and was quite prosperous. His store was on Court street. During the war of 1812 he enlisted and was soon commissioned an officer in his regiment. He took an active part in this war much to the detriment of his business and great pecuniary loss. The result was a general breakdown from which Mr. Whitney never recovered from this misfortune. He had a sterling and able wife, who at the helm managed admirably, and with the assistance of the sons came out all right. He died 17 Jun 1843; resided Roxbury, Massachusetts.
Children of Israel6 Whitney:
i. William7 Whitney, born 15 Nov 1803; married 1827, Adeline Richardson. He died 36 Sep 1835, leaving one son, William, who died in the west, ae.45. ii. Eliza Whitney, born 9 Apr 1805; died unm. 20 Jun 1890 iii. Henry Whitney, born 30 Sep 1807; died Sept., 1808. iv. Charles Whitney, born 10 Mar 1809; married at Worcester, 24 Jan 1840, Elizabeth P. Day; born 24 Nov 1816; died 5 Sep 1891, s. p. When eleven years of age he worked in a shoe store, but soon left for Malden, Massachusetts, where he remained for seven years. Wishing to acquire a more complete education he attended an academy at Stow for three years. At his graduation he engaged in teaching, and later in surveying. He followed civil engineering and surveying until 1891. He had purchased a fruit farm in New Jersey, upon which he resided for twenty years. This he disposed of and has since resided in Roxbury. v. Charlotte Whitney, born 10 Mar 1809; married Frances Mckenna. He died 1874. - Ch.: Andrew, Alfred, and John. She died 4 Dec 1879.
vi. Harriett Whitney, born 3 Feb 1811; unm.; resided 12 Thornly St., Dorchester, Massachusetts. vii. Martha A. Whitney, born 2 Dec 1813; married Warren O. Rogers. She died 18 Dec 1876, s. p. viii. Henry A. Whitney, born 15 Jan 1815; married Hannah Stickles. ix. Alfred Whitney, born 11 Feb 1817; died 7 Jun 1834. x. Caroline Whitney, born 30 Sep 1820; died 1822.
1. All data imported from Frederick Clifton Pierce, The Descendants of John Whitney, Who Came from London, England, to Watertown, Massachusetts, in 1635, (Chicago: 1895), pp. 198-199.
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