Archive:The Visitation of the County of Huntingdon
The Visitation of the County of Huntingdon under the Authority of William Camden (A.D. 1613) By Nicholas Charles, William Camden, Henry Ellis College of Arms (Great Britain) Published 1849 Camden Society
Page 16
Guilielmus Herbert de Troy in Wallia = Blanchia filia et coheres Simonis Melborne.
1. Carolus Herbert de Troy, miles, flius primogenitus = Elizabetha, filia Griffith ap Rhese. Johannus, nupta. Blanchia, ux. Oliv'i Lloyde.
2. Thomas Harbert de Wynerstowe in com. Monmouth, gen', junior filius. = Anna, filia Will'i Lucy de Charlcott, in com. Warr. millitis.
Henrie' Harbert de Wynerstowe, fili' p'mogenitus. = Lucia, filia Will'mi, comitus Wignorn'. Will'm's, obijt juvenis, s.p. Elena, nupta Will'mo Rawlins de Treregare. Christians, nupta Milborne de com. Som's. Elizbaetha, nupta Carolo Harbert de Hadnock. Johanna, uxor Lewis de St. Pier.
Elizabetha, nupta Joh'i Breynton, prius nupta We. Vaughan.
Carolus Harbert de Covington in comit' Huntingdon gen'osus, jam sup'estes, 1613. = Maria, filia ...Tetlowede com. Lancastr'.
Carolus Harbert, filius set. 28 annr'. Francise' Harbertde London, 2 filius. = Elizabeth, fillia --- Negoose, de com. Bedf. Edeard'. Joh'es. Georgi'. Elizabeth, nupta Will'mo Hawkes.
Edmundus Harbert.
Blanchia, nupta Walt'o Powell. Barbara, nupta --- Walshe, sive Welche.