Archive:Who Was Who in America

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Marquis Who's Who, Who Was Who in America. (Chicago, IL: Marquis Who's Who LLC, 1966-present).

Vol. X (1989-1993).

[p. 385]

WHITNEY, CORNELIUS VANDERBILT, corporate executive; b. N.Y.C., Feb. 20, 1899 m. Marie Louise Hosford, Jan.24, 1958; 5 children. B A Yale U., 1922; Degree in Aero. Sci. (hon.), Embry-Riddle Aero U., 1978; L.H.D. (hon.), U. Fla., Gainesville, 1983. Founder Pan Am. Airways, 1927, chmn. bd. until 1941; founder Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting Co., 1928, chmn. bd., until 1964, dir., until 1974; pres. Whitney Industries, Inc., 1931-89; founder Marineland of Fla. Inc., 1937, chmn. bd., until 1914; asst. sec. USAAF, 1947-49; undersec. commerce, 1949-50, spl. envoy of Pres. to, Eng., Luxembourg, Italy, Spain, 1950; rep. of Pres. at funeral of King Frederick of Denmark, Jan. 1972; Dir. Churchill Downs. Co-producer motion pic- tures: Gone with the Wind, Rebecca, A Star Is Born, 1930-85; Author: autobiography Lone and Levels Sands, Live a Year With a Millionaire. High Peaks, The Owl Hoots Again, First Flights. Bd. dirs. Saratoga Performing Arts Ctr., Nat. Mus. of Dance; past trustee Whitney Mus. Am. Art, Am. Mus. Natural History; founder Whitney Gallery of Western Art, Cody, Wyo., 1958, dir., 1958-92; founder Nat. Mus. of Racing, Saratoga, N.Y., 1950; dir. emeritus Buffalo Bill Hist. Found., Cody, Wyo.; past mem. Ky. Gov.'s Econ. Commn. Gov. Rockefeller's adv. com. on the future of the Adirondack region. Served to 2d It., A.C. U.S. Army, World War I; to col. USAAF, 1941-46. Decorated D.S.M., Legion of Merit with 2 battle stars; Breeder of the Yr. award N.Y. Turf Writers, 1960; spl. racing award 1985; Man of the Yr., Thoroughbred Club Am., 1966; rec. Eclipse award, 1985. Clubs: Angler (N.Y.C.), River (N.Y.C.), Brook (N.Y.C.), Jockey (N.Y.C.), Turf and Field (N.Y.C.). Home: Saratoga Springs N.Y. Died 1992. †

WHITNEY, HASSLER, mathematician; b. N.Y.C., Mar. 23, 1907; s. Edward Baldwin and A. Josepha (Newcomb) W.; m. Margaret R. Howell, May 30, 1930; children: James Newcomb, Carol, Marian; m. Mary Barnett Garfield, Jan. 16, 1955; children: Sarah Newcomb, Emily Baldwin; m. Barbara Floyd Osterman, Feb. 8, 1986. PhB, Yale U., 1928, MusB, 1929, ScD (hon.), 1947; PhD, Harvard U., 1932. Instr. math. Harvard U., Cambridge, Mass., 1930-31, 33-35, NRC

[p. 386]

fellow math., 1931-33, asst. prof., 1935-40, assoc. prof., l940-46, prof., 1946-52; prof. Inst. Advanced Study, Princeton, N.J., 1952-77, prof. emeritus, 1977-89; chmn. math. panel NSF, 1953-56; exchange prof., France, 1951-52; Fuibright exchange prof. Coll. de France, 1957; mem. com. support of research in math. scis. NRC, l966-67; pres. Internat. Commn. Math. Instrn., 1979-82; research math. Nat. Def. Research Com., 1943-45; cons. sch. math. Recipient Nat. Medal of Sci., 1976, Wolf prize Wolf Found., 1983. Mem. NAS, Am. Math. Soc. (Colloquium lectr. 1946, v.p. 1941-50, editor Am. Jour. Math. 1944-49, editor Math. Revs. 1949-54, chmn. com. vis. lectureship 1946-51, com. summer insts. 1953-54, Steele prize 1985), Math. Assn. Am., Nat. Council Tchrs. Math., Swiss Math. Soc. (hon.), Am. Philos. Soc., London Math. Sci. (hon.), Academie des Scis. (fgn. as- soc.), N.Y. Acad. of Scis. Club: Am. Alpine (N.Y.C.). Home: Princeton N.J. Died May 10, 1989; buried Mont Dents Blanches, Switzerland.

Note: His ancestry: Hassler10 Whitney (Edward Baldwin9 Whitney, William Dwight8, Josiah Dwight7, Abel6 Jr., Aaron5, Moses4, Moses3, Richard2, John1).

WHITNEY, WILLIAM KUEBLER, artist; b. New Orleans, July 6, 1921; s. Percy Macklin and Elizabeth (Kuebler) W.; m. Charlotte Armide Lamm; children: Charlene, Alice. B.F.A., Cranbrook Acad. Art, 1949, M.F.A., 1958. Owner, mgr. Whitney Silver Shop, Birmingham, Mich., 1950-58; from instr. to assoc. prof. art Olivet Coll., Mich., 1959-63, prof. 1973-79. Exhbns. include: Corcoran Biennial Am. Art, 1945; Octagon House, Washington, 1972; Detroit Inst. Art, 1949; one- man show: MeNeese State CoIl., 1984, Battle Creek Sister City exhbn., Takasaki, Japan, 1984. Served to with U.S. Army, 1942-45, PTO. Recipient Bronze medal for Still Life Soc. Washington Artists, 1942; Merit award Mich. Acad. Sci. Arts and Letters, Ann Arbor, 1950. Mem. Mich. Soc. Archtl. Historians, Battle Creek Artists Guild, AAUP., Eaton Art League (v.p. 1984). Avocations: photography. Died Oct. 7, 1915; buried Olivet (Mich.) Cemetery. Home: Olivet Mich.

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