Archive:Cheshire CRO, Mary Whitney, 1617
Archives > Archive:Probate Records > Archive:Cheshire, England, Probate Records > Cheshire CRO, Mary Whitney, 1617
Inventory of Mary Whitney, 25 November 1617
[The first two paragraphs are in Latin & not yet transcribed or translated.]
Imprimis This accomptant saith that he hath satisfied and paid unto Jane Massy which he had formerly lent? to paye and defraye the Charges of ye fun(er)all of Mr Robert Whytney deceased whereof ye allowance ye sume of £27
Itm paid by this accomptant to Hugh Massie for ye one halfe of Mr Robert Whitney his goods which amounted to £139 13s 4d ye one halfe whereof is £69 6s 8d and that he consented to take by agreemente the sume of £50
Itm paid for ye fun(er)alls and other charges for the foresaid Mistress Mary Whitney deceased as by a note of p(ar)ticulers app(ear)eth ye sume of £18 7s 8d
Itm paid for ye one halfe Commission out of ye ye sume of 15s
Itm paid for of adm(inistra)cion of ye goods of ye said deceadent & other Charges about ye sume of 22s 8d
Itm paid John Bowd? in full for his wage ye sume of 7s 6d
Itm paid Margery Davies in full for her wages ye sume of 5s
Itm to John Shrimpton? in full for his sonnes wages ye sume of 5s
Itm paid to Widdo Rutter which was owing to her 6s 6d
Itm for a coppie of a recognizance and charges of his accomptant att Chester ye sume of 4s 10d
Itm for a calfe to ye vicar of Acton ye sume of 10s
Itm paid to Jane Massie w(i)ch laid outin ye of Mistress Whitney aforesaid deceased ye sume of £13
Itm paid Mr Newall for puttinge in ye of Mr Hugh Massie his accomptant at ye of Margery and spent? at Chester 30s
Itm paid Mr Grosvenor? for ye ware being formerly due by Mr Whtney 22s
Itm paid Mr Barker a dyer at Namptwich ye sume of 5s
Itm paid Widowe Whitney in full satisfaction of a bill ye sume of 40s
Itm paid Hugh Hamnett for a weavinge of linnen cloth 5s
Itm to pd Vicar of Acton for a yeares rent for hempe? ye sume of 20s
Itm paid a debt due to Edward Massie being ye sume of 14s
paid to Wolly in full satisfaction of ye Wages 7s
Itm paid to Mr James Brooke of Draighton? a debt due to him by bond ye sume of 13s 6d
Itm paid to Mr John Slade? in full satisfaction of an obligation ye sume of £3?
Itm paid and by his accomptant in travellinge to Chester about the business of ye foresaid deceadent 3s? 4d
Itm paid Ellen Gandie in full satisfaction of her wages ye summe of 5s
Itm his accomptant do of ye husbandrie ware belonging to the foresaid deceadent which came inti his accomptants hande but was by arrangement delivered? to Mr Hugh Whitney which husbandrie ware accordinge to husbandrie aforesaid ye sume of 40s
Itm his accomptant doth not charge himself with the wearing app(ar)ell of the foresaid Marie Whitney deceased which came not to his accomptants hande but was otherwise disposed by Commission(er)s being ye sume of £5
Itm his accomptant doth not charge himselfe with the linnen and pewter of ye said decedent because the same came not to his accomptants hande but was by agreement delivered to Jane Massie grandchilde of ye decedent extending to ye sume of 40s
Itm paid a debt due unto ye executors of Mr Will(ia)m Lowther late Alderman of Chester deceased the sume of 26s 8d
Itm paid for drawinge up these accompts 3s 4d for fees 2s ffor exhibitinge of ye same 4d for Acquittance or off 14s and for ye copie of ye accompts
2s in tote 21s 8d
Itm disbursed and spent by this accomptant in travelling to Chester in ye saide
of acquittance ye sume of 5s
Suma £116 13s Suma £135 7s 4d Exposit £18 14s 4d
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