Archive:CP 40/1122
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CP 40/1122 - Chief Justices' Rolls, Court of Common Pleas, Trinity Term, 36 Henry VIII (1544)
Membrane 197
[additional entries not transcribed]
s(cilicet) Hugo Welshe p(er) attorn(atus) suu(m) op(tulit) se iiijto die v(er)sus Will(iel)m(o) Yarward nup(er) de parva dewchurche in Com(itatu) p(re)d(ic)t(o)
husbondman de pl(ac)ito q(uo)d reddat ei sexaginta tresdec(e)m solidos & decem denarios et v(er)sus will(iel)m(o) ap Rees
Thomas ap Ieuan nup(er) de Clyfford in Com(itatu) p(re)d(ic)t(o) husbondman et v(er)sus Rob(er)t(u)m Wytney nup(er) de Castelton in
Com(itatu) p(re)d(ic)to husbondman de pl(ac)ito q(uo)d ut(er)q(ue) eor(um) reddat ei quadraginta solidos quos ei debent & iniuste detinet &c
Et ip(s)i non ven(erunt) Et sicut prius prec(eptum) fuit vic(ecomiti) q(uo)d cap(er)et eos &c et Vic(ecomes) modo mand(at) q(uo)d non sunt invent(i) &c I(de)o sicut prius
capiant(ur) q(uo)d sint hic a die S(anc)ti Mich(aelma)s in xv dies &c
Herefordshire as follows: Hugh Welshe, by his attorney appeared for the 4th day against William Yarward, late of Parva Dewchurche,
in the county aforesaid, husbandman, in plea to pay 73s. 10d.; and against William ap Rees Thomas ap Ieuan, late of Clifford, in the County
aforesaid, husbandman and against Robert Whitney of Castleton, in the county aforesaid, husbandman, in plea that they both pay 40s they each owe and unjustly
detained, etc.; and they did not attend; and as before the Undersheriff was ordered to arrest them, etc.; and the Undersheriff now reports the fact that they could not be found; therefore just as before they are to be brought here (before the court) on the day of Saint Michaelmas in 15 days, etc.
[additional entries not transcribed]