Mailing List:2003-01-23 01, DNA, SLC, SAR, etc., by Ron Kyser

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Mailing List Archives > 2003-01-23 01, DNA, SLC, SAR, etc., by Ron Kyser

From: R R Kyser <sorryken -at-> Subject: [WHITNEY-L] DNA, SLC, SAR, etc. Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2003 01:03:51 -0600 Those involved or interested in the DNA project might want to read Carl Elliott's article "Adventures in the Gene Pool" in the current issue of The Wilson Quarterly: <a href=""></a> It's not online (yet), but a big bookstore or library should have it. It's $6, $8 in Canada. Did we actually come down in favor of Salt Lake City for the next reunion? I thought the tide was turning against that as the library would be too much of a distraction-- no one would come to the events. I'd still like to nominate New Haven... Speaking of reunions, I want to thank WRG again for the gift of the Thompson Ashby book on the Brunswick church. However, since Maine is just about the only state north and east of Churchill Downs in which I've found no ancestors, I thought it best to find it a home where those in search of Brunswegians (or whatever) could make use of it. Well, the Minnesota Historical Society didn't want it and the Wisconsin State Historical Society already had it (typical for both), so I took it along on a December trip to the Sons of the American Revolution library in Louisville, where it was warmly received. It hasn't been catalogued yet, but you can look for it on their library pages: <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a> I also got a private tour of Churchill Downs, but stupidly forgot to ask about the Whitneys' record there. Anyone familiar with it? Cheers, Ron Kyser

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