Archive:E 114/412/45
we whose names are hereunder written, Comissioners of our Soveraigne Lord the kings Ma[ies]tie within the Cittye and Lib[er]ties of westminster, and the Dutchye of Lancaster, for the Taking Leavying and Collecting of the first paiement of one whole entire Subsedie granted to his Ma[ies]tie of the Layety in the Parliament holden at westminster in the Seaventh yeare of his highnes raigne. Doe Certifie to the Right hono[ra]ble the Lord Tre[a]s[ure]r and to the Barons of the Exchequer and all other his Ma[ies]t[i]e officers & Comissioners to whome it shall {applime} That Thomas Whitney of westminster ^ gent[lema]n was Taxed and assessed at the first paym[en]t of the said Subsedy in westminster aforesaid where he was most Conversannt and {reliannt} wh[ich] his family and househould at the tyme of the said Taxac[i]on and pr[e]sentm[en]t of the said Subsedie and for the most parte of the yeare next before, And hath made pay[m]ent accordingly as by the hand of the Collector hereunto Dothe appeare In witness whereof we the said Commissioners to this p[re]sent Certificate have sett o[u]r handes and Seales the last daie of November 1610. of the Eight yeare of his Ma[ies]t[i]e Raigne of England France and Ireland, and of Scotland the xliiij th./
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Obtained and transcribed by Adrian Benjamin Burke, Esq.