Archive:Westminster Probate Records

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Archives > Archive:Probate Records > Westminster Probate Records

Wills and Administrations

Dean and Chapter of Westminster, Royal Peculiar Court

Source: Account Books, v. 1-5 1566-1666, FHL film 94507

Gartrude Whitney

Volume 3, page 4 (1610)
Act of Gartrude Whitney, 1610.jpg

[Attempt by Robert Ward]:

Ms Gartrude  Decimo Quinto Die mensis Decembris anno Dict.    } Westmr.
  Whitney    1610 emat Cr[ ]iso Thomae Roberts De Westmr.     }
    I.       vir creditoris Gartrude Whitney nuper de eodem   }        
             vidue defunct ad ad[  ] Come &c. dci. defunct    } Blasn.
             prims de Cemr &c. ac de excr Jurr et rellend[ ]  } Jun exetn }
             prinpum. &c. jurat.                              }

[Attempt by Robert Ward]:

Mrs. Gartrude  On the fifteenth day of the month of December of the year called } Westminster
  Whitney      1610 [                       ] Thomas Roberts of Westminster     }
    I.         a creditor of Gartrude Whitney late of the same                  }
               widow deceased at [       ] etc. [   ] deceased                  } [      ]
               [          ] etc. [ ] of executor sworn and [      ]             } [             ]
               [        ] etc. sworn.                                          }

Johannis Bray

Volume 3, page 26 (1615)
Act of Johannis Bray, 1615.jpg

[Attempt by Robert Ward]:

    T. Johannis  Probatum fuit Testamentum Johis. Braye            }  Westmr.
       Braye.    nuper de westmr. Taylor defunct Septo die         }
          I.     mensis decembris Anno dni. 1615 Coram             }
                 mro. Edmundo Cope legid. dcore. surr. &c.         }  Blasn.
                 Jurabis. Thome Whitney et Marie eius uxor         }  Jun. extn.
                 executor &c quibus &c prins. de bene pera ac       }
                 de exdo. Jurenn. &c et peddenl. comper. &c. jurat }
The testament of John Braye, late of Westminster, taylor, deceased was proved on the seventh day of the month of December, year of our lord 1615, in the presence of Master Edmund Cope, doctor of law, surrogate, etc., were sworn Thomas Whitney and Mary his wife executor and so forth [ . . . ].

Thomas Whitney

Volume 3, page 63 (1621)
Act of Thomas Whitney, 1621.jpg

Thomas Whitney [Jr.]

Volume 4, page 48 (1637)
Act of Thomas Whitney (Jr), 1637.jpg

Thomas Whitney [Sr.]

Volume 4, page 49 (1637)
Act of Thomas Whitney (Sr), 1637.jpg
[Attempt by Robert Ward]:
                      Vicesimo secundo die mensis predict. ex            }
                      per ventem. virum Thomam Eden legis                }
                      dcrrem. commium. &c. Comissa fuit Adm.             }
                      omni. et singlar. bonos imcin. Credt. et           }
     Thomas Whittney  Cattallos Thoma Whitney nuper dum                  }
        Adrs:         vixit paros Sta. Margareta Cits.                   } Jurin. extn.
     I.               Westmin. ubintestat. (ut dicitur) defunct          } ccxxxijo 
                      Francisco Whittny et Robto Whittney filii          } remprentari
      same name       nrulibu. et ltimi. de defti. quebus comissi        }
        fo. 48.       fuit Adm. &c. de benes. per salve inre [          ]} Ant. No. 31
On the 22d day of the month aforesaid by the venerable Thomas Eden, Doctor of law, the Commissary &c. administration was granted of all and singular the goods, rights credits and chattels of Thomas Whitney, late while he lived of the parish of St. Margaret in the City of Westminster, deceased, as is said, intestate, to Francis Whitney and Robert Whitney, natural and legitimate sons of the deceased, to whom administration &c.

Francis Whitney

Volume 4, page 132 (1637)
Act of Frances Whitney, 1637.jpg
[Attempt by Robert Ward]:
                     Decimo tertio die mensis pred. coram      }
                     discreto viro mr. Roulando fenings olica  }
                     Jurro. & Probatum approbatum et insinua=  }
[Fr]ancisci whitney  tum fuit testatum. Francisci Whitney nup. }
     Testntum.       citi. wesm. defc. per Elizabetham whitney } Jum. extum
                     relctm. et Exrem. in dco. hstnto. noiat.  }
         I.          Cni. Comissn. fuit Adto. [ ]e de bene &   }
                     m. debita ma[ ] forma prins inrat per     }
                     Adno inre Cnnisonn[ ]                     }
[Attempt by Robert Ward]:
Francis Whitney, Will. On the 13th day of the above month personally appeared the [ ] man Mr. Rouland Fenings [ ] [ ] and proved, approved, and entered was the will of Francis Whitney late of the City of Westminster deceased, by Elizabeth Whitney widow and executrix in the said [ ] [ ] commissary was made administrator of the goods and [ ] debts [ ]

Copyright © 2006, Robert L. Ward, Tim Doyle, and the Whitney Research Group.