Archive:SP 46/63/fo 76

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Tho(mas) Whitney th'elder seased of houses &c in the parishe of Creechurche St ___________ Creechurche neare Algate london holden of his Ma(jes)tie in Socage in Cheefe by his will devised that his ex(ecut)or should have all those houses untill his sonne Tho(mas) should atteyne his full age of xxiiij yeres for the p(er)fourmance of thinges in the same __ expressed and further did will unto his his said sonne Tho(mas) the p(re)miss(es) at his age of xxiiij yeres to have to him & his the heirs of his heires of his body boddy la[w]fu[lly] begotten & or to be begotten & for default of such issue the rem(ainder) therof to Nicholas W[hitney] sonne & to the heirs of his body to be lawfully begotten & or to be begotten & for default of such issue to rem(ainder) to George Whitney sonne & to his heires &c ___ for ever w(i)th a p(ro)viso of a p(er)petuitie

Tho(mas) the sonne doth devise those thing(es) to Rich(ard) Waltham for a 1000 yeres by force because he durst not buy the fee simple for feare of the p(er)petuitie

Afterward(es) the eschetor for london 4 septem 9 Ja. fideth an office after the decease of Tho(mas) Whit[ney] the elder & findeth the will all but the proviso of p(er)petuity

After this Richard Waltham taketh the Fee simple of these houses by a rectory? w(i)th single voucher suffered by Tho(mas) Whitney the younger

Ther is p(ro)cesse out of the courte of ward(es) for the not suinge the livery after the decease of Tho(mas) Whitney th'elder & the houses seased And the houses are seased for ______ upon the lease for 1000 yeres not ha[missing section] a liver[y]

20 Eliz. dr . 362.