Archive:Annals of Calais, Maine and St. Stephen, New Brunswick
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Isaac Case Knowlton, Annals of Calais, Maine and St. Stephen, New Brunswick; including the village of Milltown, Me., and the present town of Milltown, N.B (1875)
From Internet Archive.
p. 49
At a Town-meeting, held at the house of Wm. Griggs, Jan. 12, 1811, Jones Dyer, Jr., Joseph Whitney, and Paul Knight were chosen a Committee to petition the Legislature "to grant to the town of Calais the public lands reserved in said town."
p. 52
At the annual meeting, held April 6th [1812], Shubael Downes was chosen Moderator; Joseph Whitney, Clerk; Jones Dyer, Treasurer; Shubael Downes, Jones Dyer and Jarius Keene, Selectmen; Samuel Darling, Jones Dyer, Jr., Paul Knight, Francis Pettigrove and Jarius Keene, School Committee.
pp. 56-57
By 1818, the direful results of the War had nearly passed away; and a brighter, better age began to dawn. Two able, energetic citizens, Col. Joseph Whitney and Hon. Geo. Downes, the latter a lawyer and a new comer, began to be prominent men, and to give a more hopeful aspect to public affairs.
p. 74
In 1856, the Calais society bought the Baptist Church on Main street, paying $2800; and took possession the first day of April. A revival ensued, and a large number joined the Church. Since then, the following gentlemen have occupied the pulpits in Calais or Milltown:--Revs. N. Whitney, C. M. Freeman, Joel A. Steele, G. D. Strout, Seldon Wentworth, S. H. Beal, E. M. Fowler, B. M. Mitchell, Frank Strout, T. B. Tupper, T. P. Abel, A. B. Townsend, and C. L. Haskell.
p. 97
ORPHAN FRIENDS LODGE,--ST. STEPHEN, was instituted Oct. 26th, 1809, by virtue of a warrant issued to Samuel Darling , Ebenezer Bugbee, and Thaddeus Ames, by Sir John Wentworth, Baronet, of Halifax, D. G. Master of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia. Among the prominent members of this Lodge were William Todd, Sr., Jacob Young, Shubael Downes, Joseph Whitney, John Cottrell, Daniel Whitney, Jonathan Rogers, Samuel Stuart and others; and managed by such men, the institution, for a time, enjoyed great prosperity. But by the death or removal of many of its most active and reliable members, the Lodge at last became so reduced that about 1822, resigned its charter and ceased to exist.
p. 98
On the downfall of Sussex Lodge in 1822, the Masons in Calais felt it to be their privilege and duty to start a Lodge on the American side of the river. Accordingly after mature deliberation, a petition for a Charter was sent to the Grand Lodge. The petitioners were
Joseph Whitney, Charles Spring, Thodore Jones, Isaac Lane, Asa A. Pond, Samuel Darling, Ebenezer Reading, Rufus K. Lane, William Goodwin, John Brewer, William Smith, Lorenzo Rockwood, David Duren, John Hall.
p. 123
In April, 1836, Henry P. Pratt, Mary W. Lambe and Sophia Whitney were added to the [Unitarian] Church; and in the following August, Abba C. Pilsbury.
pp. 146-147
... in March, 1820, he [Rev. Duncan M'Coll] delivered in St. Stephen, another discourse against Universalism, in which he asserts that Universalists "are sprading books and leading people astray." To whom he alludes, is not known; but among them were probably Maj. E. Reading, Col. J. Whitney, James Brown Esq., and others.
p. 148
In September, 1827, Rev. Lafayette Mace came to Calais and preaches six weeks. He was introduced to the people by Col. Joseph Whitney, who at the time appears to have been greatly interested in Liberal Christianity.
p. 150
In the early part of 1836, he [Rev. William S. Clark] organized a Universalist Society in Milltown, composed of some of the oldest and best families on each side of the river. The records are lost, but the following persons are rememberd as a portion of the members: Mr. and Mrs. Joel Whitney, Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus Ames, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lovejoy, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Lowell, and Horace Hamilton.
pp. 151-152
The next year, the Society built a small but pleasant meeting-house in Milltown, N. B. .... It was dedicated, Sept. 28, 1841. .... The members so far as now is recollected, were Mr. and Mrs. Joel Whitney, Mr. and Mrs. Joel Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Abner Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Haycock, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Harmon, Mr. James Bagley, and Mrs. Seth Todd.
pp. 154-155
The records of the Church having been consumed with the meetnig-house, and its organization lost, at the request of the pastor, a reorganization was effected in the Spring of 1859. The persons that affiliated were Wm. Duren, Benj. Young, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Harmon, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Todd, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Whitney, Mrs. Robert Todd, Mrs. Sophia Sawyer, Mrs. Steht M. Todd, Mrs. John Dutch, Mrs. Sarah Lowell, and Miss Laura Hill.
p. 186
In 1826 and 7, Capt. Emerson built for Joseph Whitney, A. Pond, Jones, Pike and Whipple, at Middle Landing, now Union Village, the Lafayette mills. They went into operation in the Spring of 1827.
p. 203
JAPHET, of Machias had the following children: Samuel; Abner; Stephen; Mrs. Doudell; Mrs. Keziah McAllilster, John; Mrs. Susan Christie, James; Mrs. Priscilla Pineo; Mrs. Stone; Mrs. Smith.
Grandchildren:--by Samuel: Amos; Mrs. Rebecca Reading, Ebenezer; Mrs. Lydia Burnham, and Smith, John; Mrs. Rice; Stephen; Jasper; Alvin; James;--by Abner who married Polly Whitney: Geo. S. Hon.; Mrs. Mary Bixby, John; Joel; Abner; Daniel; Mrs. Clarissa Todd, Wm.; John; Horatio N.;--by Stephen: George; Stephen; Mrs. Betsey Frost, Oliver; Samuel; Joshua; Ann, d.
p. 205
WILLIAM, came from New Boston, N. H.; settled in St. David in 1784. Children:--Robert; William; John; Goerg; Tristam; Mrs. Betsy Bunting; Mrs. Hannah Connick; Mrs. Robert Hitchings; Mrs. Anna Whitney. Grandchildren:--by Robert: Jesse; Robert; Henry; Jones; and Willam;--by William: Gilman; Thomas; Stephen; J. Alexander, Mrs. Hitchings; Mrs. Brown;--by John: Whittier D.; Josephus; George; William; Josiah; Ann; Mrs. mary Garcelon; Asceneth; Mrs. Caroline Buchanan; Mrs. Mary Ann Thompson; Mrs. M. Campbell;--by Tristam: Mrs. Eliza Peaks; Nelson; Cyrus; Mrs. Myra McAllister; J. Warren; Mrs. Alice Wharf; Justin; Simon C.; Horatio N.; Mrs. Emily Williams; Mrs. Hannah Moore; Mrs. Mary Earle.
p. 208
JOEL, lived and died in Jonesboro. Children: Mrs. Hannah Knight, Paul; Mrs. Mary Hill, Abner; Daniel; Joel; Joseph; Ephraim; Paul. Grandchildren:--by Daniel: Harlow, d.; Mrs. Sarah Tyler, L.; John; Mrs. Ann Young, John; Ephraim; Daniel; Robert; Douglas;--by Joel, who married Anna Moore: Washington, d.; Mrs. Jane Todd, Seth M.; Mrs. Hannah Harmon, Daniel; Joseph; Mrs. Haycock, Warren; Eliza;--By Ephraim: Mrs. Betsy Hill, Abner; Mrs. Phebe Hill, H. N.; Mrs. Nancy McFarlane, M.; Mrs. Ann Porter, John, d.; Mrs. Sophia Clark, Rev. W. S., d. ; Beriah;--by Paul: Mrs. Cordelia Peabody, Charles; Elizabeth; Reuben; John; Harrison.
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